The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 507 The Slytherin Locket Hidden in Rohr Castle

"Kreacher, you said that my father took away the Slytherin Locket, and my father was killed by Voldemort after that incident. So, you still remember, my father took away Slytherin's locket. How long was the interval between Lin's Locket and the news of my father's death?"

Linn looked at Kreacher and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Linn's words, Kreacher was stunned at first, and then said in a low voice: "After Master Regulus died, Kreacher followed Master Regulus's order and did not go anywhere in the house, but in Three days later, Kreacher heard that Master Rolle was killed by the Dark Lord..."

"Kreacher was afraid. Kreacher was worried that Master Regulus' efforts would be in vain. Kreacher did not dare to leave the house and hid in a cupboard for seven days and nights, almost starving to death..."

Kreacher muttered.

Three days?

Linn pondered, he looked at Irina, Sirius and others, and said: "If there are three days between these two things, then even if my father failed to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux, Presumably it can be hidden away from Voldemort."

"Therefore, it can be inferred that my father's death was caused by the revelation of the Horcrux that made Voldemort furious and killed him, but Voldemort was not able to obtain the Horcrux from my father. And that piece The location of the Horcrux must be a place where safety is adequately guaranteed."

"If I'm not wrong, in order for someone to destroy the Horcrux in the future, the Horcrux must be placed in a place where people from the Order of the Phoenix, or Dumbledore, can know about it. There are not many such places, let alone me After taking away the Slytherin Locket, the places his father visited were extremely limited."

Linn analyzed this.

Voldemort cannot touch, there is sufficient security, the Order of the Phoenix, especially Dumbledore, can know where Hendry Roll has been after leaving the cave...

Under the screening of these four conditions, the answer is already obvious.

Irina blurted out: "Rohr Castle?!"

Yes, after Dumbledore personally served as the secret keeper and placed the Fidelity Charm on Rolle Manor, the security of Rolle Manor has been sufficiently guaranteed.

Under the protection of the Loyalty Curse, even if Voldemort killed Hendry Rolle, he could not enter the Rolle Manor. This was also the main guarantee for Rowena to escape Voldemort's pursuit and successfully give birth to Lynn.

After Hendry Rohr took away the Slytherin Locket from the cave, due to his status as an undercover agent, it was difficult to contact the Order of the Phoenix in a short period of time. And the day he returned to the Death Eaters' station, it was very likely that This is the day of his death.

Then, the only place Hendry could reach in those three days or even less was Rohr Castle.

Hearing Irina mention Rohr Castle, Linn was also moved.

After living in Rolle Castle for more than ten years, Linn could be said to be extremely familiar with Rolle Castle. He also knew that Voldemort's Horcrux did not exist in the places he had visited.

In this way, if the Slytherin Locket is really in Rolle Castle, there will only be one hiding place for it, and that is the fifth floor of Rolle Castle where the road is sealed by ancient magic!

As early as three years ago, when Linn invited Irina to come to Rohr Castle for Christmas, he asked his mother Rowena about the fifth floor of Rohr Castle.

But Rowena avoided talking about it, presumably because Rowena wanted to protect him when he was still a young wizard.

After thinking about it, Lin En no longer concealed anything, but said to everyone in the room: "To be honest, since I was born, I have only been to the first four floors of Rohr Castle, and Rohr Castle The top floor, the fifth floor, I have never been to.”

"The stairway leading from the fourth floor to the fifth floor of Rohr Castle was sealed by a very ancient magic. I was not able to break that seal, and I had no intention of breaking it rashly. But now, if I If my guess is correct, the Slytherin Locket is probably hidden in the sealed fifth floor!"

Lynn said so.

Irina took out two spoons from her pocket and handed one of them to Linn, which was the arbitrary door key she made.

These two random door keys have been authorized by Linn, the owner of Rolle Castle, and can ignore the protective magic of Rolle Manor and directly reach the first floor hall of Rolle Castle.

"Then, Linn and I will go ahead and look for the Slytherin Locket."

Irina said.

Hearing this, Sirius quickly stepped forward and said, "I'm going too, I can help! What's more, my brother Regulus is also here..."

Harry nodded as well, looking at Linn and Irina with eager eyes.

Seeing this, Lin En shook his head and said: "Irina and I are enough. The way to destroy the Horcrux is very simple, either with fierce fire or the fangs of the basilisk. The reason why my father was He didn't destroy it directly, maybe he didn't recognize it as a Horcrux."

In the original book, Regulus Black only knew that the Slytherin Locket was a guarantee for Voldemort's life and a Horcrux that could defeat Voldemort, but he did not know that it was a Horcrux.

Otherwise, Regulus in the original book would not have let a house elf like Kreacher destroy the Slytherin Locket.

There are countless black magic props in the magic world, and not all black magic props can be destroyed with fire. There are even cursed props in the magic world that are detonated by fire!

Therefore, although Hendry Rolle mastered the Fire Curse, he did not use the Fire Curse rashly on the Slytherin Locket. Instead, he took the safest method and sealed it in Rolle Castle. Fifth floor.

After hearing Linn's words, Sirius and Harry both lowered their heads in disappointment.

However, they didn't say much. After all, Linn and Irina could be said to have the most say in dealing with Voldemort.

Two white lights lit up one after another, and the figures of Linn and Irina disappeared into the Black ancestral house.

The next moment, the living room on the first floor of Rohr Castle.

Rowena, who was holding the fruit plate and watching the magic TV, looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in the living room with some surprise.

Rowena asked: "Didn't you go to visit Blake and the others? Why are you back?"

Linn shook his head. He did not answer Rowena's question. Instead, he came to Rowena and asked in a serious tone: "Mom, can you tell me that the seal leading to the fifth floor of Rohr Castle is Wasn't it arranged by my father before he was killed by Voldemort?"

Rowena was stunned for a moment, but she quickly figured out something.

Her eyes became softer, she nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

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