The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1848: Good song

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At this time, Yan Meiniang and Gong Xigeyu also slowly opened their eyes and withdrew from the cultivation state. Yan Meiniang said: "On this issue, I have long suspected it, but I don't understand this ten. The seal password of the Fang area, so it has not been easy to speak out. "

"Yeah, it has been unsealed for so long, but the arranged seal password is still small and pitiful."

A look of shame appeared on Qin Yi's face, and he paused and said, "But at the beginning, I tried another method, that is, to treat all the seal passwords as institutions and instill them. It was full of strength, but the result failed. Then I tried to arrange these seals. The first and second layers were indeed opened by me. However, the third layer did not work. I think I do n’t understand. In addition to the organization and the messy code, what other situations exist for the general seal password? "

"In addition to these two situations, there is actually another third situation."

At this time, Gong Xi Ge Yu, who had never spoken, said suddenly.


There is a third situation!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Yan Zhuxin all looked at Gong Xige Yu with confused eyes.

"The third case is the temperament."

Gong Xige Yu said: "Legends, during the ancient times, some practitioners who loved the temperament usually like to inject a period into the power of the seal, and seal something that does not want to reappear in the world."

Gong Xige Yu's remarks were undoubtedly Qin Yi and others, and they saw hope in an instant.

"Yes, our Yan tribe, in addition to a lot of research on many **** tricks, also has a soft spot for singing and dancing. Legend has it that the blood witch ancestor 20,000 years ago was a singing and dancing lover, right, It ’s far more than just a hobby, it ’s a master of composition. ”

Yan Zhuxin became excited, and the jade cheeks on both sides were red, dazzling, and extremely moving, saying: "Legend, the melody composed by our blood witch ancestors, it is beautiful and smooth. There are even records in the tribe ’s history books that the Blood Witch Ancestors have a guzheng. Every ten o'clock in the evening, the Blood Witch Ancestors will sit under the curtain of the window sill and play the guzheng. Even the birds that have returned to the nest will come from the nest Flying out again, the roof covered with blood witch ancestors ...

"Also, the ancestor skills of the Blood Witch ancestors have reached a state where there is no string to play. Even if she is given a guzheng without strings, she can play a beautiful melody, and this melody needs a state of mind. Extremely talented people can hear it, but ordinary people ca n’t hear it. Of course, birds can hear it too. Those birds will still fly and cover her roof. It ’s quite magical ...

"Besides, the sound of the ancestors of the blood witch also contains her powerful witchcraft. Once played, the entire Yan tribe can hear it, and the sick and injured can hear her piano. Sound, healed immediately, blood ancestor ancestors used her vocal sound to exorcise the sufferings of our Yan tribe. "

Hearing Yan Zhuxin's narrative, Qin Yi and several people looked at each other in amazement, and there was a look of horror on their faces. They could completely imagine how high the blood witch's attainments in tone were.

"That's right, the third floor of this ten-square region, Blood Witch will definitely use her favorite temperament as the seal password."

Qin Yi, who had come back to his heart, was delighted, his eyes were bright, and he saw hope.

Next, Yan Zhuxin did not delay any more, and immediately looked in the same direction and carefully studied the 120 seal passwords on the third layer of the tenth hell.

"It just so happens that I also understand some temperaments, decipher this third layer of the seal password, and hug me."

Yan Zhuxin patted the tall and sensational beautiful chest, a pair of chests with the appearance of a bamboo, she stretched out her slim jade hand, and gently touched the 120 golden runes: "When I started to touch these 120 seal passwords I did n’t think much about it. I only knew that they were some of the words that our Yan tribe used in the early years. Now that I have carefully recognized them, I found out that they are indeed notes. "

120 notes make up a rhythm. For Qin Yi, who knows nothing about the rhythm, it is very difficult to arrange them correctly. It is conceivable that he might not be able to arrange them correctly for ten years. .

Yan Zhuxin's jade fingers beat on 120 golden notes, constantly trying to arrange them.

Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang, and Gong Xi Ge Yu had nothing to do. They watched quietly on the side, daring not to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Yan Zhuxin's thinking.

After two hours.

Yan Zhuxin slammed the pink cheeks on both sides and let out a long breath: "Okay."

It will be fine so soon!

Qin Yi intermittently arranged it for more than a month before arranging more than twenty golden runes, and it is doubtful whether it is correct.

However, Yan Zhuxin arranged 120 golden runes in just two hours.

Qin Yi three people, stunned there, blinked in disbelief.

"Then how to unblock the third layer?"

On Qin Yi's face, there was a touch of uncontrollable joy. It was really unexpected that the third floor of this ten-square **** had to be uncovered by the Yan tribe's own people.

Fortunately, Yan Zhuxin betrayed Yan Shao and stood on his side. Otherwise, the third floor of this ten-party hell, I was afraid that there would never be a possibility of unsealing.

Once the third layer of the ten-party **** cannot be unblocked, when he faces the Gongzulu in the future, he is not afraid of winning.

"This is simple."

Yan Zhuxin stretched out her slender hands and touched on the 120 notes that had been rearranged again, and then she saw a trace of profound energy in her body, causing palms.

With the swell of this profound energy, he slowly poured into the 120 golden runes, and the 120 golden runes continually bounced up, and a beautiful melody was also flowing out, beautiful and beautiful, It is crisp and sweet, like a clear spring in the mountains, and like a big bead and a small bead on a jade plate.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't help but closed their eyes slowly and listened carefully. They only felt that they were in the misty fairyland, full of flowers in front of them, forgetting themselves.

After a long time, the sound of the piano trembles slowly, and then becomes longer and longer, and finally disappears slowly.

Good song!

Sure enough, it is the best in the world. Only those masters of music can compose such immortal and extraordinary music.

Qin Yi was indulged in the music for a while, and then he recovered. He opened his eyes slowly, as if he had just returned from the dissipation of Taixu.

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