The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 374 Face to face with the Demon King, Lin En’s choice!

In Little Hangleton Village, Linn, who was cooperating with Irina and Irwin to attack the Death Eater camp below, felt something. He raised his head and saw Voldemort trapped in the water prison.

"That's...a devil-level wizard?!"

Although Voldemort was still struggling in the water prison, just from the small amount of magic power fluctuations that escaped, Linn was able to judge that Voldemort had returned to the realm of a devil-level wizard.

If the growth of the magic power of ordinary wizards is the accumulation of quantity, then the magic power of the devil-level wizards has already made a qualitative leap. Even if it is only a small amount of escaped magic power, its quality is enough to destroy a small village!

Dumbledore and Voldemort are both Demon King-level wizards. Even though Voldemort has just returned to the realm of Demon King-level wizards, with the help of past experience, he can still compete with Dumbledore.

In less than a minute, the huge water ball shattered, and Voldemort flew high into the sky driven by a puff of black smoke. When he raised his hand, another silent Avada Kedavra was cast towards him. Shot in Dumbledore's direction.

Just when Dumbledore wanted to dodge, a huge black-red flame ignited in front of him, weakening the power of the Avada Kedavra by about 20%.

Seeing this, Dumbledore stopped disapparating, and he once again summoned a water prison to stop the weakened Death Curse.

"Professor Dumbledore, leave Voldemort to me, and you can raid the formation for Irina and the others!"

Linn said in a deep voice.

If anyone were here, after hearing that Lin En was going to face a Demon King level wizard on his own, he would probably think that Lin En had gone crazy.

After all, all devil-level wizards are just ants. Linn's attempt to single out Voldemort, a devil-level wizard, would undoubtedly lead to death.

Similarly, it takes enough perseverance for Lin En to make this kind of decision. To put it another way, his desire to break through to the Demon King-level wizard has gone beyond valuing his own life!

"What a qualified Slytherin..."

Dumbledore said softly. He had no reason to refuse Linn. His figure slowly landed on the ground and looked at the battlefield on Irina's side.

In the following battle, his role was only to skim the formation. The purpose of this battle was not only to deal with Voldemort, but also to experience the new force of Irwin.

If Dumbledore had used the combat power of a demon king-level wizard to take action, I am afraid that all those Death Eaters would be wiped out in an instant.

But Dumbledore understood that there were endless Death Eaters to kill, and there would always be people who were greedy for profit or did anything for fame, and would choose to join the Death Eaters' camp.

Instead of killing those Death Eaters, it would be better to cultivate more combat power belonging to your own camp.

At this time, an alchemical array appeared at Lin En's feet. The function of this alchemical array was to carry Lin En to fly and achieve many movements that Lin En could not achieve by himself.

For example, suddenly moving sideways while moving forward, etc. These clever displacements are a very good life-saving skill in the battle between wizards.

Under Lin En's control, the alchemy circle dispersed into a sky full of stars and merged into his wizard robe, giving his wizard robe this special displacement function. He flew into the air, looked straight at Voldemort opposite, and said in a deep voice: "Then let me experience the power of a demon king-level wizard!"

Lin En's figure was suspended in the air. He obviously didn't move at all, but countless golden light strands flew out from the top of his wand, intertwining into alchemical formations around him.

Huge magic power was released from the magic stone, flowed into Lin En's body along the demon's authority, and finally turned into flames that ignited all over Lin En's body.

Magic flame, fierce fire, Gubulai fairy fire, forbidden magic fire!

The crimson, red-black, golden and black-red flames burned with the force of burning the sky and boiling the sea, swaying in the four directions of Lin En respectively. Invisible magic power shot out from the wand in Lin En's hand, and the cemetery The tombstones inside are all transformed into roaring white wolves.

Immediately afterwards, Lin gently waved the wand in his hand again, and the silently cast Patronus Charm was released. A silver wolf with a silver-white light all over its body appeared on the ground. It was like the leader of the white wolves that transformed creations. Be prepared to charge at enemies in the air at any time.

"How can a fly shake a tree?! Dumbledore asked you to come because he didn't want you to die here!"

Voldemort sneered and looked at Linn, who was like a god of fire. The seemingly intimidating magic was so vulnerable in his eyes.

Before he returned to the Demon King-level wizard, he had to spend a lot of effort to kill Linn. Now he can just move his fingers to kill Linn!

Voldemort naturally would not be merciful. He raised his wand and shouted: "Avada Kedavra!"

The green beam of light emitted again, heading straight for Lin En's face.

Lin En's eyes were solemn. As soon as he thought about it, the forbidden demon fire took the initiative to meet him to suppress the magic power contained in the life-killing curse.

Demon King-level curses are still the best spells for Voldemort, a Demon King-level wizard. The power of this death-killing curse can be imagined.

Even if Lin En released almost all the forbidden demon fire in his body, it only weakened the power of the dark green beam by about 30%.

Lin En waved his hands again, and the five alchemy formations condensed around him simultaneously shot countless golden beams towards the life-killing curse.

The golden beam of light that could easily take away the lives of Death Eaters was like paper in front of this life-killing curse, shattering at the touch of it!

Lin En was not surprised at all.

He understood that since he decided to stand opposite Voldemort, the demon king-level wizard, he had been placed between life and death. As long as he was not careful, he would die in the hands of Voldemort.

Confronting a demon-level wizard head-on, which seems very ridiculous, is actually Lin En's way to break through the demon-level wizard!

Perhaps if Lin En continues to hone his skills, one day he will be able to break through to the level of a demon king wizard, and such a breakthrough will come naturally.

However, he did not have so much time to wait. If they wanted to defeat Voldemort before he controlled the British wizarding world, the combat power of the devil-level wizard was what they needed.

Thinking of this, the fighting spirit in Lin En's eyes became more intense.

"Prison Flame Martial Arts Refining!"

Linn shouted low, and a pitch-black spear transformed by flames appeared in his hand. He swung the pitch-black spear towards the faint green light.

The endless fire of forbidden demons poured into this pitch-black spear in an instant, and then turned into an overwhelming wave of flames as it was swung, colliding fiercely with the green light.


In an instant, a violent explosion spread, and the sweeping air wave actually lifted Linn several hundred meters away.

Voldemort, on the other hand, waved his wand slightly, and the invisible barrier blocked the spread of the aftermath of the explosion. His scarlet eyes flickered, and a sense of killing continued to emerge. (End of chapter)

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