The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 366 I have gone far enough on the road to eternal life

Rodolphus and Rabastan waved their wands at the same time, and a fierce flame ignited at the bottom of the crucible in an instant. The liquid in the crucible heated very quickly, and even sparks shot out on the surface, as if it was burning.

The white steam became thicker and thicker, and even the figures of Rodolphus and Rabastan became blurred. The entire water surface was flashing with sparks, as if it were studded with diamonds.

"It's burned, Master, shall we hold the ceremony now?"

Rodolphus knelt down in front of Bellatrix, but it was not Bellatrix whom he knelt on, but Voldemort in her arms.

A flash of light flashed in Voldemort's scarlet eyes, and his deep voice sounded: "Now!"

As Voldemort finished speaking, Bellatrix walked over, and she carried Voldemort to the crucible.

At that moment, Harry could see the sparks dancing on the surface of the potion illuminating Voldemort's evil flat face.

Bellatrix hugged Voldemort gently, as if she was holding her most cherished thing, but in the next moment, her hand holding Voldemort suddenly let go, allowing Voldemort to fall into the crucible.

With a "sizzling" sound of liquid boiling, this monster that was neither human nor ghost sank.

Harry even heard the soft sound of the limp body that was neither human nor ghost touching the bottom of the crucible.

At this time, Bellatrix spoke. Her voice sounded like chanting, but also like a nun's murmur. Her face hidden by the mask was full of piety. She said in the most sincere voice: "Father Bones, accidentally donated, can regenerate your son!"

Before Bellatrix could finish her words, the grave beneath Harry's feet suddenly opened. Harry was horrified to see a handful of ashes rising into the air in response to Bellatrix's call, and then gently Landed in the crucible.

Immediately afterwards, the diamond-like liquid surface burst, sizzling, sparks flying, and the colorless liquid turned into a bright blue, which was daunting.

Looking at the poisonous liquid, Bellatrix did not hesitate at all. She pulled out a long, thin, shining silver dagger from her cloak, and there was a sound in her voice. The extreme joy is like the most loyal believer ushering in the salvation of God.

Bellatrix's mask-covered face showed an expression of satisfaction. Offering her own flesh and blood to her master was not a harm to her, but a gift!

She murmured in a low voice: "Your servant's flesh, voluntarily donated, can make your master reborn!"

She stretched out her left hand, which was stained with unhealthy whiteness, then held the dagger tightly with her right hand and swung it towards her left hand without any hesitation.

Something seemed to have fallen into the crucible, and there was an explosion as the potion boiled. Then, the potion turned fiery red, and the dazzling red light that bloomed made Harry couldn't help but close his eyes.

At this time, Bellatrix's mask-covered face not only did not show the pain of a broken arm, but instead wore a perverted smile. She came tremblingly in front of Harry, but her remaining right hand was so powerful.

Bellatrix's frantic voice came out: "The blood of your enemies... forced to sacrifice... can make your enemies... resurrect!"

She stabbed the tip of the dagger into Harry's arm without hesitation, and blood trickled down Harry's torn robe sleeve.

Bellatrix dropped the dagger in her hand, pulled out her wand from her waist, and used her wand to control a ball of Harry's blood to float up and then fall into the cauldron.

At this moment, the liquid in the crucible immediately turned into a dazzling white color. The crucible seemed to be boiling again. Diamond-like sparks splashed out in all directions, so bright and dazzling that everything around them turned into a black velvet color. .

Soon, the sparks on the crucible went out, and a stream of white steam rose up from the crucible, obscuring everything in Harry's field of vision, leaving only a vast expanse of white water vapor in his field of vision.

Then, through the white mist in front of him, Harry saw a man's figure slowly rising from the crucible. He was tall and thin, like a skeleton.

Voldemort's cold voice came out: "Put on my robe."

Rodolphus and Rabastan quickly came over with a robe and carefully put it on Voldemort.

After getting dressed, Voldemort stepped out of the crucible, his scarlet eyes staring intently at Harry.

It was the face that had often appeared in his nightmares for the past three years. It was paler than a skeleton, with two big red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake's nose, and two thin slits for the nostrils...

Yes, Voldemort is resurrected.

At this time, Voldemort looked away from Harry and began to examine his own body.

Today, the resurrected Voldemort no longer looks like the original senior Riddle. His hands are like big pale spiders, and his slender pale fingers are touching his chest, arms, and face; his red eyes appear brighter in the darkness. , the pupils are two slits, no different from snake pupils.

Voldemort raised his hands and flexed his fingers with an ecstatic expression on his face. He inserted his surprisingly long fingers into a deep pocket and pulled out a wand.

"My Death Eaters, your great master is back. Your master has gone far enough on the road to eternal life, which is beyond the reach of others! I am eternity!"

Voldemort laughed loudly, looking down at the Death Eaters kneeling in front of him.

These Death Eaters scrambled to crawl to Voldemort's side and kissed his robes.

Voldemort ignored the actions of these Death Eaters, but raised his wand and danced in the air. The bone-like wand head drew a strip of light in the air like molten silver.

This silver-like light belt had no shape at first, but as the light belt twisted in the air, it turned into a sparkling silver-white human hand. This human hand, as bright as moonlight, flew up on its own and settled down. On Bellatrix's left wrist.

Bellatrix lowered her head. She looked at the silver-white glove-like hand in disbelief. How beautiful it was and how it fit seamlessly on her wrist...

Bellatrix was so happy that she sobbed, and she said softly: "Thank you, my is really so beautiful..."

With that said, she knelt beside Voldemort and lowered her head again to kiss the hem of Voldemort's clothes.

Voldemort gently pulled her up and said calmly: "Get up, my most loyal servant, Bellatrix Lestrange!"

Bellatrix stood up smoothly. She was the only one standing among everyone present except Voldemort.

"There are dozens less Death Eaters here... They died in the hands of those two damn students at Hogwarts Castle... Those two students will pay the price..."

Voldemort glanced around at the Death Eaters in front of him, his tone was as cold as ice, and the Death Eaters on the ground could feel Voldemort's murderous intention that had almost turned into reality.

Just when Voldemort wanted to continue saying something, his expression suddenly changed. When he raised his hand, an invisible barrier was erected to block himself and all the Death Eaters around him.

The next moment, the fierce fire that filled the sky started burning from a distance in an instant, and quickly spread towards here in less than a breath, and was finally stopped by the invisible barrier released by Voldemort.

Seeing this scene, all the Death Eaters looked horrified.

You know, if Voldemort hadn't cast a spell for them to resist, I'm afraid they would have died under this fierce fire that was like burning the sky and boiling the sea!

"It's not a small talk, but I don't know if you have what it takes!"

The same cold voice came from dozens of meters away. Behind a tombstone, Lin En had already removed the phantom body curse on himself. The fierce fire in the sky and the Gubulai fairy fire were intertwined and burning around his body, and there were five An alchemy circle that had taken shape at some point was spinning around him. (End of chapter)

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