The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 498 The hearts are connected and the thoughts are the same!

After all, when facing dark wizards or Death Eaters who use black magic on her, she would rather respond with an Avada Kedavra rather than fight back and forth with some defensive magic.

What Ron gave her was a large bag of Bibi's multi-flavor beans, which was quite in line with Irina's wishes. She is a dessert lover herself.

What Hermione gave her was a diary. Every page of the diary was written with inspirational words such as "Today's things will be finished today!" It can only be said that Hermione's academic style has gone through so much. After many years, nothing has changed.

After opening the six most important Christmas gifts to Irina, she began to open the remaining twenty or so Christmas gifts in the room given to her by friends with whom she had a good relationship.

On the other side, Lynn had finished opening all the Christmas gifts left in the room and walked out of the room.

And just when he was about to go downstairs to eat, he bumped into Green, who happened to come down from the third floor and was also going to the living room to have breakfast.

"Teacher, will your Christmas gift be a bit..."

Lynn weighed his words as he tried to persuade Green to "be kind."

However, before Linn could finish his words, Green laughed and said, "How about it? Isn't the Christmas gift I gave you very innovative? Even though you are a devil-level wizard, you no longer need those things from Just keep it safe..."

"But compared to fighting back and forth with a wand, the things I gave you are not that practical, but they are still very interesting, and the scene is much more spectacular, isn't it? This time it can only be regarded as a gadget Son, next year I will give you the whole big one!"

Green said with a smile and patted Linn's shoulder.

The corners of Linn's mouth twitched even more fiercely.

Damn it, did he mean it? !

Blast the enemy to death with a rocket launcher. The scene is indeed much more spectacular than a mediocre Avada Kedavra, but is this what he wants? !

Who is a good guy who uses a rocket launcher in a fight? !

Also, the Type 69 rocket launcher this time is just a gadget, so what big thing do you want next year? !

Atomic bomb? !

Lin En felt a dull pain between his eyebrows. He forced a grin and said, "Teacher, you may have misunderstood me. I just want to..."

Green interrupted Linn again. He looked like he suddenly understood and said: "Oh, I understand, ten rounds of ammunition must not be enough for you, right? Yes, how many people are there even in those Death Eaters?" There are ten, I was negligent! When I return to France, I will reissue a hundred rounds of ammunition for you, so you can have fun!"

Linn slapped himself on the forehead. He didn't want to argue with Green anymore.

He was afraid that if he continued to argue, Green would directly give him an arsenal.

However, when Linn covered his face and was speechless, Green's mouth showed a smile that seemed to have succeeded in mischief.

When the two came to the living room and sat down at the dining table, other people on the third floor also came down one after another.

Everyone enjoyed a breakfast happily.

At Rowena's suggestion, the house elf Gale took the Lowells, the Scamanders, and the Flamel couple to visit Rolle Manor.

Gale seemed very happy. Today's Rolle Manor is the result of his labor. Under its transformation, the original abandoned gardens are no less than many national parks in the Muggle world.

However, Green did not go along, but stayed in the living room drinking tea.

Not long after, two white lights suddenly lit up outside Rohr Castle.

Fred and George's figures, led by the portkey, arrived outside Rohr Castle.

Their door key was naturally given permission by Linn and made by Irina.

After Linn brought the two people in, Green's eyes stayed on these two people.

Green could tell that Fred and George were the two comrades Linn said were very talented in alchemy and wanted to become his disciples.

As early as five years ago, when Green was still serving as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts Castle, he had noticed these two seemingly naughty children.

He discovered that the two children seemed to have a special interest in alchemy, but he did not pay too much attention to it at the time. After all, Fred and George's interest in alchemy at that time was more in those prank products. rather than alchemy itself.

But now, Fred and George were brought to Green again, which forced Green to re-examine these two children with alchemical talents.

"Long time no see, Professor Green!"

Fred came over and handed Green the letter of introduction written by Lynn.

George also came around and said, "Professor Green, if possible, please allow us to become our teacher! We want to learn more advanced alchemy."

After Green read Linn's letter of introduction, his light blue eyes turned to the two little wizards in front of him.

He looked at the two of them with a chuckle and said: "Fred and George, right? Two children of the Weasley family, I have an impression of you. Since Linn told me, you are extremely talented in the field of alchemy. , then, please show me?"

As he spoke, Green made a "please" gesture with his hands.

Seeing this, Lin En, who was not far away, quickly came over and said, "Teacher, I will take you to the training ground at Rohr Manor."

Hearing Linn's words, Green couldn't help but be surprised.

You know, in most cases, alchemy means carving alchemical circles on items to create enchanted alchemical creations, or using legal alchemy to create brand new alchemical creations.

A skilled alchemist doesn't even need a special alchemy laboratory to accomplish these things, and can easily accomplish these things even in a not-so-quiet place like the first floor hall of Rohr Castle.

This is one of the projects Green plans to examine Fred and George.

However, since Linn said he would take them to the training ground at Rolle Manor, this means that Fred and George have been able to apply alchemy to actual combat. This is even the case for many famous alchemists in France. Even a teacher may not be able to do it!

The four of them arrived at the training ground located south of Rohr Manor. After entering the ground, Fred and George waved their magic wands consciously, showing off their alchemy skills to Green.

The two wands were pointed at the same place, and countless golden threads were spit out from the tops of their wands in an instant, intertwining with the same alchemy circle.

Seeing this scene, Green stood with his arms crossed and watched their operations with interest.

Two alchemists refine the same alchemy circle together, and ensure that there will be no mistakes in alchemical thread entanglement or repeated drawing of lines. This kind of operation requires extremely high tacit understanding between the two alchemists.

Is this the advantage that these twins bring to each other? ! (End of chapter)

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