The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 548 The Dark Lord who once brought about dark times

The next day, after Linn woke up from the Slytherin dormitory, he did not go to the auditorium to have breakfast. Instead, he took out two compressed biscuits that had been prepared long ago from his pocket and finished his breakfast in two or three bites.

Then, Linn took out a timed arbitrary door key that was filled with white light. The triggering time of this timed arbitrary door key was one minute later.

As a principal recognized by Hogwarts Castle itself, Dumbledore can not only remotely control a certain area within the boundaries of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to temporarily lift the restrictions on Apparition, as he did in the Apparition class. , and can also lift this restriction individually for trusted people.

After using the double-way mirror to communicate with Dumbledore, Dumbledore used his identity as the principal to grant Lynn and Irina the ability to use space teleportation to enter and exit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Temporary permissions.

The reason why it is a temporary authority is because Dumbledore is not the permanent principal. When the future principal succeeds, or after Dumbledore dies, Hogwarts Castle itself will automatically take back Lynn and Irina. temporary permissions.

Lin waved his left hand, and the light curtain showing Bellatrix's perspective appeared in front of him again. He concentrated on imagining the scene presented in Bellatrix's perspective, waiting for any decision. Portkey trigger.

Although Linn has learned to disapparate, Linn cannot guarantee that the anti-disapparation spell has not been cast on Bellatrix's location.

Only magical vehicles such as Portkeys can ignore the anti-Apparition Curse and reach the destination, except of course for places like Hogwarts Castle that have more advanced space restriction methods.

Soon, the white light came on, and in the blink of an eye, Linn appeared outside a gloomy-looking manor.

This is a manor shrouded in primeval forest. This manor looks like it has not been taken care of for many years. Even if someone has lived in it during this time, the owner who lives in it does not seem to have the idea of ​​taking good care of this manor.

Therefore, this manor is like one of those haunted places in story novels. It looks eerie even in broad daylight.

"Lestrange Manor? Hehe, you deserve to be in such a state of desolation, right?"

Linn pulled out his wand. He looked at the deserted manor in front of him and said with a chuckle.

After Lynn entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and gradually showed his strength and ambition, his mother Rowena began to expand the family industries controlled by the Rowle family.

Rowena didn't want to be a burden to her children, and only by making the Rolle family stronger and irreplaceable in the British magical world would the Rolle family have the qualifications to become Linn, the devil-level wizard. backing!

Therefore, after learning from Linn that Voldemort was about to be resurrected and that the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban Prison would soon be resurrected, Rowena no longer treated those who had been Death Eaters. The pureblood family estate showed mercy.

In the past two years, Rowena gradually began to annex the properties of many other pure-blood families, and the Lestrange family's property, which had lost its heir and had no leader, could only operate blindly, was one of them.

Under the annexation of the Rolle family, the Lestrange family property has long been wiped out.

Even the manor owned by the Lestrange family was forced to sell the manor after Rowena defrauded the Lestrange family's family property. , to purchase a smaller, more dilapidated, and more desolate manor.

And this is the origin of the Lestrange Manor in front of Linn, which is less than half the size of Rolle Manor.

Two or three years ago, the Lestrange family might have had the largest fortune among the Death Eaters, but now, even Voldemort looked down upon this small and dilapidated manor.

Otherwise, if Linn wants to come here to capture Bellatrix alive, she may have to go through Voldemort's test.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Lin En whispered softly, and an orange-red beam of light shot out of the sky and exploded at the gate of the manor.

The power of the explosion spell cast by the devil-level wizard is much more powerful than the ordinary explosion spell.

The violent explosion spread in all directions with the force of thunder. The five-meter-high door exploded into pieces all over the sky in an instant, and the air wave generated by the explosion even destroyed a third of Lestrange. The manor is included!

Linn put away her wand and stood calmly.

He could sense that no fewer than ten overlapping anti-Apparition spells had been cast on the Lestrange Manor to prevent the intrusion of other wizards.

However, when these anti-Apparition spells faced the undisguised attack of Linn, a demon king-level wizard, they instead became a cage trapping the Death Eaters in the Lestrange Manor!

After about a few seconds, the sound of more than a dozen whirlwind sweeping spells resounded in the Lestrange Manor. The thick smoke and dust finally dispersed under the strong wind, revealing the inside of the thick smoke. scene.

I saw that the original gate of Lestrange Manor had disappeared, replaced by a large pit nearly thirty feet in diameter and ten feet deep!

Not only that, the buildings around the pit collapsed into ruins under the bombardment of the explosive spell, and the radiation range of the explosive spell directly reached a hundred feet!

After seeing the damage caused by this explosive curse, all the Death Eaters in the Lestrange Manor could not help but swallow their saliva.

The enemy's random explosion spells can cause such terrible damage. Are such enemies really something they can defeat? !

Moreover, he used an explosion curse to blow up someone's manor after a disagreement. Are they Death Eaters, or is the enemy a Death Eater? !

Linn's eyes swept over the Death Eaters wearing silver masks. Except for Bellatrix, who had an eye-catching hairstyle, the other Death Eaters he had never seen during the battle of Little Hangleton Village. .

After Voldemort was resurrected, he convened a meeting of Death Eaters. Linn didn't believe that besides Professor Snape, there would be other Death Eaters who would dare not attend.

Therefore, these Death Eaters who were with Bellatrix in the Lestrange Manor were obviously recruited again in less than a year after Voldemort was resurrected!

There have never been a few extreme pure-blood wizards and dark wizards in the British magical world. Even Knockturn Alley, known as the gathering place for dark wizards, the dark wizards in it are only the tip of the iceberg of the total number of dark wizards in the British magical world.

It is not surprising that the Death Eater camp could expand to such an extent within a year of Voldemort's resurrection.

After all, that was Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord who brought dark times to the British wizarding world. (End of chapter)

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