The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 405 Am I cultivating immortality in the magic world? !

Under Nico's explanation, Linn summarized the two advantages of combining alchemy and contract magic.

First, after replacing the default penalty with an alchemical array, the default penalty that was originally only a negative effect can be converted into a positive gain effect.

This means that Linn can draw a magic contract at home, refine an amplifying alchemy circle at the location where the penalty for breach of contract was originally imposed, and then deliberately break the contract during battle to obtain the amplification.

The alchemy circle that is refined at the position of the penalty for breach of contract acts directly on the subject of the breach of contract, rather than being released through a magical contract. In other words, even if Linn is thousands of miles away, he can still obtain positive benefits. Effect!

Second, the alchemy circle is used to replace the penalty for breach of contract, and the punishment it brings is almost unsolvable.

Just like what Hermione set in the magical contract in the original book, the punishment of the defaulter's face being covered with purple pustules that form the word "snitch" is a one-time magical injury.

This kind of magical injury only requires a powerful healing spell or a symptomatic healing potion to completely cure it, and the binding force on the defaulter is not that great.

Most of the penalties for breach of contract in ordinary magic contracts are one-time punishments imposed by magic on the defaulter. One-time punishment means that there is a possibility of being lifted.

But the alchemy circle is different. Just like what Nico Flamel said just now, the alchemy circle with the main attribute of "flame" replaces the penalty for breach of contract, which can make the defaulter continue to ignite flames until the alchemy circle The stored magic power is exhausted.

It is not a one-time punishment like the penalty for breach of contract in a magic contract, but an ongoing and lasting punishment.

This means that even if the wizard can extinguish the flames on his body through the Clear Water Spring Curse or the Ultimate Curse Curse, after the effectiveness of these spells disappears, the flames will ignite on his body again and burn him.

Unless the wizard can continue to cast the clear water like spring spell until the magic power stored in the alchemy circle is exhausted, the flames will continue to ignite and punish the defaulters!

After understanding the two major benefits of combining alchemy and contract magic, Linn became even more enthusiastic about learning this method.

Under Nico's guidance, Linn took the lead in practicing transforming the penalties for breach of contract into an alchemical circle with positive benefits.

Linn tried the alchemy circles one by one with the main attributes of "speed", "strengthening", "strength", "magic" and "durability", replacing the penalty for breach of contract on the magic contract, and then deliberately breached the contract.

Lin En's face was filled with a smile as he felt the benefits of the activated alchemy circle on his body.

If every magic contract can be turned into an increase in one's own gain, then what is the difference between this magic contract and the talismans of the East? !

As long as he replaces the penalty for breach of contract with various buff-type alchemical arrays, and then sets the content of the contract to "not attach the magic contract to yourself."

Then, as long as he attaches the magic contract to himself like a talisman, he will violate the content of the contract, and the beneficial effects of the alchemy circle will be blessed on him.

Put it this way...

This is really not much different from a talisman!

The smile on Lin En's face became even bigger. He chuckled and said, "What am I doing? Cultivating immortality in the magic world?!"

"What did you say?" Nico asked in confusion, not hearing Linn's words clearly.

Lin En shook his head and said: "It's nothing, Master, let's continue practicing."

At the same time, in Newt's villa.

"Irina, make a cross-border portkey. We are going to visit my old friend."

Newt handed Irina a piece of paper with the coordinates on it and said.

Irina nodded slightly. She glanced at the content on the note, took an old cup from beside her, and tapped it lightly with her wand: "Mentos!"

Tens of seconds passed, and the old teacup turned into a cross-border door key.

Irina put the tea cup on the coffee table between her and Newt and said, "Teacher, the trigger time of this timed door key is thirty seconds later!"

Newt didn't speak. He put his left hand on the mouth of the cup, while Irina touched the handle of the cup with her fingers.

Soon, a white light lit up, and the two figures simultaneously twisted and disappeared.

Meanwhile, Berlin, Germany.

The twisted figures of Newt and Irina appeared at the entrance of a beautiful botanical garden. This was a magical botanical garden hidden by the Muggle Expelling Curse and the Unplottable Curse.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the Walterson Magical Botanical Garden. Its status in the German wizarding world is equivalent to the Berlin Botanical Garden in the Muggle world. It is the botanical garden with the largest collection of magical plants in the wizarding world!"

Newt explained to Irina.

Irina's eyes were full of light when she looked at the Walterson Magical Botanical Garden. It was like a fairyland, and the outside of the botanical garden was filled with thick white fog.

"It's so beautiful! The thick white fog outside this magical botanical garden should be a defensive measure to protect it, right?"

Irina said cheerfully.

Newt nodded, and he said slightly proudly: "That's right! This place is protected by countless defensive magics including the Unplottable Curse and the Muggle Expelling Curse. If I don't have the token here, otherwise even if you have the The coordinates cannot be transmitted under the interception of the Unplottable Curse!"

As he spoke, Newt took out a green leaf-shaped pendant from his pocket and waved it in front of Irina's eyes.

Irina looked at the green leaf-shaped pendant and said longingly: "Teacher, there must not be too many people who own this pendant, right?"

Newt nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, including me and Dumbledore, there are less than ten wizards in the entire magical world who own this token!"

Just when Irina was about to say something, the door of the Magic Botanical Garden was opened, and inside was a woman who looked very shrewd.

She is not young, even older than Newt, but with her meticulous care, her skin is no different from that of a lady in her thirties or forties.

The woman saw Newt and Irina standing outside the door. She smiled and said hello: "Newt! And this cute little witch! Welcome!"

"Good morning, Vivian!" Newt said, turning back to introduce to Irina, "Irina, this is Vivian Walterson, a famous German magical botanist! This is also the The owner of Walterson’s Magical Botanical Garden!”

After speaking, Newt introduced to Vivian: "Her name is Irina Lowell, and she is my student." (End of Chapter)

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