The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 531 The trajectory of the future has been distorted

After a while, Umbridge asked: "When I appoint a new Divination professor and need to use her room, what are you going to do with her?"

"Oh, that's not a problem," Dumbledore said calmly, "Look, I have found a Divination professor who is willing to live on the first floor of the castle."

Umbridge's expression changed after hearing Dumbledore's words.

Umbridge asked in a sharp and harsh voice: "What? have found it? I remind you, Dumbledore, in accordance with Education Order No. 22..."

Before Umbridge could finish her words, Dumbledore interrupted her.

Dumbledore said coldly: "...The Ministry of Magic has the right to appoint professors if and only if the Headmaster cannot find a suitable candidate. I am happy to announce that this time I have found one. Do you want me to introduce him?"

As he spoke, Dumbledore turned his head towards the door, and the night mist drifted in from the door.

Not long after, the sound of horse hooves came from outside the hall.

The horrified whispers of the little wizards rang out in the hall, while the little wizards outside the door hurriedly retreated further, and some even tripped.

I saw a face appearing in the mist outside the door, followed by a surprising body.

It was a man with pale blond hair, shockingly blue eyes, and a human head and limbs mounted on the body of a tawny horse.

Yes, Dumbledore's new professor for Divination is a centaur!

"This is Firenze, my newly appointed professor of Divination," Dumbledore said in a brisk tone to the stunned Umbridge, "I think you will find him very suitable."

Looking at the centaur Firenze at the door, Umbridge was stunned.

After a long while, she let out a sharp blast: "What? Dumbledore, you actually chose a centaur, a centaur! You actually chose a centaur to be the professor of Hogwarts?!"

"Is there any problem?" Dumbledore asked with a chuckle, "It is the principal's freedom to appoint a professor, isn't it? I think there is no law in the Ministry of Magic that restricts this, right?"

Umbridge pointed at Dumbledore in disbelief, as if he thought Dumbledore was doing this to deliberately anger her.

"you you you!"

Umbridge's hand pointing at Dumbledore kept shaking. The next moment, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

At the moment when Umbridge fainted, Linn noticed that the corners of Dumbledore's mouth were raised imperceptibly.

After learning that the Divination class professor had been replaced by Centaur Firenze, Harry was looking forward to the next Divination class. He was curious about how Firenze would give them a Divination class.

During the Forbidden Forest incident four years ago, with the intervention of Lynn and Irina, Harry was carried away by the hound Fang after he fainted. Therefore, he had no contact with Firenze.

Harry's meeting in the Divination class will be his first meeting with Firenze.

However, no matter how well Firenze teaches, he should be better than that liar Professor Trelawney...

That's what Harry was thinking.

When Harry came to this Divination class, he was filled with only surprise.

Under Dumbledore's transformation, the floor of Classroom 11, used for divination classes, turned into soft moss. Trees grew out from under it; their branches were covered with lush leaves, forming a fan shape. Across the ceiling and windows, beams of soft, dappled green light pour throughout the room.

The little wizards who arrived first sat on the dirt with their backs against tree trunks or big rocks. Some had their arms around their knees, and some had their arms tightly crossed in front of their chests. They all looked nervous.

Firenze, who was already a professor of divination, was standing in the middle of a clearing without trees.

Before the divination class officially started, Firenze was not stingy with his time. He talked cordially with the little wizards for a long time.

It didn't take long for Firenze to give Harry and others a divination class unique to centaurs.

I saw him flicking his long silver tail, raising one hand, pointing to the dense canopy of leaves above his head, and then slowly lowering it.

As he moved, the light in the room dimmed, and now Harry and the others seemed to be sitting in a forest glade at dusk, with the starry sky appearing on the ceiling.

Firenze also made predictions about the stars for everyone based on the starry sky displayed on the ceiling.

"In the past ten years, there have been various signs that people in the wizarding world are just passing through a brief period of peace between two wars. The spark that can bring war shines brightly above our heads, indicating that the future will definitely come soon. The war will break out again. As for how long it will take, the centaurs may be able to try to predict it by burning several herbs and leaves and observing the smoke and flames..."

Firenze said this and taught everyone the centaur's prophecy method.

The best way for horse people to predict the future is to observe the starry sky, but in addition to observing the starry sky, horse people will also use burning sage and fragrant mallow to observe their smoke to observe the future.

Of course, the so-called smoke observation method is just like the wizards observing with tea leaves, and has no practical value.

The essence of horse divination still lies in the observation of the starry sky.

Just like when Nico Flamel taught Lynn the horseman's divination, he only taught the starry sky observation method and not other heresy.

This divination class ended with Harry and others still unfinished.

Harry and others packed up their belongings and reluctantly left the Divination classroom. Firenze answered the questions for the little wizard who stayed behind and waited for everyone to leave before slowly walking out. into the classroom.

However, as soon as Firenze walked out of the classroom, he was stopped.

"Hello, Professor Firenze, may I ask you a question about prophecy?"

It was Linn who stopped Firenze, and he asked politely.

Firenze looked at the handsome boy with black hair and dark red eyes in front of him with some confusion. He asked in confusion: "If I remember correctly, this classmate, you should not have taken my divination class." Bar?"

Lin En smiled faintly and said: "Yes, but I have a certain understanding of the starry sky prophecies of the centaurs. I just heard the professor's prediction about the future outside the classroom..."

"But I think that shouldn't be the answer that the professor got by observing the starry sky, right? Or... the trajectory of the future has been distorted, and the signs of the starry sky have also changed, or are they becoming increasingly blurry?"

Linn chuckled and looked into Firenze's blue eyes, and he asked softly.

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