The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 363 The finals begin, a strange and ever-changing maze!

Dumbledore took the bag containing the memory bottle from Lynn's hand with a look of amazement.

Even the pensieve, which can only show memories, is hailed as one of the greatest inventions of alchemy, let alone this memory bottle, which has a much higher technical content than it? !

Everyone's memory is unique. This kind of memory bottle that can directly copy other people's memories can be said to be a breakthrough in the magic world's research in the field of memory.

Dumbledore took two memory bottles from the bag, returned them to Linn and Irina, and said, "Since evidence is to be preserved, these one hundred memory bottles must be stored in different places. , I think it’s a safe idea to keep two of the memory bottles with you!”

Linn and Irina had no objection, and they accepted the memory bottle returned by Dumbledore.

After Lynn and Irina left the principal's office, Dumbledore set off to various places to hide these memory bottles. While hiding these memory bottles, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

I don't know why, but a voice suddenly appeared in his heart, that is, when Voldemort was hiding his Horcrux, was he the same as he is now? !

Perhaps it was the calm before the storm. Hogwarts Castle was calm before the last event of the Triwizard Tournament began. No matter what happened in the British wizarding world, it would not affect these people in the ivory tower. little wizard.

Soon, the day came for the final event of the Triwizard Tournament.

The last project started in the evening. The four warriors, including Linn, all had dinner and headed towards the Quidditch pitch that had been transformed into a maze.

When Lin walked into the Quidditch field, he found that the place had changed drastically. It was completely unrecognizable that it had once been a Quidditch field. In front of the four people, there was a twenty-foot-high hedge wall that surrounded the edge of the field. Surrounded by people.

There was a gap in the tall hedge wall in front of the four people, which was the entrance to the maze. The passage inside the maze was dark, as if it was bottomless and led to the eighteenth level of hell.

Five minutes after Linn and others arrived, the little wizards from the castle also entered the stands one after another.

Hundreds of young wizards filed into their seats, and the air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps. Linn could see Irina sitting in the middle and back of the Gryffindor camp, holding her ice crystal wood wand tightly. , seems to be ready for battle at any time.

And Irvine was sitting in a seat at the front of the Slytherin camp. His wand was inserted into his waist, but his hands were faintly flashing with lightning, as if all he needed was a thought. It can make a thunderbolt strike from the sky and kill those with evil intentions.

The sky gradually darkened, and now the sky was a clear deep blue, and stars began to appear.

Not long after, Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick walked into the Quidditch pitch and walked towards the four warriors including Ludo Bagman and Lynn.

Their hats were adorned with large, shining red stars, except for Hagrid, whose star was on the back of his terry vest.

"We will patrol outside the maze," Professor McGonagall said to the four Lynns. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, just shoot red sparks into the sky and someone will come to help you. Do you understand?"

Linn nodded slightly, and Harry and Fleur beside him also nodded seriously.

Only Krum seemed a little absent-minded and his expression was a little dull. Even in the face of Professor McGonagall's words, he looked indifferent.

Linn noticed Krum's strangeness. After discovering that something was wrong with Krum, Linn made a rough judgment on Krum's current situation.

If he guessed correctly, Klum might have also been under the Imperius Curse of Barty Crouch Jr. at this time, and he had just been under the curse not long ago.

It seemed that he might encounter a real enemy in the maze later.

Linn shook his head and sighed. Although he was the first warrior to enter the maze, and Krum was the third, Krum must have been able to reach the Goblet of Fire before he reached the Goblet of Fire due to Barty's secret cheating. Before, I intercepted my own.

"Okay, you go!"

Ludo said to Hagrid and four other professors who were patrol members.

Hagrid whispered to Harry: "Good luck to you, Harry."

After Hagrid finished blessing Harry, Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody and Professor Flitwick walked away in different directions and scattered around the maze.

Watching the four professors leave, Ludo pointed his wand at his throat and said "loud voice", and his magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me report the current score! Lynn Rohr, 99 points, first place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

As Ludo finished speaking, applause and cheers soared into the sky, startling all the birds in the Forbidden Forest and flying into the darkening night sky.

Ludo continued to shout: "Harry Potter, 85 points, second place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Viktor Krum, 75 points, second place, Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ! Fleur Delacour, 60 points, third place, Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Applause rang out one after another, and the young wizards from the three magic schools were cheering for the warriors of their respective schools.

After reading the scores of all the warriors, Ludo shouted loudly: "Okay, Lynn Roll, get ready, three, two, one! Start!"

Almost at the same time as Ludo shouted "one", Linn's wizard robe disappeared and was replaced by a black night suit.

Night clothes are much easier to move than wizard robes. Linn held the wand and walked quickly towards the direction of the maze.

In the maze, the tall hedges cast dark shadows on the path. I don’t know whether it was because of the high and dense hedges, or because of the magic exerted in the maze. The moment Linn entered the maze, the small people coming from the stands outside The noise of the wizards disappeared.

Lin En walked forward quickly. After walking about fifty meters, he came to the first fork.

As early as the end of May, when Linn came here, he used a miniature magic camera to record all the forks here. Therefore, Linn ran towards the left without any hesitation.

However, before Linn could run far forward, he frowned and stopped.

A weak voice sounded from behind him. The road Linn came from was actually blocked by a taller hedge, and the road in front of him was constantly twisting until it was completely different from the road recorded on the map.

"It looks like you did it, Barty Crouch Jr."

Lynn said softly.

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