The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 399 Witness the prosperous age of the magic world together

Before Newt finished speaking, Irina saw that the space in the distance was like a broken mirror, with fine cracks appearing. These cracks continued to expand and spread in the direction of Newt and Irina. Come.

Seeing this scene, Irina grabbed Newt's arm without hesitation and headed towards the light door from which she came.

The space in the distance has begun to break, and pieces of space have broken apart, revealing an unseen void behind. If this broken space spreads to the location of Newt and Irina, then the two of them will be The broken space was completely torn apart.

However, Newt still has a general understanding of how long this space can last. Even if Irina doesn't drag him back and walks back slowly, he can still leave in time before the space is broken. Light door.

But Irina didn't think so. She just felt like she was walking around the gate of hell.

Stepping out of the light door and returning to the living room, she turned back to look at the completely shattered space on the other side of the light door and the light that dissipated with it, with a bit of shock in her eyes.

She looked at Newt with confusion and fear, and asked: "Teacher, why does the same space collapse and disintegrate after it expands to a certain extent?"

Newt explained: "You can understand the space casted by the Seamless Stretch Spell as a rubber band that is continuously stretched. The rubber band can be stretched forever, but after it is stretched to a certain length, there will always be The moment it broke."

"The same is true for space, and the role of alchemy in it is equivalent to increasing the density of a rubber band, so that the rubber band can be stretched longer and more firmly, thereby maintaining the stability of a space that has been expanded to trillions of times. ."

Newt said so, imparting his understanding of the Seamless Stretch Spell to Irina without reservation.

"A rubber band..." Irina was thoughtful. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "So, teacher, can space be used for fighting? Just like a rubber band can also be used to beat people, and it can be beaten very well. It still hurts a lot!”

Hearing this, Newt was stunned. He had never thought about applying the Traceless Stretch Spell to this aspect of combat.

He just thought about it briefly and said with a smile: "Magic is idealistic, Irina, everything is possible in the magical world. Maybe in your hands, the Traceless Stretch Spell can be used in combat, but As far as the current magic world is concerned, there is no example of the power of space being used in battle."

Irina nodded slightly. She just proposed this idea. She did not expect Newt to really teach her how to use the Traceless Stretch Spell in battle.

After all, if Newt really has this ability, I am afraid that his understanding of the Traceless Stretch Spell and the power of space alone would be enough to advance to the level of a demon king wizard.

For a wizard who wants to advance to the level of a demon king, besides Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort, who use their superior magic level and magic strength to forcibly advance to the level of a demon king, there are several other ways. .

For example, after the resurrection, Voldemort forcibly advanced to the next level with his angry emotions, and for example, Lin En relied on his skill in fire magic, combined with the same angry emotions, to successfully advance to the next level with the dual blessings.

From this point of view, the way to advance to the level of a demon king wizard also includes extremely high attainments in a certain field, as well as the ultimate emotion in this idealistic magical world.

The great alchemist Nico Flamel relied on his extremely high attainments in the field of alchemy to advance to the rank of Demon King level wizard.

At this time, someone may ask, isn't alchemy and magic two systems? !

Why was Nico Flamel able to advance to the level of a devil-level wizard in the magic system based on this? !

The question is, the magical world is idealistic.

Lin En and Irina's mastery of fire magic and ice magic respectively are unprecedented and unprecedented in the entire magic world.

However, the two's understanding of fire magic and ice magic respectively did not allow them to rely on their ultimate attainments in this field to advance to the level of devil-level wizards like Nico Flamel.

Lin En and Irina's control over fire magic and ice magic respectively come from their blood, not their understanding. This is the reason why they cannot advance to the Demon King level based on this.

At the same time, this also means that unless Irina can improve her understanding of ice magic to the level of Nico Flamel's understanding of alchemy, she will have to experience the violent emotional ups and downs like Lynn, Or perhaps it was the crisis between life and death that enabled him to advance to the level of a demon king level wizard with double blessings.

Irina looked into Newt's clear eyes and said with a smile: "If I can really develop the role of space power in combat in the future, I will definitely tell you about it to complement your experience in the space field, teacher." Blind spot, help teacher advance you to the Demon King level!"

Hearing the girl's sincere words, Newt smiled. He gently touched Irina's head and said, "It's good that you have this heart! However, I am already old, and the devil is superior to me. It’s not that important anymore!”

"No," Irina shook her head and said seriously, "The Demon King level is still very useful. It allows you, teacher, to accompany us to witness the future prosperity of the magic world!"

A warm feeling flowed through Newt's heart, and he couldn't help but look forward to the future of the magical world.

Achieve the Demon King level and witness the future prosperity of the magic world...

Huh, it sounds like...

How tempting!

Even Newt, who could be said to have no desires or desires, was also severely heartbroken at this time.

Especially when he recalled that his old friend Wallison Green's teacher, the great alchemist Nico Flamel, in order to witness the growth of Linn and the future of the magical world, gave up the great journey of death and chose To stay.

Even Nico Flamel is like this, so why shouldn't he? !

"If you want to develop the combat capabilities of the Traceless Stretch Spell, you can't just talk about it! Come with me, increasing your space expansion rate to trillions of times is your first step forward! "

Newt put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, smiled softly at Irina and said.

Irina nodded, her eyes becoming more serious.

In the next more than a week, Newt dutifully taught Irina his understanding of the Seamless Stretch Spell, and asked Irina to perform the Seamless Stretch Spell again and again in front of him. In the process, Irina’s shortcomings were pointed out.

In this way, Irina's attainments in the Traceless Stretching Spell improved rapidly. (End of chapter)

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