The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 479 Speed ​​pass test, Ginny’s reverse thinking!

The gray-white beam of light shot out of the air, and the moment the extremely powerful crushing curse hit Fudge's back, it exploded Fudge's body into pieces of meat!

Although Ginny is still a fourth-year wizard, her magic level is by no means weaker than most of the senior wizards present!

Especially her crushing spell, its power has reached the level of an elite Auror!

The moment Fudge's body was exploded, Ginny quickly waved her wand and cast another Disappearance Curse on herself. Then, while the Aurors were focusing on Fudge's body, which exploded, they had not yet reacted. When the time came, he rushed towards the entrance of the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Weasley is an employee of the Ministry of Magic, and Ginny has followed Mr. Weasley to the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, she is relatively clear about the location of the entrances and exits of the Ministry of Magic.

When Ginny stepped out of the central hall, the illusion around her gradually dissipated.

"Yes, he was very decisive in his attack and did not miss the best opportunity to escape. I think the first three tests should not be difficult for you. You can go directly to the fifth phantom formation."

Linn said this with a smile and a nod to Ginny.

A smile appeared on Ginny's face. She nodded to Linn in response, and then stepped into the fifth magic array.

Harry was eliminated in the illusion test of the fourth illusion array, but this does not mean that he will not have the opportunity to undergo the test of the fifth illusion array in the future. He can still enter in order with the big team. In this fifth phantom formation.

In order to pass the fifth illusion array smoothly, Harry watched Ginny's performance in the illusion projected on the light screen attentively, hoping to learn Ginny's ideas for passing the level.

Ginny's performance in the fourth illusion made Harry understand that it is very important to wave the wand decisively against the enemy, and it is equally important to seize the opportunity to survive.

Harry's failure was that he was not decisive enough and could not make up his mind at the first time to use magic that was extremely lethal and capable of killing Fudge.

If Harry was given another chance, Harry would definitely be able to successfully pass the illusion test of the fourth illusion array.

At this time, Ginny had entered the illusion of the fifth illusion array.

The moment the white mist around her dissipated and the surrounding environment came into view, Ginny lowered her center of gravity cautiously and looked around cautiously.

Ginny was somewhat surprised to find that she had never been to the place she was in, but she felt a strange sense of familiarity about it, as if she had seen something happening here before.

It looked like a cemetery. She could see tombstones stuck in the soil. It looked eerie and contained endless murderous intent.

Soon, Ginny remembered, isn't this the village of Little Hangleton? !

The Battle of Little Hangleton Village that took place last school year was widely circulated throughout the British wizarding community, and the famous scene in which Lynn single-handedly defeated Voldemort was published in the Daily Prophet. Praised by everyone.

In that Daily Prophet, when Lynn fought against Voldemort by herself, wasn't the scene she was in exactly where she was at this time? !

In Little Hangleton Village, it seemed that the targets she was about to face were no longer the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, but the truly vicious Death Eaters!

Ginny thought so in her heart, and the vigilance in her heart was raised to the highest level.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


More than a dozen sharp shouts sounded from all directions around Ginny. At some point, more than a dozen Death Eaters with metal masks on their faces had quietly circled around Ginny, trapping her in their circle. Among!

The sky was filled with green light, and the scene just like what Harry saw in the fourth illusion test of the illusion circle was replicated in front of Ginny's eyes!

Looking at the death curse coming towards her door, Ginny still remained calm. While she quickly waved her wand to cast a silent disembodiment spell on herself, she made a bold move. decision.

That is to lie down on the spot and remain motionless!

The green light in the sky passed over Ginny's head and exploded on the hills in the distance.

When the Death Eaters saw that Ginny suddenly disappeared, they naturally understood that Ginny had used the Disillusionment Curse to hide her figure. They immediately waved their wands and released a large-scale detection spell towards the nearby area!

The detection spells released by these Death Eaters were different from the tiny detection spells with a radius of only three meters that were released by the Aurors in Harry's third illusion test.

I saw a blue halo spread from the wands of these Death Eaters, and spread to ten meters away from them!

The distance between these Death Eaters and Ginny is not far, and the distance between them is not more than ten meters, which means that the detection spell they release can perfectly form a closed circle, trapping Ginny. Completely surrounded by it!

If Ginny had not chosen to lie down on the spot, but tried to escape the moment she escaped the death curse, then she might have been discovered by the detection spells of these Death Eaters!

After the Death Eaters discovered that their detection spells had yielded nothing, they did not try to move closer to the center and compress Ginny's living space.

The Death Eaters seemed to think that Ginny had already used other means to escape from their encirclement before they cast the detection spell, and they did not think that Ginny would just sit there and wait to die.

After all, if an enemy suddenly becomes invisible and disappears in the middle of a battle, no matter what they think, they will think that the enemy has escaped, or that he has gone to a corner and is waiting for an opportunity, right? !

It's impossible for someone to stand still after becoming invisible, right? !

It was this kind of reverse thinking that allowed Ginny to escape the disaster.

When the surrounding Death Eaters dispersed, the illusion also dissipated. Ginny removed the illusion spell on herself and walked out of the illusion array.

"Not bad!"

Linn smiled and clapped her hands, signaling Ginny to return to the main group.

Afterwards, Lin En said to everyone: "You should have seen clearly the demonstration of Harry and Ginny in these five magic arrays, right? In this meeting, and even in the next meeting, the only thing you have to do is The thing is to enter these five illusory formations one by one and complete these five illusory realm tests, are you all clear?"

Hearing Lin En's words, all the little wizards became energetic.

While watching Harry and Ginny's live broadcast through the light curtain released by Lynn, these little wizards were gearing up, looking forward to the moment when they entered the illusion test.

And now, this moment has finally arrived! (End of chapter)

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