The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 526 To recapture the prophecy crystal ball, a joint attack of fifteen death curses!

"Illusion player name: Irwin Foley

Role played: Auror

Fantasy plot summary: Death Eater Antonin Dolohov has robbed the prophecy crystal ball of the Department of Mysteries. You are an Auror sent by the Ministry of Magic. You are asked to perform the mission of the Ministry of Magic and retrieve the prophecy crystal ball single-handedly.

Ongoing tasks:

Optional clearance plan one: smash the prophecy crystal ball and kill all the Death Eaters ambushing in Knockturn Alley;

Optional clearance plan 2: Take back the prophecy crystal ball from Dolohov, but make sure the prophecy crystal ball is intact. "

The blue screen that appeared in front of Irwin's eyes was the attribute panel given by the alchemy detector!

After seeing the mission requirements of this fantasy test, the corners of Irwin's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

You know, Irvine was also present in the battle where Linn and Irina killed Antonin Dolohov.

He watched with his own eyes as Irina used an ice crystal spear to restrain Dolokhov, while Linn used an alchemical circle to kill Dolokhov with a wave of shots. The scene where the golden beams of light crazily whipped Dolokhov's body all over the sky, He still remembers it vividly!

Unexpectedly, this "high difficulty" mode illusion array would recreate Dolokhov, who had long since died in reality, in the illusion, and become one of the NPCs tested in his illusion.

"Option 2 still has to be timid in order to predict the integrity of the crystal ball. That would be too uncomfortable, right? I choose option 1!"

Irwin chuckled and made his choice.

The blue screen flashed for a moment and then disappeared from Irwin's eyes, while Irwin held a wand and walked step by step towards the depths of Knockturn Alley.

Irwin had not taken a few steps when the first wave of Death Eater ambush arrived.

From the two shops in front of Irwin, two figures wearing black wizard robes and Death Eater masks were seen peeking out at the same time.

At the same time, figures of Death Eaters were spotted on the eaves of Irwin's left front, right front and even the shop behind him!

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


Five life-killing curses were issued almost instantly. The five green beams of light burst towards Irwin from five different directions, carrying endless threats of death!

Among these five green light beams, there is another one coming from behind Irwin, which is completely in the blind spot of Irwin's field of vision!

In the Room of Requirement, the little wizards sitting obediently on the ground all exclaimed in surprise after seeing the scene that Lin En projected in front of them with a light screen.

A few timid little wizards were so scared that they closed their eyes.

Under the simultaneous attacks of five life-killing curses, almost all the young wizards believed that Irwin was bound to die.

However, Irvine's actions exceeded everyone's expectations.

The corners of Irwin's mouth were slightly raised, as if he sensed a sneak attack from behind. He just turned his body slightly to avoid the green light behind him.

Irwin seemed to be dancing a waltz. As his figure slid gracefully, he dodged the remaining four life-killing curses one after another.

A look of disdain appeared in Irwin's eyes. This kind of life-killing curse that can only hit the target straightly and cannot even predict and block the movement, let alone five, even ten more. Dao, no, fifty Dao, there is no chance of hitting him!

While dodging, Irwin was also waving his wand to fight back.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Irwin muttered softly, and pointed the wand in his hand at the Death Eater on the eaves of the shop in front of him on the right. The invisible blade shot out of the air and took off the Death Eater's head.

While waving the wand, the palm of his left hand also turned towards the Death Eater leaning half out of the shop on the left front.


A bolt of lightning lit up from Irwin's palm, and shot out of the air in an instant!

A dazzling light flashed in front of everyone's eyes. Half of the Death Eater hiding in the shop on the left front was blown to pieces, and it looked like he would not survive!

The moment Irwin fired the thunderbolt from his palm, he turned around and fired a divine blade towards the trajectory of the death curse in his memory.

Afterwards, Irwin didn't care whether his Divine Edge Shadow hit the target, but immediately turned around and hit the Death Eater on the eaves of the shop in front of him with another Divine Edge Shadow.

After a breath, two screams sounded in front of and behind Irwin.

The two Death Eaters had half of their heads cut off by Shen Feng Wuying. After letting out their last scream, they died completely.

Before the last Death Eater could react, Irwin raised the wand in his hand, and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, chopping the last Death Eater into charcoal.

After killing the five ambushed Death Eaters, Irwin sped up his pace and chased forward faster.

According to the plot summary of Fantasy Test, he is chasing Dolohov who stole the prophecy crystal ball. This means that if Dolohov escapes with the prophecy crystal ball, then Irwin's mission will fail. .

And Linn said again that the only way to fail in this mission is death.

Irwin could imagine that if he let Dolohov escape with the prophecy crystal ball, then in order to kill him in the illusion, this illusion array might generate a Voldemort himself in front of him!

Thinking of this, he pursued faster.

During the pursuit, more and more Death Eaters appeared in Irwin's field of vision, and cast the Death Curse to attack him.

The hiding places of these Death Eaters were extremely difficult to detect. Behind the windows, on the eaves, in the shadows, or even under the manhole covers, Death Eaters could poke their heads out and attack Irwin.

Not only that, the combat level of the Death Eaters who attacked Irwin seemed to be gradually increasing.

The life-killing curses that came towards Irwin flew straight towards Irwin from the beginning. Later, they were able to predict Irwin's movement trajectory, and even several Death Eaters jointly attacked, using life-killing curses. After sealing Irwin's retreat with the curse, he tried to use the Death Curse to settle the matter.

Beads of sweat appeared on Irwin's forehead. He tried his best to escape from the fifteen death curses and waved his wand to respond to the Death Eaters who were ambushing here.

Among the fifteen death curses just now, twelve were trying to block his retreat, two were predicting the direction of his movement, and only one was standing straight. The ground hit him.

Even if his dodge was off by just a millisecond, the fatal curse would hit his shoulder and kill him! (End of chapter)

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