The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 511 The Magical Structure of Magical Flame

Any form of magic power in the magic world is essentially the product of the structure of the original magic power. By deconstructing and reconstructing these products, you can obtain the product of another structure.

Thinking of this, Linn turned his attention to the torch on the wall of the room.

The flame burning on the torch is a cluster of Gubrai fairy fire, which is why it can continue to burn without being taken care of until now without going out.

Lin En raised his hand and looked towards the cluster of Gubulai fairy fire.

After learning the concepts of this magic book, Lin En's eyes seemed to be that the Gubler fairy fire was no longer a cluster of flames shining with golden light, but a very complex magic factor that had been arranged and combined countless times. magical creation.

The strange power was released with Lin En's thoughts, and the strange power gently and slowly enveloped the cluster of Gubulai fairy fire.

Soon, under Lin En's deconstruction, the cluster of Gubulai fairy fire gradually turned into a ball of ordinary primitive magic power.

You must know that the Gubler Fairy Fire is a magical flame that will never go out. It is also called the eternal fire. Even the Ultimate Curse cannot extinguish it.

Even Lin En could only rely on his own flame affinity talent to extinguish the Gublei fairy fire he summoned.

This is just to extinguish Gubulai's fairy fire. This is also similar to using a magical power similar to "the power of my thoughts" to ignore the process of extinguishing Gubulai's fairy fire, thus directly obtaining the ancient The result of the extinguishing of the Immortal Fire.

But now, with just a flick of his finger, Lin En turned the Gubrai Immortal Fire, known as the Eternal Fire, into a mass of initial magic power!

Yes, Linn did not use his own flame affinity talent to extinguish it, but decomposed it into original magic power, transforming the Gublai Fairy Fire into another form of magic power!

This has never been heard of in the entire magical world!

"Why is an idea that has never appeared in the entire magical world in the collection of the Rowe family?"

Linn murmured to himself as he stared at the raw magic power in his palm.

Under Linn's control, this mass of original magic power changed again. Its magic factors quickly underwent new arrangements and underwent a reconstruction process under Linn's control.

From that magic book, Lin En had already memorized the magic structure of the magic flame. This original magic power was quickly reshaped according to the structure of the magic flame, and finally turned into a ball of flame that burned quietly in Lin En's palm. With.

In fact, the magic structures recorded in this magic book include not only magic flames, but also common magic forms such as magic airflow, magic ice, and magic light sources.

These magic forms come from common magic such as whirlwind sweeping spell, freezing spell and fluorescent spell, and their difficulty is no higher than magic flame.

But perhaps because of Linn's flame affinity talent, after Linn learned the magic structure of the magic flame, the magic structure of the magic flame seemed to be imprinted in the depths of Lin's mind in an instant.

This made Linn's memory of the magic structure of the magic flame the most profound, so profound that unless Linn used the Forgetting Curse on himself, he could clearly recall the magic structure of the magic flame at any time!

But the magical structures of several other magical forms were like a heavenly book in Lin En's eyes. No matter how many times Lin En read them, he could not remember them.

Maybe Lin En can reconstruct the magic factors one by one according to the contents in the magic book, and transform them into other magic forms.

But as long as Linn looks away, he will immediately forget the contents of the magic books about the magic structure of these magic forms, as if someone has cast a forgetting spell behind him.

Lynn was puzzled by this phenomenon.

In the end, Linn could only attribute it to a master selection method similar to ancient magic. Only wizards with corresponding talents can remember the contents of their magic structure, while other wizards have seen it dozens or hundreds of times. , and can't remember a single bit of it.

If this is the case, then it makes sense that the ideas in this magic book are just stored on the bookshelf and have never been published.

"The magical structure of fire magic..."

Lin En thought about it, and he released Li Fire, Gubulai Fairy Fire, Forbidden Demon Fire and Ziwei Sky Fire one by one.

After seeing Li Fire, Gubulai Fairy Fire and Forbidden Demon Fire in his hand, Lin En immediately sensed its magical structure.

But after Linn waved his wand and used the freezing spell and fluorescent spell to create magical ice and magical light sources respectively, he found that he could not sense the magic structure of these two magic forms at all.

Sure enough, I only have the ability to perceive the magical structure of the magical form that matches my own flame affinity talent...

Linn thought so.

After summoning the Li Fire, the Gubulai Immortal Fire and the Forbidden Demon Fire, and memorizing their magic power structures, Linn was able to use the same method to construct magic flames to construct the original magic power into these three flames. !

Among them, the Forbidden Demonic Fire is different from the other two flames. Linn can realize that its essence is the same as ordinary magical flames, but its wonderful thing is that it can be inextricably linked with the invisible alchemy arrays. Inextricably linked together.

Fortunately, Lin En now has the ability to refine an alchemical array in a single thought, which allows him to construct a magical flame and an alchemical array at the same time, and combine them according to the connection method of the Forbidden Fire. The strands are connected together to refine the Forbidden Demon Fire.

This means that when Lin En needs the Forbidden Fire in the future, he does not need to repeat the alchemy process again and again. Instead, he can create a new Forbidden Fire out of thin air just like summoning other flames!

This is perhaps the most direct gain that Linn gained from this magic book.

In addition, Lin En was unable to sense the magical structure of Ziwei Sky Fire, which made him feel a little annoyed.

The essence of Ziwei Sky Fire is the power of stars, not magic power, which prevents Linn from using the same method to construct the original magic power into Ziwei Sky Fire.

In fact, the power of the stars can also be understood as the "magic power" of another system, and the crape myrtle sky fire can also be understood as the "magic form" of the "magic power" of another system.

According to the same method, with the help of the flame affinity talent, Lin En also grasped the possibility of directly constructing the power of the stars into the crape myrtle sky fire.

However, that is not what Linn can do in a short time.

After all, although the knowledge contained in the fire element magic books on this bookshelf is profound, it all has magic as its root.

The power of the stars, which relies on the starry sky and does not exist on the earth, is not within the scope of consideration of fire element magic.

Even the crape myrtle sky fire transformed by the power of the stars is still a question mark whether it can be labeled as "magic"! (End of chapter)

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