The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1858: Sneak attack

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In the past two days, they have hunted and killed dozens of purple pupil mutant Honghuang monsters.

Through spiritual power, Qin Yi also noticed the situation of some cultivators, and also knew a thing or two about their strength.

It has to be said that the cultivator who exists on this fourth floor is indeed a higher grade than the cultivator on the third floor. For example, he noticed that a middle-aged man wearing a green robe Strike out, the palm strength quickly condensed into a giant black palm print with a hundred feet wide. This scene is somewhat similar to his "destroying beings" hand.

The power of the black palm print is surprisingly great. It can be photographed on the ground and can leave a giant palm print of more than ten long and deep on the ground. The general mutant wild beasts can't resist five palms. Was completely killed.


It was also on this day that Qin Yi, who was rushing forward at a rapid speed, had a stagnant stature.

"Any special findings?"

Yan Meiniang on the side couldn't help but turn around and said strangely to Qin Yi.

Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou and other people also looked at Qin Yi with confused eyes.

"My spiritual power has already explored the core area of ​​this gathering."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi said lightly, with a faint glow in his eyes.

Until now, his spiritual power only explored the core area of ​​this gathering. How big this gathering is, you can imagine.

"Really, what kind of scene is there?"

Xia Jiuyou raised her delicate little face slightly, her red eyelashes blinked gently, and looked at Qin Yi curiously, and Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, Gong Xi Ge Yu, Du Gu Men, etc. His face looked expectant.

"Like Mei Niang's Lingwu, the picture was taken. There is a mountain with a strange shape. Around the mountain, there are hundreds of mutant wild beasts guarding."

Qin Yi said: "Moreover, the whole mountain peak is faintly covered with a golden awn. The golden awn is extremely light. If you don't look closely, you're afraid it's hard to find."

Wen Yan, Yan Meiniang frowned slightly: "A faint golden awn is faintly revealed. I did not find this in the pictures I took in that Lingwu before.

Immediately, she smiled happily again, and habitually touched her clean and full forehead: "In this way, the core area of ​​this gathering is really a big treasure house, a touch of golden mansions, this is not Do you understand that it is Emperor Liquid? "

Emperor Liquid!

Everyone else on the scene also quickly recovered, and all the faces suddenly appeared with a strong joy.

Even the cold and lonely door that day, at this moment, the blood in the body could not help but boiled slightly.

A whole mountain is full of a faint golden awn, so it is completely conceivable how large the amount of Emperor Liquid is there.

"In this way, although there are no inherited treasures at the core of this gathering, it is far superior to inherited treasures. Just ask, what is the value of the inherited treasures, compared to so many emperor liquids?"

The male Xigeyu in Qingpao looked at Qin Yi and others and smiled lightly: "Although you have set off this **** storm, at the same time, it has also brought to the practitioners a great chance whether they can get it. This opportunity depends on their own abilities. "

However, the voice of Gong Xi Ge Yu just fell, and a cold voice came suddenly from behind everyone, slowly:

"It turns out that there is a considerable amount of imperial liquid in the core area of ​​this gathering. It's interesting. It's right. If you can get this chance, it depends on your own skills."

At the next moment, everyone hadn't had time to look back. Who the **** was this person, a gust of wind, suddenly, swept back from behind him.

"Pappa!" ...

The towering trees around them were broken in a short time, and then broken into pieces of wood chips.

Uh, uh, uh!

Feeling the violent wind behind him, everyone dared not have the slightest neglect, and all of them immediately turned the profound energy in the body into a residual image of Dao, and they quickly rose into the sky.


As soon as the people rushed into the air, they saw a huge white awn, which passed under everyone's feet.

The people were in the air and turned around quickly, and what appeared to them was a man in a green robe with a ruddy face, but his eyes were somewhat old.

The man was holding a white buddha sweeper, standing quietly hundreds of feet away, giving a smell of dust, like a master.

Obviously, this person is Qian Yuxin!

Just before that gust of wind, a piece of white mang, was swept over by the Buddha sweep in his hand. When the Buddha ca n’t attack, it ’s generally the same as the ordinary Buddha, but once it strikes, it will suddenly rise.

All flowers and trees within a radius of five hundred feet were swept by this Buddha and swept to pieces, his power of sweeping can be seen.

"who are you?"

Qin Yi turned his hand over the smoke cloud spear and stepped forward. The look on Junyi's face had become somewhat awe-inspiring, and there was an impeccable momentum throughout his body: "He actually started working with us behind his back. The core area of ​​this gathering has not yet arrived. Among these practitioners, they are going to kill each other. Do you want to devour the core area and the imperial liquid that exists? "

A whole mountain is covered with golden awns. If so many emperor liquids are replaced by any cultivator, they will be crazy!

You should know that if you give those emperor liquid all to a person, let alone enter the fifth floor, even if you have the strength to get out of this sky dungeon cage directly, I am afraid it is all there!

Behind Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou, Ximen Geyu, Dugumen and others also looked at Qian Yuxin in surprise and horror.

They never imagined that with so many masters together, the person in front of them dared to launch a sneak attack on them!

"You are right, killing each other. It's already started. As long as you get the emperor liquid in this core area, you will immediately have the hope of getting out of the world. Ask who is the cultivator trapped in this devil's tomb. Can't you be crazy? However, with my full blow, I didn't make a surprise attack on you, so you are lucky. "

This Qian Yuxin was also an old fox. He saw that the sneak attack had failed, and he did not stay at all for a moment. His figure swayed, turned into a very faint phantom, and swept away towards the back.

With so many masters present, he doesn't swiftly walk away. Is he waiting to be broken?

Facing Qin Yi and other masters, even if Qian Yuxin's strength is strong, it will definitely not be their opponent!

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