The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 568: There are three fires when a new official takes office, and the first fire is for the D

After Fudge was taken out by the two Aurors, everyone in the Tenth Judgment Room could clearly see a light shining outside from the door. It was the two Aurors who directly used the stun spell to stop Fudge's struggle. He was knocked unconscious.

After completing Fudge's trial, Ms. Bones read out Umbridge's charges, and then loudly said: "According to the laws of the Ministry of Magic, the defendant Dolores Umbridge should be sentenced to Zikaban is imprisoned for life, please raise your hands if you support the conviction of the crime!"

Without any hesitation, everyone raised their hands immediately.

There is no other reason. The crimes committed by Umbridge are really heinous, whether it is abusing the authority of the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic, ordering dementors to attack underage wizards, or using dark magic items to mutilate underage wizards. Being an adult wizard was a crime that could send her to Azkaban for life!

Coupled with the crime of attacking a professor at Hogwarts, a professor like Professor McGonagall who was the mentor of most of the wizards present, Umbridge could not escape the blame even if she died ten thousand times!

"Very good, the accusation is established!" Ms. Bones said solemnly, "Invite Aurors to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and arrest the criminal Dolores Umbridge!"

As Ms. Bones finished speaking, the other two Aurors guarding the Tenth Courtroom immediately took the order and walked towards the Tenth Courtroom.

Judging from the direction they left, it seemed that they did not go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry immediately, but first went to the Auror office to request support.

All criminals sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison are considered the most dangerous criminals in the eyes of these Aurors.

In the eyes of many wizards, being locked up in a dark place like Azkaban Prison for life is more painful than death. After all, there are no so-called commutation conditions in the British wizarding world.

Once those criminals are sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison, they really can only stay there for the rest of their lives until they die!

Therefore, the vast majority of criminals who know their fate after being arrested will choose to resist, and even risk their lives to kill the Aurors who arrest them.

Even if Umbridge's magic level is not high, these Aurors do not dare to underestimate her for this.

After the two Aurors left, Ms. Bones put away the scroll about Fudge and Umbridge's crimes and took out another list.

Only Ms. Bones said loudly: "Next, it's time for us to elect a new Minister of Magic. The following is the list of candidates for Minister of Magic: Barty Crouch Sr., Rufus Scrimgeour, Amelia Susan Bones, Ludo Bagman..."

The people on the candidate list are all directors of various departments in the Ministry of Magic, as well as directors of offices with real power, including the Auror Office, and the name of Ms. Bones, who is presiding over the election, is also among them.

After Ms. Bones finished reading the list, she looked outside the open door of the Tenth Courtroom. A Ministry of Magic employee with a slightly anxious look on his face asked, "Have all the votes of the wizarding public been counted?"

The members of the Wizengamot had voted to impeach Fudge a week ago, and the reason why Fudge stepped down today was only because he forcibly delayed the counting date of the impeachment case to today.

Therefore, members of the Wizengamot and many senior officials of the Ministry of Magic began to collect votes from wizards in the British wizarding community a week ago to elect the next Minister of Magic, despite Fudge's strong opposition.

As of today, more than 90% of the wizards in the British wizarding world have cast their votes, while the remaining less than 10% of the wizards are mostly living in seclusion in the mountains and forests and are ignorant of the world.

After hearing Ms. Bones's words, the Ministry of Magic employee outside the door walked in like a Mondah and handed a piece of parchment counting the votes for each candidate to Ms. Bones.

"Ms. Bones, the votes have been counted and here are the results."

This Ministry of Magic employee said so.

Ms. Bones nodded and reported each candidate's vote count.

The results of this election are not surprising. Thanks to Old Barty's overwhelming campaign using the Daily Prophet, the vast majority of wizards in the British wizarding world believe that he will be a great Minister of Magic.

Coupled with the help of the power of the Rohr family, Old Barty's votes were nearly a thousand votes ahead of Scrimgeour, who was in second place!

"Raise your hands if you agree with Barty Crouch Sr. being Minister of Magic!"

Ms. Bones shouted as she put the parchment away.

Nearly 80% of the wizards in the tenth courtroom raised their hands.

Most of the wizards who raised their hands in favor were those who worked for the Rolle family, while some other wizards believed that Old Barty was indeed qualified for the position of Minister of Magic.

As for the remaining 20% ​​or so of the opposing wizards, most of them were old members of Fudge and others, as well as some wizards who were afraid of Old Barty's resolute style over the past year.

However, under such a huge disparity, the opposition of those wizards seemed harmless.

"It has been voted," Ms. Bones shouted, "Mr. Barty Crouch Sr. is the new Minister of Magic!"

Old Batty stood up from his seat and bowed slightly to greet many of his colleagues.

Old Batty had a look of confidence on his face, and it was obvious that he was not surprised by his election.

Old Barty stepped down from his seat and took Ms. Bones's place. He turned around and looked at everyone.

Just listen to him saying lightly: "It is an honor to be elected as the Minister of Magic. I, Barty Crouch Sr., solemnly swear to you that I will be loyal to the Ministry of Magic and lead the Ministry of Magic to develop better and move towards a better future." future."

"Maybe some people don't understand me and don't agree with my ideas, but it doesn't matter. I will give everyone enough time to accept it all. There is an old saying in the mysterious East. There are three fires for a new official to take office. This is the first fire. I want to burn it on those Death Eaters."

"Today's Ministry of Magic is not clean. It can be said to be harboring filth and evil. In the past year, I found no less than ten Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. This shows how loopholes today's Ministry of Magic is. Full of dangers and vulnerable to attack!"

"Therefore, the first thing I have to do is to thoroughly investigate the entire Ministry of Magic. I hope you can cooperate with my work. As for my second fire and my third fire... I am willing to give everyone a buffer of time. I will hold a meeting to discuss these matters in a week. Thank you colleagues for your cooperation!"

Old Batty's eyes were piercing, and his tone gradually became high-spirited from the initial dull tone. (End of chapter)

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