The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 444 What’s wrong is this world

Lin En watched with cold eyes, showing no intention of stopping.

It wasn't until Irina's stomach suddenly growled that he realized that it was already time for dinner.

Lin En could skip dinner and stay here to torture the pink toad, but he was reluctant to let Irina starve with him.

He waved his wand, interrupting the magic output of the Imperius Curse.

Only then did Umbridge stop writing. She dropped the black quill in her hand in horror, and covered the back of her hand that was covered with scars with her other hand.

She screamed, "Lynn Rohr! What the hell are you going to do?!"

Lin En didn't speak. A look of disgust flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand and said, "Everything is forgotten!"

A white light suddenly lit up, and Umbridge fell backwards and fainted on the ground.

"I can't let you go so easily. This forgetting curse will be lifted on its own in one year."

Linn whispered to himself.

In order not to affect the normal progress of the plan and prevent Umbridge from being defeated by the pink toad in Hogwarts Castle, he could only give her a forgetting spell.

But that doesn't mean the pain Umbridge felt was so lightly stripped away.

The Forgetting Curse that Lynn cast on Umbridge was not to completely strip away and shatter her memories, but to suppress her memories deep in her mind. She would not be able to recover until the magic contained in the Forgetting Curse dissipated. these memories.

This is the same kind of forgetting spell Hermione cast on her parents in the original book in order not to be involved with them.

However, recovering these suppressed memories is definitely not a good thing for Umbridge.

After all, this temporarily suppressed memory really made her life worse than death!

"Harry, I don't think I need to give you a forgetting charm?"

Linn looked at Harry hiding in the corner with a half-smile.

Irina glared at Linn angrily and said helplessly: "Lynn, please don't scare Harry. He is already pitiful enough today."

Harry nodded repeatedly and covered his mouth, indicating that he would never reveal the secret.

Linn glanced at the faint mark on Harry's hand. He shook his head gently, removed the spell on the door, and walked out of the office.

"Gone, Harry. Back to good health!"

Irina whispered, and she raised her left hand, and the wooden door that exploded into sawdust flew back as if going back in time, and was installed in the original position of the door.

Harry followed Linn and Irina's footsteps and walked towards the auditorium, but his eyes were filled with endless shock.

Harry could not imagine that Linn, who saved his life, and his most trusted elder sister actually used the Unforgivable Curse on a professor!

That is the Unforgivable Curse. Once used on someone, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison!

But Lin En and Irina used it so lightly!

Harry was a little lost all the way, until he came to the auditorium and sat down next to Irina, he was still a little confused.

"Hey, Harry?! What's wrong with you? Did that old bitch Umbridge do something to you?!"

Seeing Harry's appearance, his good friend Ron immediately came over with concern.

Harry shook his head blankly and said nothing.

After a while, when Ron's mouth was full of chicken legs, Harry asked depressedly: "Ron, do you think the Unforgivable Curse is really unforgivable?"

Hearing this, Ron said with some surprise: "Of course, buddy, how could you doubt this?! All dark wizards who have used the Unforgivable Curse should be imprisoned in Azkaban Prison!"

Hearing Ron's words, Harry glanced at Irina beside him without words, and then turned back to Ron, who looked confused.

And Irina cast her gaze over with a half-smile.

"Ron, you said it very well, don't say it again next time."

Feeling the piercing gaze from behind, Harry quickly covered Ron's mouth, and he was no longer as dazed as before.

No matter what the Unforgivable Curse was, there was no way his eldest sister would harm him anyway!

If Irina did something wrong... No, how could Irina do something wrong? What is wrong is this world!

The little wizards enjoyed a comfortable dinner in the auditorium, and then returned to the common room of their college.

And in Umbridge's office.

Umbridge woke up slowly, and she sat up blankly, feeling as if she had forgotten something.

Until she stood up and saw the still broken plate on the wall not far away and the words "I am a dirty pink toad" in English on the back of her hand, her face suddenly turned livid.

Umbridge understood that her memory must have been tampered with!

Otherwise, how to explain the words that appeared on her hand and the memory of that period of time that disappeared from her memory? !

"Damn it, who is it?!"

Umbridge growled as she pushed everything on the table to the floor.

It was difficult for her to tell who had tampered with her memory, because when Lin used the forgetting spell on her, she made her forget the memories of the past two days, not just the memories after five o'clock today!

This means that Umbridge does not know anything about what happened in the past two days, does not know about her confinement of Irina and Harry, and does not know the time point when she was attacked!

After Umbridge arrived at Hogwarts Castle, the only memory she had was the night of the first-term dinner.

Umbridge angrily pushed open the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office and came outside Dumbledore's principal's office.

Umbridge didn't know the password to enter the principal's office, so she could only act like a shrew, shouting outside the principal's office: "Dumbledore, open the door! Dumbledore!"

Umbridge shouted in front of the stone statue for more than ten minutes, and she was almost exhausted. Dumbledore came belatedly and asked the stone statue to move.

Judging from the smile on Dumbledore's lips, it was hard to believe that he didn't do this on purpose.

"What happened, Professor Umbridge?"

Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Umbridge said with a gloomy look: "My memory has been tampered with, Dumbledore. All my memories since the night of the school dinner have disappeared!"

Dumbledore was startled when he heard Umbridge's words. He probably knew who cast the Forgetting Curse on Umbridge.

At this time, Umbridge said to Dumbledore aggressively: "Dumbledore, I need you to give me an explanation why I was attacked in your Hogwarts Castle?!" (End of Chapter)

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