The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 334 Prison robbery, rebellious dementors!

Following a flash of green light, the Auror on the left suddenly fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Damn it, there's an enemy attack!"

The other Auror's pupils dilated when he saw this scene. He shouted loudly and at the same time waved his wand to cast a silent stun spell towards Barty.

However, there was no way this clumsy spell could hit Barty Jr. Barty just turned his head slightly and avoided the Auror's disarming spell.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Barty Jr. waved his wand again, and another green beam of light burst out from his wand and hit the Auror's chest.

The Auror's body collapsed, and there was nothing in this dilapidated port that could stop little Barty from landing.

Little Barty pressed his left hand on the board and injected magic power into the dilapidated boat again, allowing the boat to sail towards the port at a faster speed.

Soon, little Barty jumped onto the port and came to the island. But just as he was about to walk towards the Azkaban prison where the prisoners were held, white rays of light followed the sound of footsteps quickly. Close here.

Then, about twenty Aurors ran over from the direction of Azkaban Prison and stood in front of Barty Jr. vigilantly.

Looking at these Aurors who were more than twenty times his size, little Barty didn't show any nervousness on his face.

Today, the British Ministry of Magic does not pay much attention to Azkaban Prison. Before Sirius escaped from prison, there were less than ten Aurors stationed in Azkaban Prison. Even now, there are more than twenty Aurors. All Aurors are ordinary Aurors, and there is not even one elite Auror among them.

In fact, most of the Aurors who can be sent to garrison Azkaban Prison in the British Ministry of Magic are Aurors who have been marginalized, ignored, or offended by their superiors in the Auror office. They are not so much Being sent to guard Azkaban Prison, it would be better to say that he was exiled here.

And how could such an Auror have the strength of an elite Auror? !

After all, there are less than ten elite Aurors in the entire Auror Office. There are still so many dark wizards at large in the British wizarding world. The Auror Office leaves these elite Aurors unused and sends them to this remote and remote place. Coming to Zkaban Prison, isn't it just a case of mental illness? !

"Someone wants to rob the prison! Stop him! Expelliarmus!"

An Auror shouted loudly after seeing the bodies of two colleagues at the port. He waved his wand and cast a disarming spell in the direction of Barty Jr.

Hearing this Auror's words, the other twenty or so Aurors also pulled out their wands and cast disarming spells in the direction of Barty Jr.

However, facing the red beams of light coming from the sky, little Barty seemed to be dancing a waltz, constantly moving his feet, avoiding most of the disarming spells with an extremely elegant posture.

The wand in his hand did not stop. He kept pointing the wand in front of himself, releasing the armor spell that only covered a small area, and used an invisible shield to bounce off the disarming spells that he could not dodge.

Seeing that the disarming spells of more than 20 people on their side were easily blocked by Barty Jr., these Aurors were all horrified.

While the Aurors were shocked, Barty Jr. also began to fight back. He laughed wildly, and the crazy look in his eyes became more and more intense: "Avada Kedavra! Avada Kedavra! Avada Kedavra!" !..."

A series of life-killing curses were released by Little Barty, and a series of dark green light beams bombarded the Aurors, taking away the lives of these Aurors.

In less than thirty seconds, nearly half of the original Auror team of more than 20 people died under the death curse of Barty Jr.!

"Hell! Lift all restrictions. If the ministry is responsible, I will bear the responsibility alone!"

The Auror who seemed to be the leader of the Auror team shouted loudly.

As the Auror leader finished speaking, the remaining dozen Aurors no longer had any scruples in attacking.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

These Aurors used the Death Curse to attack little Barty. After all restrictions were lifted, their attacks were no longer as conservative as before, but became unscrupulous.

In an instant, green light beams filled the sky flying in front of the Azkaban Prison, and the entire Azkaban Prison was illuminated by the green light blooming from the Death Curse.

More than a hundred meters away, a wizard wearing a Daily Prophet uniform looked at what was happening in the distance in horror. He used a magic camera to record everything that happened here.

After the green light flying in the sky gradually subsided, looking at the almost dead and injured Auror team in the distance, the wizard gritted his teeth, suppressed the fear that filled his heart, and waved the wand in his hand: "Disapparate! "

Following a flash of white light, the wizard's body twisted quickly on the spot and finally disappeared.

There is no anti-Apparition spell in Azkaban Prison, but the coordinates here are hidden by magic, so that other wizards cannot directly arrive here through Apparition, but the wizards here can leave at any time through Apparation. .

As for the prisoners in prison, the Aurors did not believe that these prisoners, who had lost their wands and had even been drained of their happiness by dementors, could disapparate and escape without using a wand to cast spells.

At this time, all the Aurors in front of Azkaban Prison had been killed by Barty Jr., and his eyes were full of blood after he used the Death Curse many times.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

An explosive spell was thrown by Barty Jr., blasting open the door of Azkaban Prison.

Immediately afterwards, black shadows flew out of Azkaban Prison. These were the dementors responsible for guarding Azkaban Prison. These dementors looked at Barty Jr., this uninvited guest, like sharks that had seen blood. Generally, they were rushing towards Little Barty's direction.

However, just when these dementors wanted to suck away Barty's happy emotions, Barty waved his wand, and a burst of black energy exploded, temporarily driving back the dementors.

"I am a messenger sent by my master, the Dark Lord. Do you want to have the freedom to hunt as much as you like in Britain and no longer live in this never-ending place?"

Little Barty said to these dementors with a sneer.

After hearing Little Barty's words, these dementors hesitated. They no longer attacked Little Barty, but made some unexplained sounds.

"Submit! Surrender to the great Dark Lord, this world will belong to the Dark Lord, and it will also belong to you!"

Little Barty said with a crazy look on his face, a look of fascination on his face, and he approached the Dementors step by step.

Looking at Little Barty walking in their direction, the Dementors hesitated for a while, and finally gave way to a path, watching Little Barty heading towards Azkaban Prison. (End of chapter)

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