The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 472 First Meeting

Dumbledore frowned deeply after learning that the soul fragment in Harry's mind showed signs of activity, and that Harry was likely to be controlled by Voldemort.

Looking at Dumbledore who was thinking, Irina said softly: "I think it's time for us to teach Harry Occlumency. That is currently the only way to block the connection between Harry and Voldemort."

Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded in agreement, and said in a deep voice: "I will let Severus teach Harry Occlumency."

In the entire Hogwarts castle, there are only three wizards who can be called masters of Occlumency. One is Dumbledore, the second is Professor Snape, and the third has only learned Occlumency for one year. More than enough Lynn.

But Dumbledore was worried that Voldemort would spy on him through Harry, and wanted to avoid meeting Harry at all costs, and he did not know Lynn's specific attainments in the field of Occlumency.

Therefore, in Dumbledore's eyes, the only person here who can teach Harry is probably Professor Snape.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think Professor Snape may not be suitable to teach Harry."

Lin En, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke.

"Oh?" Dumbledore raised his head and looked at Linn, "What do you think?"

Lynn spread his hands and said: "Professor Dumbledore, you also know how serious Harry's resistance to Professor Snape is. Learning under such a mentality, Harry's learning efficiency in learning Occlumency will definitely be higher." Not too high.”

"But Harry's urgency to learn Occlumency is no greater than that he could spend five years leisurely learning Potions. He must master Occlumency in a short period of time, which also means that he must use his utmost strength to learn Occlumency. Learn efficiently.”

Lynn said so.

Dumbledore was a little troubled. He understood that what Lynn said was right, but he could not arrange a better teacher for Harry: "Yes, yes, I can teach Harry, but I'm afraid..."

Lynn interrupted Dumbledore and said earnestly: "I know you are worried about Voldemort's soul fragment, but in fact, besides you and Professor Snape, I can also teach Harry."

"I learned Occlumency more than a year ago, and after I was promoted to the Demon King-level wizard, I have been able to weave false memories in the field of Occlumency. I think I should be able to teach him brain Occlumency.”

Lynn said with a smile.

Hearing this, Dumbledore couldn't help being moved. He said, "Since you can teach him, that would be great. When do you plan to teach Harry? Do you need me to approve the leave specifically for you?"

Now, Umbridge is causing trouble in Hogwarts Castle. Unless Dumbledore specially approves a special note for Lynn and Harry, they may really want to teach Occlumency in the castle openly. There will be some trouble.

Lynn smiled and shook his head, and he said: "Remember what Irina and I told you last week, the Defense Against Dark Arts team we formed, also known as the D.A. Army, or the student organization of Dumbledore's Army? "

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

He naturally remembered that, not to mention that Lin En and Irina made a special trip to report to him last Saturday night. On Sunday morning, his brother Aberforth came to him for this and scolded him in the face. Dayton!

Lynn said: "In fact, we plan to hold the first meeting of the D.A. Army tomorrow, and we plan to set the meeting place in the Room of Requirement. It is the safest place and the least likely to be discovered by Umbridge. After the meeting, I will leave Harry alone to teach him Occlumency."

On the side, Irina asked worriedly: "Are there any teaching arrangements after the assembly? However, after they all leave, if the door to the Room of Requirement is still there, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others."

A large number of people came out of the Room of Requirement at the same time. If the Room of Requirement was completely empty and there was no one inside, that would be okay. The door to the Room of Requirement would disappear automatically. Even if someone was suspicious, they would not be able to suspect the Room of Requirement.

But if there are still people in the Room of Requirement and the door is still on the wall, then even a fool can probably guess that the other end of the door is the gathering place of this large number of people!

Hearing this, Lin En said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about concealment at all. Don't forget, we can use magic! I'm afraid only Professor Dumbledore can see some clues about my confusion spell. "

Although the essence of the Room of Requirement is similar to the small world inside Irina's suitcase, which is a combination of alchemy and magic, it cannot be cast on the confusion spell.

But Lynn could have cast a confusion spell on the entire corridor on the eighth floor to prevent the Room of Requirement from being exposed with full coverage.

Before and during the D.A. Army's rally, in order to prevent his own people from finding the door, Linn gave up using the confusion spell to cover the area. But after the rally was over and those of his own people had left, he would naturally be able to do whatever he wanted. .

"Well," Irina said with a smile, "then I'll leave Harry's Occlumency to you."

Linn nodded lightly and agreed.

He originally planned to leave the Weasley twins down after the meeting to teach them the application of alchemy in actual combat.

One more Harry and one more Occlumency would be just incidental and would not affect anything.

It just so happened that he was able to take this opportunity to teach Occlumency to the Weasley twins, Irwin and Astoria, who were, as expected, his future comrades.

After leaving the principal's office, Irina told Harry that Harry was about to learn Occlumency from Linn.

And after learning that he was originally going to learn Occlumency from Professor Snape, but Linn offered to teach him to free himself from Professor Snape's misery, Harry could be said to be moved to tears.

He almost swore that he would be in the best condition to receive Lin En's teachings.

After all, in Harry's opinion, it would be better to study with Linn than with Professor Snape!

The day passed quickly, and before going to bed at night, all the little wizards who participated in the D.A. Army meeting were pleasantly surprised to find that the words on the side of the alchemy quills that Linn gave them had changed!

"Tomorrow night at eight o'clock, on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite the tapestry where the troll clubbed Barnabas the fool."

This line of text is very long, which makes the text floating on the side of the quill very small, and is densely covered on the barrel of the alchemy quill. (End of chapter)

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