The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1846: Crying in the toilet

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The blood python was too fast, and was caught off guard. In the blink of an eye, he opened his blood basin mouth and bit it in front of Yan Mei Niang who was walking in front.

Yan Mei-niang ’s reaction was also extremely fast. The curvaceous body shook violently, and turned into a red slim figure. She escaped under the big mouth of the blood python.


Blood Python's big mouth wiped Yan Mei Niang's robe closed, just a line away, and bit her straight.

The mutant wild beasts at the position they are in now have combat powers comparable to those of ordinary emperor Daoist practitioners. If this bite is bitten by this beast, even if it is as strong as Yan Mei Niang, I am afraid it will inevitably be injured.

At the same time, Qin Yi and Gong Xi Ge Yu, who were behind Yan Mei Niang, each had their own spears, which appeared in their hands at the same time, and they both stabbed toward the blood python.

One silver, one green and two lances turned into two meteors and crossed the sky.

Yan Zhuxin's reaction was a little slower, and he was still too late to shoot, and the tempting, ruddy mouth opened in amazement.


With the penetration of the two spears, the monstrous pressure from the spear instantly burst the upper half of the blood python into a blast, and turned into a piece of sky-shattered meat.

A face shot will kill this beast!

Yan Meiniang stood in the air, and the pair of super-large seats in front of her chest fluctuated. Obviously, the sudden attack of Blood Python caused her some shock.

She turned her eyes and looked at the broken pieces of blood python falling from the air. With her sharp eyes, she caught a little purple in the pieces of blood python falling: "This is a purple pupil Variation wild monster. "

Wen Yan, both Qin Yi and Gong Xi Ge Yu's eyes were bright, and they looked at each other with a faint smile: "It seems our luck is good."

Qin Yi came to the remaining half body of the blood python, stretched out his palms, and pressed it against the half body, surging the body's profound energy with a slight suction, which was from his palm come out.

Sure enough, a ray of faint purple awns was from the remaining half body of the blood python, floating out, rushing into Qin Yi's palm.

After absorbing all the purple mansions, Qin Yi threw the mysterious qi again, and the purple mansions floated out of his palm, forming a circular purple Yin-yang mark.


The purple yin and yang mark suddenly burned, and soon it turned into nothingness.

Seeing this scene, Yan Mei Niang frowned, saying: "Obviously, as we continue to deepen, the mutant wild beasts we encounter are also getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of gestating the seal of Yin and Yang is also The sooner, if I haven't made a mistake, the Yin-Yang Seal should be formed soon. "

"It makes sense."

The male Xigeyu holding the silver gun lightly nodded his head: "This seal of yin and yang will only be natural, that is because it is close to the existence of the soul, and it has instinctively absorbed the spirit of the world, and in this air, The aura of heaven and earth contained in it is too rich to break away from the mother body of the blood python. It naturally cannot withstand such a strong aura of heaven and earth, and thus spontaneously ignites. "

"It seems that Gongzulu is only one step away from success, but at this last critical moment, we have destroyed all his hopes, if he can feel it, I'm afraid he will vomit blood."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi's Junyi's face appeared a leisurely light smile.

The situation of success and failure is often more maddening!

Gong Xige Yu said aside: "The current location of Gong Zulu is at least one hundred thousand kilometers away from us. Naturally, it is impossible to sense this, but I have heard E Xueer say that this whole gathering The array is under his surveillance. He can directly see all our activities here through the naked eye. "

E Xueer, the last puppet in Gongzulu, was killed by Gong Xigeyu.


Gongzulu could actually see what happened here directly.

Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang looked at each other stunned, and they both blinked in disbelief, which was really unexpected.

"Lying trough, it turns out that this is the case. So then, isn't the present ancestor record already broken into pieces? Let me laugh for a while, ha ha ha ha!"

Imagine the scene where Gongzulu stared at himself and kept killing Zitong's mutant wild beasts, ruining his seal of Yin and Yang, and Qin Yi couldn't help but laugh in the sky.

Paralysis, this time, Gongzulu really wants to cry and faint in the toilet!


The Yan Meiniang on the side, after stunned for a while, couldn't help but cover his mouth, smiled, and laughed so much that the two huge seats on his chest were happily moving up and down, undulating beautiful waves.

"Haha, I really want to take a look at the madness of Gongzulu."

Yan Zhuxin, dressed in the traditional costumes of the Yan tribe, smiled with little regard to the image of a lady.

Finally, Yan Mei Niang straightened her face and said: "This is to further explain that the present Gongzulu is at a critical moment to break the level, otherwise, he will never watch our yin and yang. The seal is destroyed without showing up, but we do not know how long it will take him to break through the barrier, but in any case, we must seize the time, otherwise, after he breaks through the barrier, we will be in danger. . "

Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin and Gong Xige Yu all nodded their heads.

Next, the four went into the cave without further delay.

The cave is not small, just a little damp, and, because the blood python lived here for a long time, the air was filled with a **** smell.

However, along the way, they kept fighting and fighting, and had long been accustomed to the **** smell, but did not feel any discomfort.

As soon as he entered the cave, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin and Gong Xi Ge Yu, without saying a word, meditated on the ground cross-legged, each of them slightly swelled in the body, and every pore on their body also opened as they stretched Come, in the implication and the air, the rich and almost inseparable heaven and earth aura, crazy absorption.

At this moment, the whole world's heaven and earth aura was turned into a faint white mist, which appeared from the air out of thin air, and was continuously absorbed by the pores of the three Yan Mei Niang, and was transported to Dantian by various meridians, and then by Dantian transforms into Xuanqi, transports their limbs and bones, and constantly transforms and breaks through various functions in their bodies.

"Tu ..."

Looking at the traces of white heaven and earth aura appearing out of thin air, Qin Yi couldn't help but **** his mouth and sighed: "This rich heaven and earth aura, the speed of cultivation, even if it is not as good as refining emperor liquid directly, it is estimated that there will be no difference. Too many, during the ancient times, the cultivator who arranged this amazing gathering was really unbelievably powerful ...

"It's just that he arranged such a gathering array to attract these wild beasts from all directions. What on earth did he want to protect?"

Qin Yi's thinking unconsciously shifted to this issue, and for a moment, a deep expectation grew in his heart.

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