The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 421 Happy Vacation and Attack by Dementors

The items traded at these stands were mostly bartered rather than purchased in Galleons.

The alchemist knew that the value of his alchemical works was far less than the magic cloak that Linn refined. Therefore, the only way he could get this magic cloak was to pay enough gold galleons.

But this alchemist also knew that an alchemist who could refine this kind of magic cloak that could withstand the effects of the Unforgivable Curse would not be short of gold galleons, which made him say something in his tone when he requested. Even a little more flattering.

Hearing the alchemist's words, Linn just smiled and said, "Say the price in your mind, sir."

This magic cloak was just a piece of work that Lin En made casually during his last school year. Now that he is a devil-level wizard, it would probably take him less than a minute to make the same magic cloak.

The reason why Lin En traded this magic cloak was not really to seek money or to get some treasure from this trading platform.

He just wanted to introduce this place to Irina in this way and make her happier, that's all.

"How about ten thousand gold galleons?"

The alchemist asked tentatively. He believed that the value of this magic cloak was definitely high. If the price was lowered, he was worried that it would arouse the dissatisfaction of Linn, a person he could never provoke.

Linn smiled and opened the light curtain of the booth, took out the magic cloak, and said with a chuckle: "Deal."

This ten thousand gold galleons was insignificant to Lin En, but it was still an unexpected surprise.

After taking the bag containing the gold galleons handed over by the alchemist, Linn smoothly put it into Irina's hand.

Irina quickly wanted to return these gold galleons to Linn, and she said: "Lynn, this is too much."

Although Lin En and Irina are in a relationship, Irina is not the kind of girl who blindly asks for things. She is willing to accept the gadgets that Lin En buys for her when he goes shopping with her, but she is not willing to accept these gold galleons directly. .

Lin En said with a smile: "Maybe there will be something you like here? Take it to trade, as if I used that magic cloak to exchange some gifts for you."

Irina hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I have something I can trade with them."

As she spoke, Irina took out several small teacups with space fluctuations inside from her pocket.

Linn's understanding of the Traceless Stretch Spell and Space Magic is not as good as Irina's, but the demon king-level wizard's perception can still make him aware of the difference in these small teacups.

He asked in surprise: "Are these arbitrary door keys made by you?"

Irina showed a bright smile and said: "Yes, these are rechargeable arbitrary door keys, but they cannot cross borders. But just the new concept of arbitrary door keys is enough for it to be exchanged for this The vast majority of trading products on the trading platform.”

Linn nodded slightly. In the entire magical world, Linn, Irina and Newt were the only ones who knew the concept of any door key.

Perhaps it would be a good thing for any doorkey to appear in the French wizarding world, an open-minded place.

Just as Irina said, when Irina came to several booths she was interested in with the arbitrary door key and planned to trade with the owners of the booths, the owners of those booths learned about the arbitrary door key. After the effect, they all agreed to the transaction request without hesitation.

Some booth owners even thought that their trading items were far inferior to any of Irina's door keys, and were willing to pay another gold galleons as compensation.

So, when Irina traded all the random door keys in her hand and returned to Linn, not only did she have several more pieces of alchemy equipment with strange effects, but she also had thousands of gold galleons. .

The transaction in this hall made Irina very happy, with a smile on her face.

"This is much more interesting than Diagon Alley, Lynn!"

Irina said cheerfully as she held Lin's arm.

Seeing Irina so happy, Linn also smiled knowingly.

In the next week, Linn took Irina to travel in the British magical world, the French magical world, and even the American magical world, which was more hostile to Muggles, and saw the prosperity of various wizarding commercial streets in the magical worlds of various countries.

In fact, not every country's magic community welcomes wizards from other countries to travel, but Linn's hidden alchemy circle and Irina's skill of rubbing any door key have made them all leave the country. , no one knew they had ever been here.

On the afternoon of August 28, Lynn and Irina were sitting on a lawn outside London. Although everything in the wizarding world was eye-catching, the fireworks in the Muggle world were equally enjoyable.

The summer sun shines on their faces. There is a long distance between this place and the city of London. This makes it not as noisy as the city of London, but has a kind of summer tranquility.

Listening to the occasional sound of cars passing by on a path more than 200 meters away, the two of them felt more comfortable than ever before.

In this place far away from the magic world, far away from all conspiracies and killings, everything is so beautiful.

"Lynn, when everything in the magical world is over, let's find a place with no people and beautiful scenery to settle, okay?"

Irina put her chin in her hands, looked at the green woods in the distance, and said softly.

Linn let out a soft "hmm" and squinted his eyes to enjoy the breeze that kept blowing.

However, such a beautiful atmosphere did not last long. After about half an hour, the clear sky was suddenly covered by a burst of dark clouds, and the warm summer breeze was replaced by bursts of cold wind.

Linn and Irina stood up almost at the same time, sensing something was wrong behind the sudden change in the weather.

The two wands slipped out of their sleeves in an instant, and were held tightly in their hands. The two stood side by side, looking solemnly at the dark cloud-covered sky.

I saw black-robed figures flying quickly through the air. These figures seemed invisible to Muggles. Ordinary people passing by more than 200 meters away did not even look up.


Linn said in a deep voice, he did not expect that dementors would appear in such a place.

For now, although the resurrected Voldemort has restored the combat power of the devil-level wizard, he has not yet controlled the power of the dementors. This also means that these dementors did not act on their own initiative or received orders from Voldemort. , but entrusted by the Ministry of Magic!

Nowadays, there is only one person who is still qualified to order Dementors, and there is only one person who can do so, and that is the pink toad Dolores Umbridge!

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