The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 423 Elimination of Traces and Trial Two Days Later

Lynn and Irina thanked Mrs. Figg, then came to the new-looking house she said and knocked on the door.

It was Sirius who opened the door. Perhaps to be more gregarious, Sirius was wearing a formal suit instead of wizard robes.

From behind Sirius, Linn and Irina could see Harry sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking a little depressed.

"Why are you here? Harry, your friend is here to see you!"

Sirius said in surprise. He turned back and greeted Harry loudly.

Hearing Sirius' words, Harry looked over subconsciously, and after seeing Irina's figure, the frustration on his face suddenly turned into joy. He said happily: "Irina, and Lin Well, welcome to Sirius’ home!”

With that said, Harry walked over in three steps at a time.

Based on the information brought by Lynn and Irina, Dumbledore determined that there were fragments of Voldemort's soul in Harry, and Voldemort was likely to learn their information through Harry.

Therefore, under Dumbledore's instruction, Ron and Hermione did not write to Harry this summer, and even Irina only wrote two or three letters of greetings to Harry.

This made Harry feel bored and disappointed throughout the summer vacation. Fortunately, with Sirius' company, Harry managed to cheer up.

Irina explained to Sirius: "Lynn and I encountered a dementor attack outside London. We were worried that a similar situation would happen here with Harry, so we came here with Linn, but it turned out not to be the case."

After hearing about the Dementors, Sirius's expression became gloomy. He punched the wall next to him and said heavily: "I don't know what madness those damn monsters have. Breaking out of Azkaban Prison and coming here to attack Harry, luckily I'm here, otherwise I don't know what would have happened!"

Harry said again with some frustration: "Yes, after I used the Patronus Charm and Sirius to drive away those dementors, the Ministry of Magic actually sent a letter. You see..."

With that said, Harry handed Irina a letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Irina took the letter and read out the contents.

"Dear Mr. Potter:

We received information that you used the Patronus Charm in a Muggle neighborhood at 4:44 this afternoon in front of nineteen Muggles.

This is a serious breach of the Reasonable Restraint of Minors Act, and you have been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ministry of Magic will soon send representatives to your residence to destroy your wand.

As you have been formally warned for breaching Article 13 of the International Statute of Secrecy of the International Confederation of Wizards, we regret to inform you that you must appear at the Ministry of Magic at 9:00 am on August 30th.

Hope you take good care of yourself.

Yours faithfully,

Mafalda Hopkirk.

The Ministry of Magic prohibits the misuse of magic. "

After reading the contents of the letter, Irina asked doubtfully: "In front of nineteen Muggles?"

Sirius explained: "That's the number of Muggles passing by on the street. After I drove away those Dementors with Harry, I cast the forgetting spell on those Muggles to erase the relevant memories."

Irina nodded slightly, and said in a relaxed tone: "Harry, you don't need to worry too much, you and Sirius are together, right? You can just blame everything on Sirius. After all, Trace is only Able to detect magic within a small area, but unable to detect the person casting the magic."

Hearing this, Harry's eyes lit up.

Yes, when he was attacked by dementors this afternoon, Sirius was by his side almost the whole time. All he had to do was bite him to death because it was the Patronus Charm released by Sirius, and he didn't cast any magic. Free from Ministry charges.

At this time, Linn stepped forward and said to Harry calmly: "Harry, give me your wand."

"Here," Harry handed over the wand without doubting his presence, and then asked, "Lynn, what are you doing?"

Linn held Harry's wand. As his wrist shook, wisps of golden light sank into the wand in an instant, forming strange lines on its surface.

Then, Harry's wand trembled violently, as if something invisible was shattered by the golden light.

Linn said calmly: "Eliminate the traces on your wand. From now on, no matter how you cast magic, it will no longer be monitored by the Ministry of Magic."

Hearing this, Harry's face showed a look of ecstasy, while Sirius said worriedly: "Lynn, is this really okay? Trace is sometimes protecting the safety of the little wizard."

The Ministry of Magic can locate the location of Traces, which means that if the little wizard is in danger and has to use his wand to fend off the enemy, the Ministry of Magic can locate the little wizard and dispatch Aurors in time to rescue the person in distress. Little wizard.

Examples of this abound throughout the history of the wizarding world.

Hearing Sirius's worries, Linn sneered and said: "Uncle Sirius, do you really think that these dementors have defected? Don't forget, the one who was attacked by the dementors was not someone else, but It happened to be me, Irina and Harry who showed up at the battle of Little Hangleton Village!"

Before Sirius could reply, Harry exclaimed: "Lynn, you mean, those dementors have surrendered to Voldemort?!"

Sirius shook his head at Harry, and combined with Linn's previous words, an even crazier guess appeared in his mind.

Sirius' tone was low, and he spoke slowly: "No, Harry, these dementors are probably still obeying the orders of the Ministry of Magic, and this time Linn, Irina, and you were attacked, I'm afraid it was also the Ministry of Magic's orders. Handwriting!"

Harry's eyes widened. From Irina and Hermione, he knew that the Ministry of Magic was in a state of decay, but he never expected that the Ministry of Magic, the government of the British wizarding world, would actually make such a move. Dementors attack underage wizards!

Linn chuckled and said: "Fudge can't hold it anymore, can't he? Of course, Fudge would never dare to do such a crazy thing. It should be his party members who do such stupid things."

After saying that, Linn looked at Harry and asked, "Who will be your defender in the trial the day after tomorrow?"

Harry answered honestly: "It's Professor Dumbledore. After I received the letter from the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore asked Fawkes to bring the letter, saying that he planned to defend me."

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