The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 457 Crush and Defeat

As the smoke exploded, Lin En also quickly threw out a ball of forbidden demon fire, melting the life-killing curses that were shooting around him into the air.

Using thick smoke to obscure the Aurors' vision, and then using forbidden fire to block the attack of the Death Curse, this was the fundamental purpose of Linn's release of the Explosive Curse.

Lynn once used the Forbidden Fire in the Battle of Little Hangleton Village. This made the Forbidden Fire one of Lynn's signature magics in the eyes of wizards in the British magical world.

Therefore, in order not to expose their identities, Linn and Irina must use other methods to cover up their unique magic or other abilities from others!

Seeing Lin blocking the life-killing curses around her, Irina breathed a sigh of relief.

There were so many life-killing curses that were shot just now that even she couldn't dodge them all just by moving. And if she wanted to control the power of ice to shuttle quickly, she would inevitably Reveal your identity.

You know, when the power of ice is released, the icy blue light that blooms cannot even be covered by thick smoke!

Glancing at Linn beside her happily, Irina's offensive became more fierce.

She understood that when these Aurors regarded her as Death Eaters and would not hold back in the slightest, if she and Lynn wanted to win without killing these Aurors and without exposing their identities, they would have to do so. Some Aurors must be made incapacitated quickly!

Otherwise, the offensive of these Auror formations would be no small matter!

Irina's wrist shook slightly, and five or six disarming spells shot out of the air in just one second, flying towards the five or six Aurors not far away.

Looking at the Disarming Curse coming through the air, two of the Aurors skillfully released the Iron Armor Curse to block the attack.

But the remaining Aurors didn't even know the Iron Armor Curse. They foolishly cast the disarming spell at Irina on the spot, trying to use their own disarming spell to counter Poina's disarming spell.

Under Irina's speechless gaze, her disarming spell shattered the disarming spells of the Aurors without any accident, and knocked them away.

"The quality of Aurors should really be improved..."

Irina said helplessly, waving her wand to cast a stun spell on the Aurors who had lost their wands.

Lin En also shook his head. The quality of today's Aurors is indeed mixed, and there are even some Aurors who have not even learned the Iron Armor Curse.

The combat power of wizards is seriously divided, which is already a common problem in the magic world.

In about three minutes, more than thirty Aurors fell to the ground and were unconscious outside the port.

Further away from the port, near the Azkaban Prison, there were still a dozen Aurors stubbornly resisting.

These Aurors are the last Aurors on this island.

The Aurors didn't seem worried, though.

After all, the Aurors stationed here have never been the main force guarding Azkaban Prison. The main force here has always been the hundreds of Dementors flying over Azkaban Prison!

Thanks to the efforts of the elite Aurors who retreated to the rear, the Dementors over Azkaban Prison finally understood the meaning of these Aurors and marked Lynn and Irina as intruders. By.

After the Aurors and the Dementors reached an agreement, the situation suddenly changed.

Hundreds of Dementors were like overwhelming black mist, flying towards Lin En and Irina, and the killing curses interspersed by a dozen Aurors blocked Lin En and Irina. All Irina's escape routes.

Seeing this scene, Lin En and Irina didn't have any fear on their faces.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Linn signaled to Irina and asked her to continue dealing with the dozen Aurors, while he himself waved his wand and summoned his patronus.

Irina's magic level is still just a step away from the devil-level wizard. Perhaps her magic power cannot support her to repel so many dementors on her own, but it is more than enough to defeat a dozen Aurors. .

At this time, the demon king-level magic power was rapidly condensing, and turned into a giant white wolf nearly a hundred feet tall in the air!

The huge white wolf patron saint roared at the Dementors in the air, and the violent sound waves turned into milky white substance, spreading in the direction of the Dementors with the intention of destruction!

With just the roar of the huge white wolf, more than a hundred Dementors were thrown out. The Dementors who were thrown out were horrified to find that their bodies had become a bit lighter. !

This white wolf's roar can actually cause substantial harm to them!

The white wolf did not stop its offensive. Its huge body suddenly flew forward, and as it waved its sharp claws, more than a dozen dementors flew out like rags.

The bodies of these dementors hit by the white wolf's sharp claws were all dim, and the cloaks on their bodies were torn into strands like tattered cloth, and they seemed to be about to dissipate at any time.

Seeing how ferocious the white wolf-shaped Patron Saint was, all the dementors panicked!

Especially the more than 20 dementors who participated in the attack on Linn and Irina at the end of August were frightened to death. They ignored the orders of the Aurors below and quickly headed towards the island. Escape outside.

Of course, they will not leave this place where they live too far. After Linn and Irina successfully escape from prison, they will return here.

Under the White Wolf's continuous attacks, nearly half of these dementors were beaten to a near-death state.

Until this moment, the remaining dementors completely lost the courage to attack Lin En and Irina. They screamed sharply, and used their miserable howls to temporarily repel the white wolf's attack, and then they threatened Their injured companions fled into the distance.

Linn did not control the Patronus to chase the fleeing Dementors. He understood that the Patronus Spell could only drive away the Dementors, but could not kill them. Even if he chased the Dementors, it would be in vain. of.

At the same time, Irina had knocked out the remaining Aurors.

Among the dozen or so Aurors, there were three veteran elite Aurors, and except for these three elite Aurors, the rest of the Aurors couldn't even block Irina's dozens of stun spells that were instantly cast upon her face to face!

Even though the three elite Aurors persisted, the three Chinese biting cabbages thrown by Irina made them lose their last ability to resist.

Fortunately, Irina quickly collected the three Chinese biting cabbage before the Chinese biting cabbage bit off their heads. Otherwise, if she accidentally killed these Aurors who hated Death Eaters, She will have to feel guilty for most of her life. (End of chapter)

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