The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 563: A famous teacher

After hearing Lin En's words, everyone cheered up.

You know, among the people in the D.A. Army, nearly 60% of the young wizards have suffered from Umbridge's dark magic quill, and their hands have more or less left traces of dark magic. scars.

Umbridge's dictatorial rule in Hogwarts Castle makes these little wizards want to cut her into pieces. Now, Lynn will lead them to punish the pink toad. How can this make them not happy? Woolen cloth? !

"However, fifth grade friends cannot participate in this matter. You still need to take the O.W.Ls astronomy practical exam tonight."

Lynn continued.


As Linn's words fell, wails sounded one after another, and those wails all came from the fifth-grade wizards present.

Irina said softly: "Don't forget, everyone, the location of our exam is on the top of the astronomy tower. If you can finish answering the questions within the specified time, you may not be able to watch Lynn and the others execute Umbridge." process."

After hearing Irina's words, the fifth-grade wizards became quiet.

Yes, even if they can't personally participate in the execution of Umbridge, it seems like a good choice if they can witness this scene happening!

What's more, even Irina herself can't participate in this operation. She is also a fifth-grade little wizard!

Thinking of this, these fifth-grade wizards finally accepted the result, and said that they would answer the papers in advance and witness with their own eyes the moment when Umbridge was executed!

Afterwards, Irina took the fifth-grade wizard out of the Room of Requirement and returned to their respective common rooms to review the evening's astronomy knowledge points.

Linn discussed the specific battle plan to execute Umbridge at night with those young wizards in sixth and seventh grade, as well as some young wizards in third and fourth grade whose magic level was already comparable to that of adult wizards.

At eleven o'clock at night, all the fifth grade wizards came to the top of the astronomy tower.

It was an ideal night for celestial viewing, with no clouds and no wind.

At this time, the astronomical tower was bathed in silver moonlight, and there was a slight chill in the air.

Everyone set up their telescopes, and after Professor Marchban gave the order to start the exam, they began to fill in the blank star chart sent to them.

Professor Marchban and another professor named Tofodi walked among them, looking at the precise positions of the observed stars and planets that they filled in.

"Help me, Ziwei Hanxing!"

Irina, who was sitting in the corner of the examination room, glanced at the two professors, and after realizing that they did not notice her side, she said softly.

As she finished speaking, a purple-gold star-shaped snowflake appeared in her palm.

The moment Ziwei Hanxing appeared, a faint star power enveloped her body, allowing her to better perceive the situation in the starry sky.

With the help of the power of the stars, Irina can easily see and understand the starry sky even without the help of an astronomical telescope.

Soon, the quill in her hand started to move, and she filled in the star chart in her hand as quickly as possible.

The astronomy tower was quiet, with only the scratching of parchment, the occasional creak of the telescope being adjusted on the stand, and the rustling of many quills writing.

An hour passed, and the lights in the castle windows went out one after another, and the orange-yellow light reflected on the field gradually disappeared.

Just as Irina finished filling out the star chart in her hand and put down her quill, the door to the castle suddenly opened.

The moment the door was opened, the movements of all members of the D.A. Army froze.

After learning that they were going to witness Umbridge's execution tonight, they filled out the star charts very quickly. Among the members of the D.A. Army, the slowest ones had completed 100% of the work. Fill in the horoscope chart of ninety.

They stopped what they were doing and looked towards the castle gate.

Six elongated shadows were seen moving across the illuminated grass. Then the door closed and the grass became pitch black again.

From the six figures, Irina identified Umbridge and the Auror who she had seen in the principal's office that day. In addition, there were four other Aurors who followed Umbridge. behind.

Suddenly, Irina's eyes narrowed.

She found that not far behind Umbridge and the five Aurors, the grass was shaking irregularly, as if many people were crawling through the grass.

If she guessed correctly, the people who crawled through the grass were probably Lin En and his friends from the D.A. Army, and the way they concealed their traces might be the Disillusionment Curse.

The magic level of Umbridge and the five Aurors was not strong, and there was not even one elite Auror among the five Aurors.

Therefore, even if Lin En did not go out of his way to cover up his traces, but only acted with the Disguise Charm, the six people did not notice anything wrong at all.

At this time, on the grass.

"Lynn, why don't we take action?"

An invisible little wizard asked quietly. He held his wand tightly, as if he was going to give Umbridge a hard blow at any time.

Lin lowered his voice and said: "No, as students, if you want to attack a professor or an official of the Ministry of Magic, the first thing you must do is to have a good reputation."

"Therefore, we have to wait for her to attack Hagrid, a professor who teaches in Hogwarts Castle, and she will be convicted of illegally assaulting the professor. In this way, even if we attack her, we can be regarded as acting bravely. , to protect the professor.”

Lynn said so.

Lynn's resources include the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet.

As long as Umbridge's attack on Hagrid happened, no matter how they hurt Umbridge later, Old Barty would be able to help them suppress the matter and regard their illegal attack on the Ministry of Magic officials as their bravery. Umbridge's illegal behavior was stopped in time!

As for the Daily Prophet, with the evidence given by Old Batty, the Daily Prophet will naturally be able to suppress the trend of public opinion.

In this way, these little wizards who participated in this operation will not only not be implicated or get into any trouble, but will be praised and become what people call kind-hearted wizards who act bravely for justice.

After Lin En decided to control public opinion, everything he did was based on the standard of "learning from others."

As long as Shichu is famous, no matter what he does, good or bad, the forces behind him will be able to clear his name, so that he will always be a savior in the eyes of the wizards in the British magic world!

And this will be of great benefit to them in leading the wizards to defeat Voldemort, and in the more distant future! (End of chapter)

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