The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 342 Alchemy Diving Suit and Magic Pattern Booster

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Irina headed to Hagrid's cabin.

When she arrived at Hagrid's hut, the originally sealed doors and windows seemed to have been opened, and through the open door, Irina could see Harry, Ron and Hermione talking to Hagrid. , not far from the three people, sat a bearded Dumbledore with a smile on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore, Hagrid!"

Irina walked into the room and greeted Dumbledore and Hagrid with a smile.

Dumbledore and Hagrid both responded to her with smiles, and Hagrid even stuffed a stack of rock biscuits into her hands. It seemed that under the persuasion of Dumbledore and the three little ones, Hagrid no longer had any thoughts. The negative emotions caused by the revelation of his identity as a half-giant.

Irina turned her gaze to Hagrid and said, "Hagrid, I think you can come back and teach us now. No one will say anything wrong about you anymore!"

Hermione on the side also echoed: "Yes, those parents of students who are against you in the newspapers are probably the bad guys from Slytherin, or they are made up by that woman Rita Skeeter... Yes! You don’t need to care about this at all!”

Hearing what the two said, Hagrid seemed very moved. His eyes were red, and while sobbing, he thanked you: "Thank you, thank you for being willing to continue to be my friend, and willing to continue to let me be your professor! It's just that , if we let that damn female reporter slander us in the Daily Prophet again, I'm afraid the reputation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be damaged..."

Before Hagrid could finish speaking, Irina interrupted him and said, "Don't worry, Hagrid! Rita Skeeter won't write bad things about you anymore, or in other words, she won't be able to write anymore." You spoke ill of me!"

As early as after Linn contacted the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet named Michelle to hide Rita for six months, he informed Irina of the result. For six months, which was not a long period of time, Irina Lina raised her hands to support.

She knew that they had no use for Rita Skeeter in this school year. On the contrary, in the next school year, that is, half a year later, the momentum Rita Skeeter could create for them in public opinion might have some influence on them. great help.

"She can't write bad things about Hagrid anymore? Irina, you mean, she was fired?!"

Harry seemed to have guessed something. He looked surprised and said with some disbelief.

Irina nodded, shook her head, and said: "No, she has been hidden for half a year, which means that at least until the end of this school year, she will not be able to publish even a single word in the Daily Prophet. "

After hearing Irina's words, even the stupidest fool would be able to guess that the fact that Rita Skeeter was hidden must have something to do with Irina.

Hagrid's eyes turned redder, and he repeated again and again: "Thank you, Irina..."

Dumbledore, who had been listening in the audience, nodded approvingly to Irina and said, "You have done a good job. The reporter's duty is to report the truth, not to deliberately and subjectively slander others. Perhaps, this time Rita Si What happened to Kit can teach her a good lesson."

Dumbledore could naturally tell that this matter was not just Irina, but also Lin's handiwork. However, he was happy to see Rita being hidden for half a year.

After all, no one, no matter who they are, would still have good intentions toward others when they insulted them as a "rigid old lunatic" without giving any face.

Of course, it is absolutely incorrect to say that Dumbledore harbors ill intentions toward Rita Skeeter. It can only be said that he does not like this woman who talks nonsense.

On the other side, Linn did not leave the Room of Requirement with Irina. Instead, when Irina went to find Hagrid, he stayed in the room and changed the shape of the Room of Requirement into an alchemy laboratory.

The second event of the Triwizard Tournament is to dive underwater to rescue the person you love most, and Linn's best areas are fire magic, alchemy and transformation.

There is no doubt that fire magic and transformation are not helpful for diving. Therefore, if he wants to still achieve a blockbuster in the second project, then Linn's best choice is alchemy.

Using alchemy to create an alchemical equipment that can help him dive is Linn's plan for his second project.

As for the form of this alchemical equipment, Lin En has already thought about it. It is a diving suit for ordinary people. In addition to the oxygen supply capacity and water isolation ability that a diving suit should have, Lin En plans to use this piece of alchemy equipment in the form of a diving suit. On the back of the alchemy equipment, make an alchemy propeller so that you can dive into the water faster and find Irina.

Thinking of this, Linn did not hesitate to take out a lot of metal materials and some magic materials taken from magical animals. Linn could think of hundreds of ways to refine the alchemy circle on the thruster.

What Lin En is more troubled about is how to maximize the power of the booster to give people a bright feeling.

After thinking to no avail, Linn planned to put the booster aside and turn to making the body of the diving suit.

The refining of an alchemy diving suit can be said to be a bit childish for Lin En today. In just one afternoon, a finished alchemy diving suit appeared in front of Lin En.

Different from the heavy diving suit as imagined, this alchemy diving suit is like a black night suit, as thin as silk. The metal materials have become as light and thin as silk after being refined by legal alchemy. , lift it up and pull it to both sides, and it can even transmit light.

Linn put on this alchemy diving suit. The black silk-like diving suit covered his entire body, leaving only his eyes blocked by a thin layer of crystal lenses exposed.

This alchemical diving suit does not require an oxygen tank to supply oxygen. The hundreds of alchemical arrays engraved on it have already covered this need. These alchemical arrays can operate independently in the water and decompose a large amount of oxygen from the water. , provided to Lynn located within it.

After the main body of the alchemical diving suit was completed, what Linn needed to consider was its booster.

According to Linn's idea, the speed of the alchemy diving suit equipped with a booster in the water must be at least equivalent to the flying speed of the Nimbus 2000 in the air, so that his alchemy skills can amaze the spectators.

"The magic pattern booster...may be a good idea. It seems that I have to buy a firebolt first and copy the alchemy runes in it."

Linn thought about it and wrote down his needs on a piece of parchment. (End of chapter)

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