The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 515 Everything that Master Regulus has experienced

Linn walked at the front. After learning the structure of magic, he had an extremely keen insight into magic, which allowed him to detect the breath of other magic faster than others.

Dumbledore and Irina were walking behind Linn. Although Irina also mastered the method of magic construction, she has not yet reached the Demon King level. In the field of magic perception, she can surpass all wizards of the same level, but she is far behind. Far inferior to Dumbledore, who is a devil-level wizard.

Sirius lagged behind the three, even though he was the most eager to bring Regulus Black home.

But he also knew that with his own magic level, he would only become a burden to them, which made Sirius choose to walk behind to avoid being hit by unknown mechanisms.

The house elf Kreacher was at the back, looking hopefully at Linn and others who were walking at the front.

"found it."

Lin En seemed to have noticed something. He said with a smile, his left hand suddenly moved forward and he grasped the air, and then pulled it back.

I saw a green copper chain as thick as Lin En's forearm emerging from the depths of the lake, leaping towards Lin En's empty fist, and slipped through Lin En's fist, coiling into a pile on the ground. .

The sound of the chain hitting the rock wall echoed in the cave. The green copper chain seemed to be pulling something up from the dark bottom of the lake.

Sirius came closer. From Kreacher's description, he knew that this was a small boat, but after seeing the small boat with his own eyes, he was still shocked.

I saw that the hull of this small boat was like a green copper chain, exuding green light. It slowly floated towards the crowd without causing any ripples.

It's as if this ship doesn't exist in this world at all, and it's not for living people to ride on.

When the boat docked, Dumbledore came over and placed his palm on the boat.

Dumbledore closed his eyes, felt it for a while, and then said: "This ship is enchanted. There is an upper limit to the magic strength of the wizard who rides it. I think it can only ride one wizard at a time."

Linn said: "Then, we will make four trips there. Kreacher's magic power is very weak, so Kreacher can act as a boatman, ferrying us back and forth, and take us all there."

Lynn's proposal was approved by everyone, including Kreacher.

In this way, Kreacher led the four people one by one to the small island in the middle of the lake.

"It seems that there are all corpses in the lake..."

Sirius looked at Linn, Irina and Dumbledore and said with some palpitations.

Sirius was the last one to arrive at the small island in the middle of the lake, and on the way to the island in a boat, he saw that the lake was full of withered white human hands!

Dumbledore nodded with a heavy expression and said: "This is not an ordinary corpse, but the Inferi refined by Voldemort. This is also part of the mechanism arranged by Voldemort here! If I am not wrong, once someone violates this place, According to the rules, these Inferi will climb ashore and kill that person!"

Lynn said calmly: "The number of Inferi in the lake is at least a thousand. However, there has not been a tragedy in the British wizarding world for hundreds of years in which thousands of wizards disappeared or died. Even the wizards Voldemort has killed so far have not been killed." Just a few hundred people.”

"It can be guessed that these Inferi do not come from the magical world, but Muggles. Yes, Voldemort killed thousands of Muggles. He massacred a Muggle village just to refine them into Inferi. , used to guard your own Horcrux!"

Lin En said this, and there was already a bit of anger in his eyes.

For such a disregard for human life and such an act against humanity, Voldemort really deserves to die...

Sirius' face was solemn, and his anger could no longer be suppressed.

"This is where the Slytherin Locket was once hidden. Perhaps here, we can find the relics left by Regulus."

Irina said softly, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

After hearing Irina's words, several people took stock of the island.

This small island is about the same size as Dumbledore's principal's office. There is a large flat black stone slab on the island, which is empty except for the light source that emits green light.

After everyone landed on the island, the green light seemed much brighter.

Sirius took a few steps closer and squinted at it. He thought it was some kind of lamp, but when he got closer to the green light, he discovered that the green light came from a stone basin similar to a pensieve. It came out and there was a base under the stone basin.

Sirius could see that the stone basin was filled with a basin of emerald green liquid, and it was this liquid that emitted sparkling phosphorescence.

Sirius asked: "Kreacher, is this the poison you were talking about?"

Kreacher nodded silently and said nothing.

Sirius understood. He sighed softly and stretched his hand towards the stone basin, trying to touch the liquid.

However, there seemed to be an invisible resistance blocking his hand, preventing him from approaching the liquid.

No matter how hard he stretched his hand down, what his fingers seemed to touch was extremely hard and indestructible air.

At this time, Dumbledore came over, raised his wand, made some complicated movements on the surface of the liquid, and muttered something silently.

As Dumbledore's movements progressed, nothing happened on the surface of the liquid, but the green light emitted by it seemed to become brighter.

Sirius stared at the emerald green liquid and murmured: "The fake Slytherin locket, the last relic left by Regulus, is under this poison."

Dumbledore said solemnly: "You can't put your hands in this kind of liquid, separate it, scoop it out or pump it out, nor can you use a vanishing spell to make it disappear, use magic to deform it, or change it in other ways. Its properties. It seems that drinking it is the only way."

Dumbledore raised the wand in his hand again, twirled it in the air, and conjured a tall crystal wine glass in his hand.

Dumbledore continued: "It can be seen that Voldemort will not be willing to kill the people who come to this island immediately. He will let them live for a while to figure out how they can get through his defense mechanisms, and finally It's important to understand why they were so eager to empty the basin."

"There is no doubt that this medicine will definitely prevent the person who comes here from obtaining the Horcrux. It will probably paralyze the person who comes here, make that person forget the purpose of coming here, and make that person feel extreme pain. Inability to concentrate, or otherwise incapacitating that person.”

Dumbledore said so.

Beside, Kreacher covered his face and sobbed silently.

Isn't what Dumbledore said exactly what Master Regulus has experienced?

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