The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1851: Bamboo fiber core

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A towering ancient tree that must be surrounded by five adults can suddenly burst from it and then break apart inch by inch.

Among the pieces of wood flakes falling down, only one man in a green robe was seen, and sometime he was standing there quietly.

This person's skin is smooth and rosy, but his eyes look a bit old, unable to judge his true age.

He was tall, standing quietly between the heavens and the earth, completely compatible with the heavens and the earth. There was no slight breath in his body, and he knew that he was a pinnacle powerhouse at a glance.

This person's name is called Qian Yuxin.

"Since the fourth floor of the endless years, it seems that finally it is no longer a pool of backwaters, and there is a little movement."

Qian Yuxin slightly raised his face that could not be judged his actual age, and looked at the Eastern Sky, his eyes flashing slightly.

He has been hiding in the towering ancient tree and practicing silently. He has not heard of the recent popularity of this fourth floor. The news about the existence of treasures in the depths of the ancient forest in the south, he just heard the movement of the outside world.

Hiding in a big tree is equivalent to putting your ears on the ground. The wind and grass move outside, making it easier to detect.

When several meteor-like figures crossed his line of sight and exploded toward the southern sky, Qian Yuxin's eyes slightly condensed: "Sure enough, there is movement, all of the fourth-level practitioners are all If you do n’t have rare treasures, you will never be easily dispatched. "

The next moment, his body shook violently, which also turned into a blue streamer, and swept away toward the southern sky.


Above a cliff, there are several pine trees and several white cranes, either standing on the pine tree, or hovering between the pine trees, surrounded by auspicious clouds and colorful clouds, full of immortality.

On top of that auspicious cloud, there is a jade lotus suspended, the jade lotus is about ten feet wide, and the petals are tender and dripping.

A handsome woman in a white robe cross-legged and meditating with the jade lotus, her eyes lightly and motionless, like a fairy who fell down from the upper realm, and was sacred.

Behind it, there is a circle of golden runes. The golden runes form an ellipse, and they circulate continuously, back and forth, and the golden light flashes.

"Have seen Master!"

A pretty girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, with two ponytails on her head, suddenly appeared on the cliff out of thin air, and paid a shout of worship to the beautiful white-robed woman in the air.

Hearing the call of the pretty girl, the woman in white robe meditating cross-legged on top of the jade lotus opened her light eyes slowly, and her eyes were like jewels and blue.

"Ling'er, let the teacher ask you to go out for inquiry. Have you heard about these days? Is the recent news that caused this fourth floor to be tumbling up? Is it true?"

The voice of the white robe woman passed down from that auspicious cloud rui Cai, slowly and softly, like a natural sound, smelling like a gentle jade hand, gently touching the soul.

However, although this voice is gentle and soft, it obviously contains extremely powerful inner strength of the Emperor's Dao. As if it was uploaded from the nine days, it can be clearly heard within a radius of five hundred miles.

"Returning to Master, Tu'er has gone to investigate, but he has always been real and false, and finally cannot distinguish true from false."

A girl named Ling'er, a little shame appeared on her beautiful face: "It's an incompetent punishment, but also ask Master to punish!"

The woman in the white robe put her slim and delicate hands, and gently waved: "Ling'er, this is not to blame you. All the news here should be true and false, true and false, even if I go to ask, it may not be able to Confirm the truth of this news. "

This white robe woman's name is called bamboo fiber core.

In the world of the Great Desolation, a patriarch named Zhuxuan Pavilion, this Zhuxuan Pavilion is different from the general patriarch. Since the establishment of the school, only one disciple has been recruited in the pavilion, and only female disciples have been recruited.

In other words, there are only two people in the entire Zhuxuan Pavilion, one master and one disciple.

However, it is clear that only one disciple is recruited at a time. The qualification of this disciple is undoubtedly extremely stunning, and it is definitely one of the most talented talents in the world.

After entering the Zhuxuan Pavilion, the Master will fully cultivate the only disciple. After the Master retires, the disciple will be promoted to the Zhuxuan Pavilion Master and recruit another disciple. This is the cycle. This is the original school of Zhuxuan Pavilion. The ancestors, the rules set, have never been broken in the endless years.

Although there are only two people in the upper and lower levels of the Zhuxuan Pavilion, in the world of the Great Desolation, it is quite famous. The Master and the disciples are all one-of-a-kind talents, even if there are only two people. Able to deter the Quartet.

Hundreds of years ago, with the intention of retreating from the heart of the bamboo fiber core, he took the only disciple Linger in the pavilion, broke the seal of the plane from the plane of the great waste, and came to the northern wasteland of the world of the great plane of the Hongmeng and entered this God Demon Cemetery.

The original intention of the bamboo fiber core was to bring Ling'er into here, and sharpen it. However, whoever thought that after entering this **** and demon cemetery, they only found out that this **** and demon cemetery was originally a dungeon cage, and it was easy to come in, However, it is extremely difficult to go out. In the end, you must defeat the guardian beast of this devil and cemetery on the fifth floor before you can go out to the outside world.

If you can't defeat the guardian beast, you will be trapped here forever, which is no different from being directly wiped out.

The bamboo fiber core with spirits is trapped in this sky dungeon cage for hundreds of years. With their own strength, they have now reached the fourth floor. As long as they are on the upper floor, there is only one step away from the outside world. Away.

The bamboo fiber core plate sat on the jade lotus, turned his face slowly, and looked at the distant eastern horizon. The soft and shallow eyebrows like a willow leaf slightly curled and pondered slightly, saying: "No wind and no waves, since this **** and demon cemetery The fourth floor has been full of noise, and many strong practitioners have already dispatched to the ancient forest in the south, which is enough to show that even if there is no inherited treasure, there must be something extraordinary. "

"Master said very much."

Linger nodded in agreement, then paused and said, "Then Master, are we going to leave?"

"The ancient forest that exists with the south is also known to the teacher. When I traveled to the fourth floor for the teacher, I had seen the ancient forest. The surroundings of the ancient forest had strange landforms and air. It contains extremely rich spirits of heaven and earth, and there are a large number of mutated wild beasts in that ancient forest. It is definitely an extraordinary place. If the teacher did not infer the wrong, then someone would use the heavenly tricks to the ancient forest, Shengsheng is arranged into a gathering circle, and the person who arranged this gathering circle is absolutely for a certain purpose. It is impossible for no reason to arrange such a big gathering circle. "

The bamboo fiber core said slowly: "For a long time, I was very curious about the teacher. What was the purpose of the great spiritual practitioner in the ancient times who arranged such a large gathering array? Now, since other strong practitioners They are all swarming toward the Gathering Array that exists in the south, so we might as well take the opportunity to look at what is the core area of ​​that Gathering Array? "

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