The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 381 The dispute between Irina and Scrimgeour

Voldemort dodged Lin En's attacks again and again with a gloomy look on his face. He understood that since he had failed to prevent Lin En from setting up the time loop formation that was like a net on that day, he had already lost!

Even though he has several times the power of Linn under the light of the bloody black mark, his attacks cannot be effective against Linn at all when all his movements are revealed by the opponent.

Voldemort finally figured out that the objects Linn was knocked to the ground by his death curse were not defensive alchemical equipment at all, but pieces of alchemical materials used to enhance the effect of the time cycle array.

The golden threads that Lin En swung out but were shot down by his life-killing curse were not only energy threads used to resist the life-killing curse, but also formed the pattern of the entire time cycle formation!

During the entire half-hour stalemate, Lin En actually resisted his attack and at the same time skillfully controlled the golden threads he shot down, intertwining them into a complete time loop formation!

As for the last strange energy ball filled with milky white light that he shot down, Voldemort knew without guessing that it was the Sands of Time that powered the time cycle formation!

In this situation that was set against him, this fifteen-year-old devil-level wizard really had no plans left!

Voldemort gritted his teeth and looked down at the Death Eaters below who were being beaten back by Irina and others, as well as Bellatrix and others who were controlled by Dumbledore's water dungeon spell.

If he doesn't leave with these Death Eaters, then even if he, as a demon king-level wizard, can leave alive, he may have to be alone!

Thinking of this, Voldemort was unwilling to continue to entangle with Linn. He turned into a ball of black smoke and swept downwards, intending to leave with the Death Eaters.

However, in these 413 cycles, Lin En had already understood all of Voldemort's moves. Before Voldemort could approach the Death Eaters below, a ball of forbidden fire turned into a barrier tens of meters high and blocked Voldemort. The black smoke melts in front of you and intercepts it forcefully!

Since one cycle of this time cycle array is one hour, this means that Linn is sure to hold Voldemort back for at least one hour. And in this hour, how many Death Eaters can Irina and the others kill? That depends on their strength.

Voldemort tried again and again to turn into black smoke and carry the Death Eaters away, but was intercepted time and again by Lin En.

Helplessly, Voldemort transformed into a human form again, his scarlet eyes full of hatred.

After confirming that he could not leave within an hour, Voldemort stopped trying to escape. He waved his wand and once again released Avada Kedavra to confront Linn.

Below, under the fierce pursuit of Irina and others, the Death Eaters who had turned into a pile of scattered sand were quickly reduced to few, except for four Death Eaters who took the initiative to drop their wands and surrendered, and were captured by the Aurors. In addition, the other Death Eaters were all killed by Irina and Irwin!

After killing or capturing these Death Eaters, Irina and Irvine turned their attention to Bellatrix and others who were controlled by Dumbledore's Water Cage Spell.

"Mr. Scrimgeour, could you please lead those Aurors to gather up the team? I think these Aurors are no match for those Death Eaters."

Irina turned back and looked at Scrimgeour, who was fighting with the Aurors, and she said softly.

Hearing this, Scrimgeour frowned and said, "Aren't those Death Eaters already controlled by Dumbledore? Why not just throw them into Azkaban Prison?"

Scrimgeour also recognized Irina as the little wizard who single-handedly killed more than twenty Death Eaters on the night of the Quidditch World Cup, which made him willing to respond patiently to this little witch who was still a student. requirements.

Irina chuckled and said: "Dumbledore should have told you that this battle is of great significance to both Irwin and I in honing our combat capabilities. Besides, if they can rob a prison once, they can rob the prison twice." Or even more times, don't you think it would be much easier to kill them completely than to imprison them in Azkaban Prison?"

Scrimgeour's frown deepened and he said, "You shouldn't question the prisons run by the Ministry of Magic. What's more, there has never been such a thing as the death penalty in the British wizarding world. That's so inhumane!"

Irina nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the death penalty is an inhumane method, but... why did those Death Eaters die?"

Scrimgeour said in a deep voice: "They died in the battle. Facing these vicious Death Eaters, in order to protect ourselves, we have the power to kill them on the spot!"

Irina smiled and said: "Yes, then why can't those Death Eaters? Mr. Scrimgeour, you should know that those Death Eaters are much more difficult to deal with than the Death Eaters we just faced, right? "

Scrimgeour shook his head and said, "But they have been controlled and are no longer a threat to us!"

Hearing Scrimgeour's words, Irina smiled even more happily, she bowed slightly, and then gestured to Dumbledore.

The next moment, the wand in Dumbledore's hand shook slightly, and the water prison that controlled Rabastan Lestrange suddenly disappeared, allowing Rabastan Lestrange to regain his freedom.

"Dumbledore, you!"

Seeing this scene, Scrimgeour looked at Dumbledore angrily. He didn't understand why Dumbledore let go of the Death Eaters he had controlled.

At this time, after Rabastan Lestrange regained his freedom, he quickly waved his wand and cast a Cruciatus Curse in the direction of Irina.

Under the illumination of the bloody Dark Mark, Rabastan only felt that his whole body was full of powerful magic. He felt that no one could defeat him except for devil-level wizards like Dumbledore!

The bloody Dark Mark made his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes. The sudden huge power that did not belong to him made Rabastan feel a little carried away. This made him not disapparate and escape from this place of right and wrong as soon as he regained his freedom. He raised his wand and launched a sneak attack on Irina, who had killed the most Death Eaters on her side!

However, since it was Irina who asked Dumbledore to let go of Rabastan, she was naturally ready to fight.

I saw the Cruciatus Curse passing through Irina's body, as if it was just an phantom.

The next moment, Irina's figure turned into ice mist and exploded into the sky, and her body had already been quickly shuttled behind Rabastan under the power of ice! (End of chapter)

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