The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1844: Join hands

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This cultivator with one shoulder shattered, with an unusually strong body, is called Hua Zuo. No doubt, from now on, he will appear in the eyes of the world as a one-armed image.

And a cultivator beside him still has a big hole in his chest, but he has healed a lot more than before.

The man's face was white and clean, and his name was Li Zheng.

"Qin Yi, this time, I really want to thank a few of you. If it were not for you to show up in time, we will never see tomorrow's sun again this time."

Gong Xige Yu sincerely thanked Qin Yi and others.

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort, not enough."

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently. The gaze that looked at Gong Xi Ge Yu was slightly different. He naturally heard the words that Gong Xi Ge Yu said before.

This was an accident. Qin Yi could not have imagined that in the Kyushu Holy See, there are those who are full of justice in the Gongyu Xigeyu and who do not hesitate to maintain the honor of the Kyushu Holy See. .

This person is good and worth making!

"By the way, Qin Yi, how did you find that several of us were besieged by the huge wild beasts and rushed to save us?"

Gong Xige Yu strangely said.

On the side, Yu Chenghe, Hua Zuo and Li Zheng also looked at Qin Yi with puzzled eyes.

"Oh, this guy is a metamorphosis, his spiritual power can be drawn out, and it can cover a radius of 50,000 square meters. Can you tell him if he can find you?"

Qin Yi hasn't spoken yet. Xia Jiuyou, who is straight-talking, has beautiful eyes, and a beautiful Qin Yi glances. In his eyes, a hint of envy is faintly captured.

"Spiritual force leads out, and can cover a full range of 50,000 feet. Qin Yi, I really don't see it, you still have such magical powers."

Gong Xige Yu body for a while, a thick horror color appeared on his face, Yu Cheng and several people, also jaw-shattered, looked at Qin Yi as if watching Hulk.

In response, Qin Yi just touched his nose and changed the topic: "What is the purpose of you entering this ancient forest to hunt these mutant wild beasts? You know, there are a lot of mutant wild beasts here , And the fighting strength is strong, if we did not appear in time before, you will really be buried here. "

For this question, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou around Qin Yi also all looked at Gong Xi Ge Yu and others with their curious eyes.

"To be frank, we entered here to hunt the purple pupil mutant wild beasts. It was just the beginning that we underestimated the number and the combat power of the mutant wild beasts here, so we almost died here."

Gong Xige Yu said: "You have also found that the canary's eyes are purple, and I see you have also taken out the Yin and Yang marks in the canary."


This male Western Song Yu actually knows that the purple pupil mutant wild beasts have the Yin and Yang marks of the Gongzulu, and they came for this!

The purpose of their trip is actually the same as that of several others!

"Gong Xige Yu, obviously, you already know the existence of the Yin and Yang seals in the body of these purple pupil mutant Honghuang beasts, which the Gongzulu entered into it. What I don't understand is how do you know this Ordered? "

The Yan Meiniang on the side habitually touched the clean and full forehead and said, "Also, why did you deliberately enter this spiritual gathering and put the ancestor record into these mutant wild beasts? The seal of Yin and Yang was taken away. Didn't you act against the Gongzulu?

When Yan Mei-niang's remark came out, Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiu-you also looked at Gong Xige Yu with confused eyes.

Wen Yan, Gong Xi Ge Yu smiled a little helplessly: "The relationship between us and Gong Xi Ge Yu is actually an enemy relationship. In the past, he used a powerful technique of Yin and Yang to transform one of our companions into him. Puppet, just a short while ago, I killed our companion. Gongzulu will definitely not give up. He is not fighting us now because he is retreating and practicing. When he comes out, it will be a violent wind. rainstorm……

"So, what we can do now is only to destroy him as much as possible, destroying the seal of yin and yang in these mutant wild beasts, but the ancestor is recorded on the guardianship list, ranking 12th, this strength , Even if it survived on the fifth floor of this devil and cemetery, it is more than enough. We are now in this gathering of spirits to take away the marks of yin and yang that he broke into the body of these mutated wild beasts It wo n’t make much difference. "

With that, a bit of bitterness appeared on Gong Xige Yu's face.

Obviously, as a guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, he knows very well that it is ranked 12th on the guardianship list. What is that concept? In this fourth layer, there are absolutely few cultivators who can resist his powerful Yin and Yang The art.

Once the ancestors have broken through the barriers, they, these people, are afraid that they will be unable to escape.

This heaven-dungeon cage of gods and deities can only break through to a higher level, but cannot return to the next level. Now, they are not strong enough to enter the fifth level, so they can only stay here. On the fourth floor, there is nowhere to escape.

However, they did not want to stay on this fourth floor to die, so they must do something to destroy the Yin and Yang seals of the Gongzulu here as much as possible.

"I don't believe that there are really three heads and six arms in that ancestor record. When he breaks through the barrier, we will rush and work together and will not kill him."

Zuo Hua, who was extremely sturdy, shattered one shoulder, spit, and said fiercely, now that he has become a one-armed arm, obviously making his mind change greatly and his temper is very irritable.

"Yes, if we join forces, we will not believe that it will kill the Gong Zu Lu."

White skin, Li Zheng, who had a big hole in his chest, echoed.

"E Xueer is already the only puppet in Gongzulu's hands. Now we will kill him. After Gongzulu breaks through the level, he will definitely not let us go. As for how to deal with him, he will discuss it again at that time."

Gong Xige Yu groaned slightly and looked at the four people of Qin Yi: "Several of you, the purpose of entering this large gathering of spirits this time seems to be coming towards the purple pupil mutant Honghuang monster. Zuru has hatred with you too? "

"indeed so."

Qin Yi did not hide it, and said frankly: "The Gongzulu, in fact, is the first guardian of the Jiuzhou Holy See, Qian Qiushui, sent to squat at this fourth floor to kill me, so my situation with him is your life and death."

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