The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1870: Bronze Mother Ding

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"These Emperor Liquids are all from Qian Yuxin!"

Qian Yuxin grabbed the bronze mother tripod and rushed towards the mountain ahead.

However, he hasn't rushed out of Baizhangyuan, and a huge white mang came suddenly from the left, hitting Qian Yuxin all at once. The power of Bai Mang was so surprising that he directly hit Qian Yuxin. He had to roll out and fly out.

On the left side of him about a hundred feet, Huo Ran appeared a snow-white sparrow. However, because the gene has been mutated, the figure of this sparrow is really amazing. The wings stretched out to the top, and Qian Yuxin was a fly Knock.

This is the biggest sparrow in this world!

"Damn little sparrow, see me immortal you!"

Qian Yuxin roared, very suffocated.

However, the snow-white sparrow in front seemed to be able to understand the language of human beings, and suddenly turned his huge head back in disdain.

Although it does not speak human language, its meaning at this moment is very obvious, that is: Do you think I am small?

Such a scene really makes people cry and laugh.

After Qian Yuxin roared, he carried his bronze mother tripod into a black awn and quickly killed the white sparrow.

What made him a little bit broken was that he had just started, and the tail of a huge **** python rolled from nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, he was wrapped in death.

"Click!" "Click" ...

The power of the huge blood python's tail is so great that the skeleton of Qian Yuxin's whole body is almost rolled up and shattered.

Seeing that he was caught, those mutant wild beasts that had just spread out rushed over in an instant.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

Suddenly, claws, fists, mouths, flying wings, headless to Qian Yuxin all at once, and Qian Yuxin's bones and heads were all half into the skeleton.

However, this Qian Yuxin still did not fall apart. After a while, it broke out completely. The skeleton hand directly inserted the body of the **** python, and struggling to stir it, the **** python broke into Two pieces, and Qian Yuxin also took the opportunity to break free from his shackles.

"All die to me!"

Qian Yuxin thought that he had become a skeleton, he had doubled his strength directly, and he also had a bronze mother tripod. Having already been able to easily, he rushed to the mountain that was faintly covered with golden mansions, and put the emperor liquid there All are in the bag.

However, from the current situation, he still seems to underestimate the strength of these mutant wild beasts, and things are obviously not as easy as he thought.

He held the bronze mother tripod, struggling for a lap. Those mutant wild beasts that besieged him, knowing the power of this bronze mother tripod, and quickly spread out again. Several of them could not escape. Seriously injured.

There are one or two with relatively low strength, who were directly smashed and killed.

A bronze mother tripod smashed these mutated wild beasts away, and Qian Yuxin, without any delay, unfolded at a rapid speed and rushed towards the faintly glowing mountain.

It's just a pity that the scene is still the same as before. He has just started, and the white sparrow is instigating the wide flying wing. With a sound, the fan has come over from Baizhang, and the flying wing will fan him out thousands of feet.

"Damn little sparrow, my Qian Yuxin vows to slaughter you today!"

If Qian Yuxin had a heart, he was afraid that it had been crushed and shattered into pieces, and the bronze female tripod in his hand was suddenly thrown away, smashing towards the white sparrow.

However, the response of the white sparrow was extremely sensitive. Qian Yuxin had just thrown away the bronze female tripod, and it was struggling to fan the wide flying wing into a white awn, and in the blink of an eye, it was The blast swept a thousand feet away.


The bronze mother tripod was printed on the ground, the ground moved and the mountain was shaken, and the ground was printed with a large crater of tens of feet deep.

"This black skull is indeed a bit fierce, so many mutant wild beasts besieging him, it is still difficult to kill him."

Tens of thousands of miles away, Qin Yi used Qiangxin ’s powerful spiritual power to combine the battle scenes of Qian Yuxin and the mutated Honghuang giant beasts, and he could not help but sigh: “Especially the bronze mother, do n’t know What magic weapon seems to contain ancient divine power. "

"Contains ancient divine power?"

Yan Meiniang frowned slightly and touched her forehead: "Is it an artifact left over from ancient times?"

"An artifact left over from ancient times?"

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and all the others present, could not help but brighten his eyes.

Qin Yi said: "Speaking of ancient artifacts, the bronze female tripod with black skulls is indeed somewhat like an ancient artifact, that is Shennong tripod."

Folks have been circulating the legends of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors in ancient times. Among them, Shennong Ding is the artifact of Shennong Emperor.

It was entirely possible that the Shennong Ding fell and the Shennong Ding came out of the last World War.

Thinking of Shennong Ding, the great emperor of Shennong, all the people present, the blood in the body could not help but slowly boiled, his eyes became fiery, and his breathing was heavy.

Even the Dugumen, and the sharp face, were obviously passing by a frenzy.

If Shennong Ding was really born, I'm afraid it would shock the world!

"This is nothing but a guess. Although the Shennong Ding of Shennong Emperor may be passed down, this possibility is actually very small. After all, the last World Extermination War was too tragic. Far away. "

It was still Yan Mei Niang who was most calm, and soon recovered, and shook his head helplessly: "Don't be illusory anymore, put your mind on the situation under your eyes."

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and others all laughed at themselves. Indeed, the artifact of Shennong Emperor, how could it be so easy to say that he was born, was thinking too much.

Pulling his mind back to the current Qin Yi, he continued to pay attention to the situation of tens of thousands of miles away with Qianli, Qian Yuxin and the mutant wild beast group fighting wildly, paused, and said with a smile: "Obviously this black Skeleton, it helped us a great deal invisibly, let him fight well with those mutant wild beasts, let's do that cardinal again ...

"Moreover, their fighting movements are so great that other cultivators will soon find out that when they find that someone has already taken the first step to the core area of ​​this gathering, they will definitely rush over in desperation. Another crazy fight. "

Qin Yi's spiritual power, in addition to the scene of Qian Yuxin and Honghuang giant beasts, enveloped in, the other practitioners here are also enveloped in.

He can clearly see that so far, there are only thirty or so practitioners left, and they are still killing each other while continually advancing toward the core of this gathering.

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