The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 352 Is this the fuck fourteen years old? !

Dolohov's magic level is obviously a level higher than that of Barty Jr. Even Barty Jr. can only release one or two magic spells under the suppression of Linn's forbidden magic fire.

But when Dolohov faced the suppression of the forbidden magic power, he was still able to maintain a magic level equivalent to 50% to 60% of his heyday.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

After feeling that his magic power was suppressed, Dolohov had to pay attention to the two little wizards in front of him. He waved his wand without hesitation and released the Unforgivable Curse.

Linn threw his body to the side, dodging the sudden Cruciatus Curse. While dodging, he suddenly waved his left hand, and a ball of red and black flames shot out of the air, spreading out with the force of burning the sky and boiling the sea. , shrouding Dolohov.

That's... Li Huo? !

After seeing the overwhelming red-black flames spreading out, Dolohov couldn't hold back. He couldn't imagine how this fifth-grade wizard dared to release such a powerful fire? !

Isn't he afraid that Li Huo will lose control? !

With the blessing of the anti-Apparition spell, if this fierce fire gets out of control, then they will not be able to escape even if they want to, and they will have to be burned alive!

"All curses end!"

Dolohov shouted with some frustration. It was always them, the Death Eaters, who released the fire at will and let those stupid wizards use the Ending Curse to clean up their mess. However, he himself was threatened by the fire and had to use it. This is the first time a counter-spell has been used to clear it.

The invisible magic power spread, and after the fierce fires came into contact with the invisible magic power, they all extinguished like ordinary flames meeting water.

However, before Dolokhov could take a breath, Irina attacked him: "Avada Kedavra!"

The dark green light burst out in an instant, and the dark green beam with the aura of death shot towards Dolohov at lightning speed.

"Damn, this is fourteen years old?!"

Looking at the death curse coming towards his door, Dolokhov's scalp suddenly went numb, and he couldn't help but curse.

Raising his hand is a death curse. This kind of thing used to be the privilege of Death Eaters like them, but now, this little wizard from Hogwarts Castle, who looks like he is only in his fourth year, can also do this.

This made Dolohov doubt his life. After more than ten years of absence, has Hogwarts Castle been transformed into a training base for dark wizards? !

Dolokhov barely managed to dodge this death curse, and Lin followed up with a Cruciatus Curse that headed towards the place where he had dodged.

"Armor protection!"

Aware of the dark red ray like lightning, the hair on Dolokhov's hair stood on end. He waved his wand to let the Iron Armor Curse resist the Cruciatus Curse for a moment, buying himself enough time to dodge before the Cruciatus Curse shattered the Iron Armor Curse. .

Seeing that their sneak attack failed, both Lin En and Irina shook their heads regretfully.

They are not like those real dark wizards who have no regard for the negative impact of the Unforgivable Curse on the wizards themselves. Releasing an Unforgivable Curse is their limit.

After Dolohov evaded their Unforgivable Curse, Linn and Irina began to fight using conventional means.

Under Irina's control, a thick layer of ice armor quickly condensed on the surface of her body, covering her body. The mirror-like ice armor actually hit Dolohov three times in a row. The disarming spell was refracted.

Linn, on the other hand, waved his wand quickly. The wand in his hand quickly touched the brick fragments in the ruins. Under the control of the transformation technique, these brick fragments actually turned into ferocious wild wolves, heading towards Doroho. He threw himself in the direction of his husband.

Dolokhov cast several crushing spells without changing his expression, shattering these deformed creations that were essentially bricks and tiles.

However, Linn did not hope that these transformed wolves could harm Dolokhov. When these wild wolves held each other, the golden threads intertwined between his hands, transforming into the prototype of the alchemy circle. .

Irina knew very well how powerful Linn's alchemy circle was in battle. While Linn was refining the alchemy circle out of thin air, she also took out her own ice crystal spear. The spear in her hand was aimed at Dolohov's direction thrust out.

Under the control of Irina, the power of ice turned into a spear light and spit out from the tip of the ice crystal spear, piercing Dolohov's heart.

Irina's actions were indeed beyond Dolokhov's expectations. Everyone is a wizard who wields a wand to deal with waves. Why did you become a melee mage? !

Facing the attack of Irina's lance, Dolokhov could only dodge continuously and use a series of armor spells to forcefully block the ice crystal lance that kept thrusting out.

However, the invisible barrier formed by the iron armor curse couldn't even hold on for a breath in front of the spear light formed by the power of ice. The iron armor curses were shattered one after another, and Dolohov's movements became increasingly fierce. Get hasty.

Dolokhov complained endlessly in his heart. The methods used by Linn and Irina in the battle were something he had never seen before in so many years of fighting.

This allowed him to have experience in fighting magic, but he couldn't even use it in front of Lin En and Irina, which made Dolohov feel very frustrated.

At this time, five alchemical formations shining with golden light were already hovering around Lin En. With the wand in Lin En's hand gently waving like a conductor's baton, these five alchemical formations suddenly seemed like a goddess scattering flowers. Like an explosion, golden light beams filled the sky.

This nearly endless golden beam shot towards Dolohov. Under this attack frequency several times faster than Gatling, Dolohov had no chance to resist.

In less than a second, hundreds of golden beams penetrated Dolokhov's body, leaving him full of holes. Even his heart was burned by a golden beam with high temperature. shattered under the bombardment.

In the next minute, nearly ten thousand golden beams bombarded Dolohov's body one after another, beating the already dilapidated body into bloody foam.

"Hey~ It's so cruel!"

Looking at Dolokhov who was whipped to death, Irina couldn't even look at him and turned her head away.

Seeing that Dolokhov was too dead to die, Linn removed the alchemy circle surrounding him and withdrew the line of fire formed by the forbidden demon fire used to divide the battlefield.

Lin En spread his hands and said with a chuckle: "If it weren't for the suppression of the Forbidden Demon Fire, Dolokhov would probably be much more difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, the power of the Forbidden Demon is so unreasonable!"

After killing Dolohov, the two set their sights on Irwin and Sirius.

Irwin used a disarming spell to knock the wand out of Peter Pettigrew's hand, while Sirius rushed forward with three steps and two steps at a time, broke the wand that flew out of Peter Pettigrew, and punched him. Flattened the bridge of Peter Pettigrew's nose. (End of chapter)

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