The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 542 Remember this day, everyone at Hogwarts!

"Damn Weasley! I'm going to expel you! I'm going to put you in Azkaban!"

Umbridge, who was drenched in shit, looked as if she was going crazy. Her facial features were distorted and she roared, and three ink-black spells shot out in the direction of Fred and George.

After seeing the three jet-black beams of light, both Fred and George's expressions froze.

That is undoubtedly a powerful black magic, which is definitely not something they can resist at this stage.

The two immediately ducked and dodged.

Sure enough, when the three jet-black beams hit the steps at their feet, a rotten smell spread, and the stone steps were corroded into a pool of black liquid that exuded a foul smell.

Seeing this scene, not only Fred and George, but also the little wizard secretly watching outside the auditorium changed their expressions.

Such vicious black magic is rarely used by even the dark wizards in Knockturn Alley, right? !

"I just said that the alchemy circle placed in the magic fireworks should not be so kind. Look, are they kind to us?"

George curled his lips and said to Fred beside him.

Fred just shrugged and said nothing.

They have put many powerful offensive alchemy circles into magic fireworks. If they are not kind, they will be alchemy circles that can directly kill the opponent.

Although they didn't know the full extent of Lynn and Irina's plan, they probably knew that Umbridge would still have some use value until at least the end of this school year.

Otherwise, given the personalities of Lynn and Irina, and the extent to which Umbridge offended them, Umbridge might have died countless times.

As for the trouble that killing Umbridge might cause...

Fred and George believed that with Lynn's methods, the Ministry of Magic had no way of finding out about Lynn and Irina.

After Fred and George evaded Umbridge's dark magic, they once again took out a dozen magic fireworks in the shape of flying monkeys and lit them in Umbridge's direction.

call out! call out! call out! …

A dozen or so sounds broke through the air in succession, and the dozen magical flying monkeys flew straight towards Umbridge's head as if they had unlocked their heads.

Among these magic flying monkeys, about a quarter of the magic flying monkeys turned their spears and flew towards Filch, who was helping the evildoer.

Looking at the menacing magical monkey, both Umbridge and Filch's expressions changed greatly, and they ran away with their heads in their hands.

From the previous magic fireworks stick that produced a golden beam of light, Umbridge had fully understood the horror of these weird magic fireworks, which made her dare not use magic to deal with those weird magic fireworks.

However, their scurrying efforts were in vain. The dozen magical scurrying monkeys not only unlocked their heads, but also had guidance functions. They independently adjusted their flight trajectories as Umbridge and Filch's positions changed. The main theme is that he will not give up until he kills these two people.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

These dozen magical flying monkeys exploded on the foreheads of Umbridge and Filch. The heat emitted by those magical flying monkeys at the moment of explosion was no less than that released by a little wizard. The flames are blazing.

The scorching heat instantly blew their hair into afros, and their bodies became charred black.

"Cruciaton..." Umbridge lost her mind and raised her wand to use the Unforgivable Curse on the Weasley twins.

However, one after another, the improved version of the dung bomb exploded on her body again, and the stench that exploded forced Umbridge to hold back the half-recited spell.

"It seems that she is almost crazy." Fred looked at George beside him and threw a dung bomb in his hand towards Umbridge again. "I just heard the spell of the Unforgivable Curse."

George nodded and said: "Then it's almost time for us to leave. Fred, let's clear out the remaining inventory."

The two looked at each other, and at the same time they stretched their hands towards the canvas bag on their waists.

The canvas bag doesn't look big, but the invisible stretching spell cast on the canvas bag was cast by Irina herself. The space inside the canvas bag is as big as a Gryffindor dormitory.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of cardboard boxes were moved out by Fred and George, filling the steps.

The canvas bag on George's waist was emptied first. He glanced at Fred, who was still moving things outside, and first threw down all the remaining dung bombs in his hand, interrupting Umri who was about to recite a curse. Strange, then a long lead was pulled out.

The magic fireworks in these boxes are all connected together, and they only need to be lit once to release all the magic fireworks in a box.

What George has to do is to connect all these boxes together so that they can set off all the magic fireworks in dozens of boxes at once.

Not long after, all the magic fireworks placed on the steps were strung together by a particularly long lead. There were a hundred boxes of these magic fireworks. Even looking at them from a distance, it was a bit shocking. .

The little wizards peeking at the door of the auditorium were even more surprised. How many galleons would these magic fireworks burn...

With so many magical fireworks, ten thousand gold galleons are probably indispensable!

When did the Weasleys become so rich? !

In fact, it is not the Weasleys who are rich, but Fred and George.

After learning alchemy, they have been able to refine some simple defensive alchemy equipment. These alchemy equipment, which do not have much gold content in their eyes, are very precious to ordinary wizards. Life-saving props.

The alchemy pendant they spent an afternoon refining could even be sold for more than a thousand gold galleons on the black market!

Moreover, these magical fireworks were modified by Fred and George using magic and alchemy after purchasing a large number of ordinary fireworks from the Muggle world. The gold galleons they spent were not as high as these little wizards imagined. many.

"Stop! Weasley, stop it!"

Seeing a flame igniting on the top of the wand, the Weasley twins were about to light those magical fireworks. Umbridge's almost lost sanity was frightened back.

However, Fred didn't care at all about Umbridge's shouts. He chuckled and lit the fuse with a hundred boxes of magic fireworks strung on it.

"Let Hogwarts experience a little shock of magic and alchemy!"

Fred said with a chuckle.

George pulled out a Nimbus 2000 broomstick from the canvas bag and shouted: "Remember this day, everyone at Hogwarts!"

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