"We're back, Professor Dumbledore!"

As soon as they returned to Hogwarts Castle, Linn and Irina arrived outside the principal's office.

Irina recited Honeydukes' snack list as a matter of course. As she loves sweets, she doesn't need to come up with a long list to recite like Lynn. There are hundreds of sweets in her memory alone. Planted.

When she read "Chuibao Super Bubble Gum", the stone statue got out of the way, and the two of them arrived in the office smoothly.

Seeing Linn and Irina walking in together, Dumbledore, who was sitting behind the table, leaned forward slightly and asked, "How is the matter with the giant?"

In fact, after seeing the two of them come back in just two days, Dumbledore already had a rough guess about the outcome of this incident.

Lin En's answer undoubtedly confirmed this guess: "The tribe was exterminated. Those giants took the initiative to attack Hagrid, and a new Gugo named Gao Gaoma showed murderous intent towards Hagrid, so I took action to kill them all." killed."

"Alas," Dumbledore sighed, "What a pity, these are the last giants in the British wizarding world."

Dumbledore had always disapproved of killing the last giants of the British wizarding world, but compared with the lives of the little wizards at Hogwarts Castle, he chose the latter.

Irina said softly: "Actually, Professor Dumbledore, your plan was originally successful, and Hagrid also had a very happy conversation with the original Gogo, a giant named Karkus. But a Death Eater The intervention of the disciples broke all this."

"The Death Eater of the Shafik family cast a curse on Kakus, which caused the giant Gogoma to kill Kakus and become the new Gogo, and Gogoma in order to get rid of Shafik's enemies , and planned to kill Hagrid, which led to the tragedy of the giant."

Irina said so, she had no intention of hiding Dumbledore's intention on this matter.

"Death Eaters..." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. He didn't look very happy. "Where is Hagrid? Is he back?"

Irina nodded slightly and said, "Hagrid had already returned with his half-brother before us."

Hearing Irina's words, Dumbledore was a little surprised. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Half brother...brother?"

Irina explained: "It was a giant who originally lived in the giant camp, called Grawp. Grawp and Hagrid's mother are the same giant. Grawp is also the last pure-blood giant in the British wizarding world. ”

Dumbledore frowned and asked: "So, did Hagrid take Grawp to the Forbidden Forest? This is quite troublesome..."

Dumbledore had no objection to Hagrid taking Grawp to the Forbidden Forest. After all, he was one of his own and could only be pampered...

But it was a bit tricky for Dumbledore to ensure that a pure-blood giant would not harm any of the little wizards in Hogwarts Castle while he was in the Forbidden Forest.

While Dumbledore was thinking, Linn said: "Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore. Before Hagrid took Grawop to the Forbidden Forest, I left a security measure on Grawop. Please take a look. …”

As Linn spoke, he handed Dumbledore the magical contract he forced Grawp to sign using blood as a guide.

Dumbledore took the magic contract. He just glanced at it casually and said with a smile: "Although this magic contract is a bit crude, all the necessary measures have been taken. So so be it."

Don't look at the first rule of this magic contract, which only requires Graup not to harm underage wizards.

But in fact, most of those who dare to break into the Forbidden Forest are underage wizards in Hogwarts Castle.

At this time, someone asked, aren't all seventh-grade wizards adults? So what if a seventh-grade wizard breaks into the Forbidden Forest and is accidentally injured by Grawp? !

In fact, those seventh grade wizards didn't have such leisure.

Just like the little wizard in fifth grade who needs to take the O.W.Ls exam at the end of the semester and is busy preparing for the exam throughout the school year, the little wizard in seventh grade is also worried about N.E.W.Ts.

If O.W.Ls is the college entrance examination, then N.E.W.Ts can be said to be the university's graduation thesis.

Those little wizards in seventh grade are scratching their heads thinking about how to write a proposal report. How can they still think about playing in the Forbidden Forest? !

After ruling out the possibility of the seventh-year wizard going to the Forbidden Forest, the only ones left who might go to the Forbidden Forest, apart from the professors at Hogwarts Castle, were the intruders.

Since Dumbledore's approval of Grawp's matter, Hagrid would naturally not hide Grop's matter from the four college deans, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape and Professor Sprout. Pu's location.

This can also avoid the possibility of being accidentally injured when entering the Forbidden Forest.

In this way, the only ones who might be harmed by Grawp are probably the intruders.

"Professor Dumbledore, in addition to coming back to revive him, we also plan to hand him over to you."

As Irina said this, she took out the big ice block with the dark wizard sealed and placed it in the principal's office.

"This is..." Dumbledore looked at the dark wizard inside the ice and fell into silence.

Irina waved her wand gently, causing the ice to melt on its own, revealing the unharmed dark wizard inside.

After seeing that the dark wizard was unfrozen but not harmed, even Dumbledore showed a bit of amazement.

The ability to completely freeze the enemy without harming the enemy at all. This ability to accurately control ice elemental magic is truly amazing.

"This is the dark wizard that Linn and I caught in Le Fei Lane, France. Didn't I agree with you before that we would find a dark wizard to take the blame?"

Irina smiled slyly and said.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly. He waved his hand and lifted the Irina curse on the dark wizard.

Under the confused gazes of Lin and Irina, Dumbledore's eyes suddenly turned bluer when he looked at the dark wizard, and he whispered softly: "Legilimency!"

A few breaths later, and after a brief investigation, Dumbledore determined that this was indeed a dark wizard who did all kinds of evil.

Seeing this scene, Irina looked a little aggrieved and said, "Professor Dumbledore, do you not trust us?"

Dumbledore was stunned, and then said: "No, you misunderstood, this is just a necessary check. After all, this is a human life. As long as the evil deeds he committed have not reached the level of life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison, I Neither will let him become a victim.”

Hearing this, Irina suddenly realized that it turned out that she wanted to "identify" this dark wizard, so as not to unjustly accuse a good person...

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