The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 434 To exterminate the clan or not

Hearing Linn's words, Irina couldn't help but feel worried.

In the original book, Hagrid's journey to recruit the giants did not go smoothly, and he even got injured. This made Irina, Hagrid's friend, very worried.

Irina said hesitantly: "Why don't we discuss it with Professor Dumbledore and let us replace Hagrid in our spare time to recruit the giants. Voldemort has returned to the devil-level wizard, and Hagrid must be in the residence of the giants. The situation will be more dangerous.”

Lin En nodded slightly. He seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Irina, what do you think would happen if we wiped out the giants?"

Giants are not much of a threat to demon king-level wizards, but to ordinary wizards, they are an extremely deadly existence.

You know, the magic resistance and physical resistance of the giant are several times that of the giant monster. Only dozens of wizards working together to cast spells can subdue a strong giant!

If giants are allowed to participate in the final battle to defend Hogwarts, then the situation of Hogwarts will become extremely dangerous!

Now that he knew what might happen in the future in advance, Linn naturally wanted to nip all threats in the bud.

Irina couldn't help but be a little surprised. She said: "Complete annihilation of the clan? This is not good. After all, Hagrid is half of the giant blood..."

Lin En chuckled and said: "Whether the clan is exterminated or not depends on the attitude of the giant clan. In this magical world where strength is respected, those who follow me will always prosper and those who go against me will perish!"

The position of the giant family has always been hostile to the wizards. The giants were driven into the mountains by the wizards and hated the wizards who used magic on them.

In fact, Hagrid was relatively successful in following Dumbledore's request to approach the leader of the giants, the strongest among the giants, known as Gugo.

But it is a pity that Gugo, who originally accepted Hagrid's gift, was killed by another giant controlled by the Death Eaters. The giant was not friendly to Hagrid and almost killed Hagrid there.

Lynn never cared about the Death Eaters' machinations.

After all, all conspiracies are useless in the face of strength.

The only person in the entire Death Eater camp who could attract Linn's attention was their master Voldemort.

Linn and Irina didn't waste too much time on the train platform. They boarded a carriage pulled by the Thestral. There were also Irwin, Astoria and the Weasley twins on the carriage.

Along the way, after Irina learned about the alchemical talents of the Weasley twins from Linn, she curiously chatted with the Weasley twins about alchemy, and Linn, Irwin and Ah Stolia didn't say much.

Soon, the carriage arrived at Hogwarts Castle.

Everyone passed through the foyer, which was lit red by torches, turned right and entered the auditorium.

Just like in previous years, there were four long academic desks in the auditorium, but there were no stars on the ceiling. Instead, it was pitch black, like an abyss with no bottom.

The little wizards who came to the auditorium did not pay attention to these details. They chatted happily about what they had seen and heard during the summer vacation, from their adventures during the summer vacation to the public opinion war between the two schools in the Daily Prophet.

The Daily Prophet has a total of five editors under the editor-in-chief. Among them, editor-in-chief Michelle Anderson has been recruited by the Rolle family, while the other editor-in-chief succumbed to Fudge's financial offensive.

As for the remaining three chief editors, they have no clear stance yet, but they are willing to serve pure-blood families.

However, for now, neither the Fudge nor the Rohr family are the targets they plan to actively provoke, which also makes the three editors they control very low-key and not participate in this war without gunpowder.

After Linn and Irina sat down at the Slytherin table and Gryffindor table respectively, they set their sights on the teacher's desk.

Sitting in the center of the teacher's chair is Dumbledore. He sits on the golden high-backed chair in the middle, wearing a dark purple robe studded with silver stars and a matching hat.

Sitting next to Dumbledore was Umbridge, a pink toad who made people want to vomit just by looking at her.

Umbridge's short and fat body was covered in a pink cardigan, and she wore a large, ugly pink bow on her short ash-brown hair. Her pretentious look made people laugh. I couldn't help but want to go up and slap her.

Not long after, after Professor McGonagall led the first-year students to the auditorium, the sorting ceremony for this academic year began.

To Lynn and Irina's surprise, the song sung by the Sorting Hat this time was different from that in the original book. Although the general idea of ​​the lyrics was still to hope that the little wizards in Hogwarts Castle could unite, it did not include Slater's song. Take the split between Lin and Gryffindor as an example.

Instead, the Sorting Hat tells in its lyrics the most sincere friendship between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and how powerful they once were.

This made many senior wizards think deeply, and subconsciously cast their eyes on Lynn and Irina, who were sitting at the Slytherin table and Gryffindor table respectively.

After the Sorting Ceremony, Dumbledore did not change his usual routine and stood up.

"Welcome to our new students," Dumbledore said in a loud voice, with his arms spread wide and a bright smile on his face. "Welcome! Welcome to our old students...Welcome back! There is plenty of time for speeches, but Not now. Eat your heart out!"

As Dumbledore finished speaking, appreciative laughter and warm applause erupted in the auditorium.

Dumbledore sat down and threw his long beard over his shoulders, keeping it out of the way of his plate.

The next moment, countless delicacies fell from the sky. The four long desks of the academy and the teacher's bench were suddenly filled with large pieces of beef, pies, plates of vegetables, bread, jam and jugs of pumpkin juice. These long The table even groaned as it was overwhelmed.

The back-to-school dinner is one of the four most sumptuous dinners held at Hogwarts Castle in a year, and it is naturally one that most young wizards do not want to miss.

Almost every little wizard gulped food into their stomachs, filling their stomachs to the fullest.

After all the little wizards had eaten and drank, the food remnants on the long tables were cleared away.

Dumbledore only stood up after the four deans' desks and teachers' benches were once again as tidy as before.

Umbridge, who was sitting next to Dumbledore, looked at him sideways, as if she was ready to interrupt Dumbledore at any time. (End of chapter)

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