The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 450 The giants are exterminated, but Grawp survives!

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

A hundred meters away, Linn raised the wand in his hand and murmured softly.

Irina, who was originally standing next to him, disappeared without knowing when. Lin En was like a god descending from the sky, being lifted up by a golden alchemy circle and slowly moving towards Hagrid and Maxim. Flying in the direction of the lady.

Seeing the deaths of the two tribesmen, Gao Gaoma's face was filled with shock and anger.

Hagrid also showed surprise when he saw that the two giants holding him lost their heads without any warning, leaving only the headless corpse lying on the ground with blood gushing out like a fountain.

He didn't expect that Linn would do something like killing a giant so ordinaryly without the slightest hesitation.

You must know that giants are not potion materials like toads that can be handled without any psychological pressure. Apart from being very different from humans in terms of physique and intelligence, this humanoid creature is the same as humans in other aspects!

Hagrid naturally didn't know that Lin En and Irina had killed countless dark wizards.

But Irina did not show this dark side to Hagrid. She hoped that Hagrid could be as innocent as she first met, and this was also what Linn meant.

Although the relationship between Linn and Hagrid is not as close as that of Irina, as one of the most lovable characters in the original work, Linn still has a lot of goodwill towards Hagrid.

"Surrender, or die!"

Lin En's indifferent voice came out. He raised his wand and pointed it directly at the tall horse in front of him.

A giant who understood English came over and translated what Lin En said to Gao Gaoma.

After learning what Lin En said, a look of anger appeared on Gao Gaoma's face. As a huge giant, he was threatened by an ant when facing an ant that was no bigger than his palm. This How can we not make it angry? !

Even Shafiq, who helped it become the new Gugo, would never dare to talk to him like this!

Gao Gaoma roared something loudly, probably insulting Lin En. It waved its huge right arm and slapped Lin En, who was suspended in the air.

"The worm shakes the tree!"

Looking at the huge arm like a pillar, Lin En's eyes flashed with contempt.

He raised his left hand slightly without saying a word, and a divine blade that silently cast a spell shot out of the air.

The invisible blade cut off Gao Gaoma's right arm in an instant, and blood poured out from its broken arm, staining the ground red.

A look of pain flashed across Gao Gaoma's face, but the anger made it not retreat, but roared loudly.

The roar of the tall horse seems to be asking other giants to help it fight against the enemy.

After hearing the roar of Gaogao Ma, the more than seventy giants around them first glanced at Linn in fear, but due to Gu Ge's order, they still chose to wave their arms or use their wooden giants. Stick, rushing in the direction of Lin En.

Seeing this scene, Lin En's lips slightly raised, and he said softly: "It seems that this is your choice..."

As Lin En's words fell, purple flames ignited out of thin air and spread in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

However, when these purple flames approached Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim, they actively avoided them. Although they could feel the blazing temperature, they would not be harmed by the high temperature.

Feeling the terrifying heat of the purple flames around them, looks of horror appeared on the faces of Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim.

Even Li Huo probably doesn't have such a high temperature, right? !

This purple flame is the crape myrtle sky fire that Lin En transformed with the power of the stars. Although Lin En does not use the star hub to assist control now, the crape myrtle sky fire that he transformed before the start of school can still be controlled by him.

After all, although Ziwei Sky Fire is composed of the power of stars, its essence is already flame.

After those crape myrtle heavenly fires were taken back by Lin En, they were not re-decomposed into the power of stars. Instead, they were stored somewhere in his body like the forbidden demon fire, waiting for his call at any time.

But now, under Lin En's control, these crape myrtle sky fires turned into a monstrous force and swept towards those giants.

But in an instant, there were more than twenty giants burning with flames, and they turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air under the intense heat!

Seeing the death of their companions, the fear on the faces of the remaining giants became deeper and deeper.

You must know that ordinary flames cannot cause harm to giants. Even magical flames can only cause a layer of scorch on the surface of giants' skin, but cannot really harm them.

The only thing that can really kill them is Li Huo, the cursed flame that devours all things.

However, in the face of the Ziwei Sky Fire, which is composed of the power of stars and has a temperature even higher than that of the fierce fire, these giants have no way to reach the sky.

Their only ending is to die under the burning of this purple flame!

In just one minute, this purple flame enveloped the entire valley with the force of burning the sky and boiling the sea, and no living thing in the valley was spared!

However, under Lin En's control, Ziwei Tianhuo separated part of its power to isolate the overflowing temperature, so that the flowers, trees and ordinary small animals in the valley were not harmed.

The only ones who were harmed in this crape myrtle sky fire were probably the more than seventy giants that turned into ashes!

When the crape myrtle sky fire dissipated, the valley became empty. The tall tall horse was burned by the crape myrtle sky fire. It didn't even last three breaths before it turned into fly ash forever. disappeared from this world.

Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim stared blankly at everything around them, their faces filled with dull expressions.

The task Dumbledore gave them was to win over the giants as much as possible, at least not to allow the giants to be recruited by Voldemort or to harm wizards in future wars.

But... maybe annihilating the giants completely can be regarded as completing Dumbledore's mission? !

Hagrid thought dully.

But soon, Hagrid's expression suddenly changed, and he said in horror: "Wait, Linn, my half-brother, Grawp, he is still here! That is my only My relatives..."

Hagrid burst into tears as he spoke.

He would not blame Linn. After all, it was Gao Gaoma and other giants who attacked him and Linn first, but his half-brother was implicated, which made him feel endless sadness.

Seeing Hagrid looking for life and death, Lin En's face was full of helplessness.

Linn patted the big man Hagrid on the shoulder, pointed to the stone house not far away that had survived the flames and deliberately avoided it, and said, "Grawp is fine, Hagrid, look at that!"

Following Linn's gaze, he saw the sixteen-foot-tall Graup cautiously sticking his head out from behind the stone house. Graup's big eyes were full of fear. (End of chapter)

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