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But the problem is that several of them cannot join forces, because even if they join forces to slay Gongzulu and Qian Yuxin, they will still kill each other in order to fight for Emperor Liquid.

Gong Zulu also sees through the mentality of these practitioners before he can make such a move.

Looking down at the seven helpless cultivators, such as the bamboo fiber core, Gongzulu is undoubtedly unpleasant to the extreme, this time the cultivator who slain his purple pupil mutated Honghuang Behemoth, the other ones, or were mutated The great wild beasts killed, or they killed each other.

The last few remaining people could only watch their puppets and plunder all the emperor liquid existing in the mountain before them.

He expected that the hearts of the people below must have been broken into pieces. What he wanted was such an effect!

Before thinking about it, these cultivators madly slaughtered the purple pupil mutant wild beasts, letting themselves succeed and fail, Gongzulu would wish to frustrate them.

"Huh, when you hunted my purple pupil mutant wild beast before, it was not very good? Why is it not now?"

Gongzulu's cold voice came down from the sky, vast and cold.

The bamboo fiber core and others below are a bit bitter in their hearts, and the entire mountain is faintly covered with golden awns, which is how much emperor liquid.

But now, they can only watch the black skeleton and rush up the mountain to find the emperor liquid.

The eyes of everyone looked at the ancestral ancestor of the giant spirit god, and then looked at Qian Yuxin, who was already on the mountainside, looking for Emperor Liquid, and the big man with a giant axe could not bear it anymore. Lived, immediately shouted: "So many emperor liquid, also want to swallow alone, not afraid to die!"

During the talk, the giant axe in his hand was already thrown out toward Qian Yuxin on the mountainside, and the giant axe instantly became hundreds of feet wide, and turned into a huge cold mountain in the air. A pot of flowers in human eyes, with a monstrous murderous intention, slashed hard at Qian Yuxin.

However, at the next moment, Gongzulu suddenly explored the big hand and grabbed the giant axe at an indescribable speed. He instantly grabbed the giant axe in his hand and then held the giant axe. That giant axe.

The giant axe was shocked, and his body more than two feet tall flashed at a rapid speed.


The giant axe was chopped to the ground, directly chopping the ground into a huge fissure with a depth of more than ten feet.

"Little ants, want to make waves?"

When an axe fell, the ancestors had not finished, he directly lifted a huge foot, and stepped **** the giant axe, and he was fierce, and the foot reached more than ten feet, and the pressure on the foot showed through. Even more, the surrounding air is forced to float, forming a circle of ripples.

"damn it!"

The giant axe is very stubborn, and Gongzulu actually stepped on him directly with his feet. This is a kind of shame and humiliation. It is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

He did not dare to be indifferent. He flashed once again at a rapid speed, and looked embarrassed to the extreme. Gongzulu stepped on the ground, and the whole earth shook with a sudden flurry.


Gongzulu's condescending overlook of the giant axe and the big man, his face full of disdain: "I am the master of this gathering, if anyone wants to make waves, the end is like this axe!"

He squeezed **** the giant axe.


There was a loud noise.

The merged giant axe suddenly burst into a piece of sky.

this is……

Looking at the falling sky axe fragments, the bamboo fiber core and the others below were all completely stunned, and there was a huge wave rolling in my heart.

The giant axe of the great axe is definitely a top-grade mortal weapon. Its rigidity is completely imaginable.

However, in the hands of Gongzulu, he was easily crushed like tofu.

Such a scene is almost unreal as a dream!

"I ... am I blinded?"

Linger beside the bamboo fiber core, water spirit eyes, blinked hard, and there was a deep shock on the beautiful and lovely face.

"Without dazzling, this person really smashed a giant axe easily."

The bamboo fiber core around her, the tempting ruddy mouth, and the stunned open mouth, the two big seats with super scales on her chest, a violent ups and downs, her beautiful face, and her face full of horror, murmured Mumbled: "How do I feel this person is really a god?"

The eyes on the faces of the stunned birds underneath, swept away slowly, and Gong Zulu was quite satisfied with their reactions.

With just one hand, these people were completely bluffed. This is the effect he wanted.

However, he is very clear that he is not so powerful that he can crush a top-grade sacristy.

If this can be achieved, let alone replace Qian Qiushui and Luo Feng, the ranking on the guard list, even if they challenge the Qing Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, there is a certain degree of victory.

In fact, he performed the technique of Yin and Yang. Before grasping the battle axe, he infused the soul of Yin and Yang into the battle axe.

The soul of Yin and Yang is divided into five elements, namely gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Only in this way can the power of Yin and Yang exist between heaven and earth.

And the soul of Yin and Yang that Gongzulu injected into the battle axe is Lihuo Soul.

In other words, in fact, the inside of the battle axe has long been melted by the soul of fire, and there is only one shell left. Naturally, Gongzulu can easily crush it.

However, after the fire soul melts the inside of the battle axe, it is also injured. Under normal circumstances, the onmyoji will not use the five elements after the yin and yang, and will only use them to gather the power of yin and yang between heaven and earth. .

However, Gongzulu apparently still had some concerns in mind. Seven cultivators, such as the bamboo fiber core, would really work together to deal with themselves, so this did not hesitate to hurt the fire soul and made a trick to crush the battle axe.

Obviously, his move had the effect he wanted, and the seven bamboo cores were completely bluffed.

Seeing these seven people, it would be completely stupid there, and Gongzulu was also secretly overjoyed, completely destroying the confidence of these people, and then, when they were killed, they would be much easier.

In battle, the desire to win is often very important!

Gong Zulu didn't want to let these people go easily. The reason why they haven't dealt with them now is to let them see Qian Yuxin's emperor liquid here and swallow them to drive them crazy, which is also A kind of torture on their hearts.

I saw Gongzulu's battle axe of the giant axe and the big man, easily crushed, and at the same time shocked to the extreme, it was a cold heart.

Especially for the giant axe, the whole person was like a thunderous ground, and there was a stupid startle there, and the rescue was impossible to recover.

"I have heard that the guards of the Kyushu Holy See are powerful. Who thought that it was so powerful?"

The middle-aged man in a green robe couldn't help sighing.

In fact, they were completely bluffed, and for a time they lost their clear thinking, otherwise they would easily think of it, there must be a greasy one, and it is easy to crush a top-grade sacrificial object. Only when it reaches the height of the half saint To.

The name of the Kyushu Holy See, no matter how loud it is, no matter how strong the members are, it is impossible to jump out of the pinnacle of guardianship, that is, the existence of the semi-holy level, which is completely inconsistent with the actual situation of the cultivation field of the Hongmeng era.

"Lying trough, this bastard, it really is the rebirth of the giant spirit, then we have a hair!"

The giant axe and the big man came back and shouted, his confidence had been completely destroyed, but his body flicked into a residual image and fled here quickly.



A huge **** hand was faster than him. The **** mane burst into a flash, instantly grabbing the giant axe and grabbing him back.

"If you want to escape, it's not that easy. You slaughtered all the purple pupil mutant wild beasts that existed here. Do you know how badly it hurt me? Want to go away like this? Dream!"

Gongzulu drank coldly, shaking the clouds above the sky.

After being caught again by a **** hand, the giant axe collapsed, his legs fell to his knees on the ground, his face pale, and there was already a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

The five other practitioners, such as the bamboo fiber core and Ling'er, were all pale, and their hearts were extremely bitter.

These people, they can stick to the last from the extremely fierce fighting, which is enough to show that their strength, at the fourth floor of this **** and demon cemetery, has already stood at the peak.

However, what is heartbreaking is that in the face of the powerful and mysterious ancestor-like ancestors, they have a sense of becoming ants, and life and death are firmly controlled by the ancestors.

Now, not only is there no hope of competing for Emperor Liquid, but even life and death are controlled by others.

They are already desperate!

Gongzulu lifted that huge head slightly, and there was a little arrogance on his face. At this moment, his mood was contradictory, extremely angry, and at the same time pleasant.

The desperate expressions of these cultivators made him happy. When he thought about the scene of their slaughter of purple pupils and mutant wild beasts, they wanted to strangle them alive.

He looked away from the faces of several cultivators as he watched the ants, and Gongzulu turned his gaze, looking slowly at Qian Yuxin, who was looking for Emperor Liquid, and a pleasant light smile appeared on his face. "This time, it's really cheaper, Qian Yuxin. With so many emperor liquids, at least he can make his cultivation practice, and it is possible to break through to the later period of the five emperors of the Dao Dao, and even the six realms of the Dao Dao ...

"It's quite beautiful to have a loyal servant with six emperors and six realms around him. Hundreds of yin and yang souls were destroyed by these gangsters, but yin and yang got such a powerful servant by mistake. Come, God is fair, let you lose something, but will repay you from another aspect! "

Obviously, at this moment, the anger of Gongzulu disappeared unconsciously, and it was replaced with a lot of joy.

If he had a chance in the future, he would raise his own Yin and Yang art again, and after leaving Qian Yushui with Qian Yuxin, even if he challenged Qian Qiushui or Luo Feng, he would have the confidence to win.


next moment.

The pleasant faint smile on his face was suddenly frozen!

I saw that in his sight, a huge golden awn suddenly passed over the top of his head, passing by, bursting on the mountain peak, looking for Qian Yuxin of Emperor Liquid.

It was a huge giant palm print, golden and radiant, like gold casting.

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