The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 418 Am I still not your good daughter? !

The crystal golden light emerged from both sides of the leaf and turned into a beautiful chain, while the emerald green leaf turned into a beautiful pendant!

Vivian hung the pendant around Irina's neck with her own hands, her eyes filled with joy: "This is the token of admission to Walterson's Magical Botanical Garden. Inject your magic power into the leaves, and you can Get the temporary coordinates here!”

Irina tried to inject magic power into the pendant, and the moment her magic power came into contact with the pendant, she felt a strange power flow through her brain, and finally disappeared into the depths of her mind.

Irina could guess that this was what Newt said, the binding of the access token to its owner's soul.

After being bound to the access token, Irina can have the access token appear around her neck in a single thought, without having to worry about the access token being stolen or lost.

As Irina injected magic power into the access token, a series of constantly changing coordinates appeared in her mind.

This temporary coordinate is like a garbled code, constantly changing, but as long as Irina teleports according to the coordinates that this string of garbled code has appeared within five minutes, she can appear directly outside the gate of Walterson's Magical Botanical Garden!

After learning this, Irina couldn't help but feel eager and amazed at this technology of garbled coordinates.

"This way of presenting coordinates is a secret that our Walterson family has been able to hide here for hundreds of years. I can't tell you."

Vivian saw what Irina was thinking, she touched Irina's head and said regretfully.

Irina shook her head and said: "Of course, Ms. Walterson, even if you are willing to teach me, I don't dare to ask for it."

Hearing this, the smile on Vivian's face became even bigger. She took out a magic bag from her pocket and handed it to Irina.

Just listen to Vivian say: "What a good little witch! Come, this is my parting gift to you, accept it!"

"This is...?" Irina took the bag and asked with some confusion.

This bag was cast with a traceless stretching spell, and inside it were placed a hundred exquisite boxes, with the names of the items stored inside written on each box with a quill.

Vivian introduced: "These are the seeds of a hundred different magic plants that I selected one by one! I hope you can take good care of them in the future!"

Hearing Vivian's words, Irina's eyes lit up, and she looked at the names of the magic plants written on the boxes.

The magic plants that Vivian selected for Irina are all very precious magic plants, and the most rare among these magic plants is the mutated Chinese biting cabbage.

Dark Lucifer, Rainbow Bridge, Twelve Winged Angels...

The seeds of these precious magical plants, which have long been extinct in the outside world, are quite common in this bag!

When she saw the name of the magical plant on the last box, Irina couldn't help but exclaimed: "Maya?! Ms. Walterson, are you willing to give it to me too?"

Vivian nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, although Maya grass is a plant in the Temple of Maya and is the original embryo that will form the new Temple of Maya in the future, I think that people who have the same magical plant affinity as me With your talent, you are qualified to take care of a Maya grass!"

Irina was very touched by Vivian's trust, and she repeatedly promised that she would take good care of the Maya grass.

In the end, Irina reluctantly said goodbye to Vivian, and took the cross-border portkey with Newt back to Newt's villa.

As soon as she returned to the small villa, Irina took this bag into her suitcase and cast the environment modification spell herself, transforming ninety-nine pieces of soil suitable for the survival of different magical plants, and added In addition to the seeds of Maya grass, all the seeds of other magical plants were planted in the bag.

Not only that, Irina also opened up two more pieces of soil and transplanted five Chinese biting cabbage and five poisonous tentacles from the magic plant bag into these two pieces of soil respectively.

At this point, Irina's magic plant bag is empty again.

There is no doubt that this empty magic plant bag will be used by Irina to grow the most precious Maya grass!

Although the magic plant bag has fully automatic functions such as automatic watering, automatic fertilization, and automatic provision of light to take care of magic plants, Irina still tried her best to cast the environment modification spell to transform the soil in the magic plant bag into the most suitable one for Maya. The environment in which grass grows.

After doing this, she carefully planted the Maya seed.

Lynn's original intention of giving the magic plant bag to Irina as a Christmas gift was so that Irina could more quickly take out magical plants such as Chinese biting cabbage from the magic plant bag during battle and use them in attacks. enemy.

It's like installing the props in the backpack to the shortcut bar.

However, in the face of a precious magic plant like Maya, Irina resolutely chose to buy a casket for pearls, giving up the convenience of the magic plant bag, and focusing on its bonus function of fully automatic plant care. .

The future British magical world is full of dangers and accidents. In order to prevent her from being involved in other things and being distracted from taking care of the Maya grass, Irina can only choose to plant the Maya grass into a magic plant bag.

After doing all this, Irina took care of the magical animals and magical plants in the small world respectively. When she got out of the suitcase, it was already dark outside.

After Irina enjoyed a delicious dinner cooked by Tina in the small villa, she said goodbye to Newt and Tina and returned to her own home with the door key she rubbed out.

When she returned to her home, she found that her home was empty, and even the cars in the yard had been driven away. Judging from the traces of life left at home, it seemed that the people living here had just left here. To half a day.

Apparently, her parents, Igor and Karolina, took advantage of the fact that she was studying with Newt and before she came back, they drove out on a self-driving trip to spend time together.

After thinking about all this, Irina's mouth tightened and she couldn't help but blame her parents, Igor and Karolina.

Can't you just pick me up? Am I still not your good daughter? !

In desperation, Irina had no choice but to return to the bedroom and write a letter to Linn. She planned to make an appointment with Linn to meet outside Rolle Castle on the morning of August 21st. (End of chapter)

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