The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 329 Irwin’s Lightning Technique

Linn was also a little surprised after learning about Astoria's magic level.

Although silent spellcasting is not difficult for Linn, Irina and Irvine, don't forget that Astoria is only in her second year!

Even when Lin En was in second grade, she could only cast a few offensive magic silently, and even the silent casting of ordinary life magic was not that proficient.

Astoria, who is also only in her second year, has the ability to silently cast spells on these two, and perhaps not just these two attack spells. This kind of magical talent can be said to be breathtaking.

Lin En didn't expect that this little witch, who only had a few appearances in the sequels and never even appeared in the original work, would have such a talent.

If Irwin had not deceived him, and Irwin himself had not been deceived, then the little witch named Astoria Greengrass would indeed have great win-over value.

If this little witch can be trained well, then the help she can provide them in the future may not be as good as Irwin!

Thinking of this, Linn said to Irvine: "Very good, you have more contact with her during the Christmas ball. If it is determined that she is winnable, then Irina and I will find a chance to meet her after Christmas." !”

Irwin nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry."

Linn asked: "Irwin, how is your progress in learning the ancient magic called Thunder Drop Technique?"

Hearing this, Irwin said with some distress: "I have been able to initially summon thunder, but there is a problem, that is, my summoning thunder requires the casting of a weather spell. I must first cast a weather spell to condense thunderclouds. , to be able to rely on thunder clouds to bring down thunder, which is inconsistent with the method of summoning thunder described in the Thunder Drop Technique."

In that ancient magic called thunderbolt, the wizard can summon thunder under any circumstances and from any angle. If the wizard needs to, he can even send thunder from his own palm.

But now, Irwin can't even hit a bolt from the blue, let alone the thunder from his palm. The thunder he can summon relies on thunder clouds to exist.

Lin En thought for a while and asked: "Can you still perceive thunder when there are no thunderclouds? In other words, your perception of thunder when the weather spell is cast will not work when the thunderclouds dissipate. Will it disappear because of this?”

Irwin closed his eyes. He thought back to when he cast the weather spell, and he felt the closeness to and control over thunder that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes in surprise. At this time, they were in the Slytherin common room, underground in Hogwarts Castle. Logically speaking, he should not feel anything related to thunder. powerful.

However, Irwin was able to sense the extremely weak wisp of thunder power, and the source of that wisp of thunder power seemed to be from himself.

After realizing this, Irvine quickly informed Linn of his discovery.

Lin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said: "The source of the power of thunder in your own body? Feel it carefully, does it come from inside your body, or is it left in you because you have been casting weather spells to summon thunder for many years? The power of thunder?”

Irwin sensed it for a while again and said with certainty: "I am an ordinary wizard, so naturally there will be no thunder power in my body. It seems to be the thunder power remaining on my wand and even my clothes. "

As he spoke, Irwin raised his left hand, trying to sense the weak thunder power remaining on the wand, and control it by silently casting spells.

After a while, a weak arc of electricity flashed away in Irwin's left hand. Although the arc only appeared for a moment, it made Irwin look ecstatic.

Isn't this the key point of the ancient magic of Thunderbolt to release an electric arc without casting a weather spell, or even in a room that does not contain any thunder power? !

Irwin kept trying to summon thunder. The flashing arc became brighter and brighter, and some thunder that did not exist in his wand but was condensed out of thin air gradually flashed in his left hand.

However, the power of thunder did not continue to expand as Irwin imagined. Instead, after filling his palm, it seemed to reach a limit and could no longer expand.

These thunders flashing in Irwin's palm are not very powerful. Even if Irwin hits them, they can at most break a vase.

"I can sense that the upper limit of the thunder power you can summon through the thunder spell seems to be directly proportional to the thunder power remaining on your wand. In other words, as you continue to cast weather spells to summon more thunder, Let more thunder power remain on your wand, and the power of the pure thunder you summon through the thunder spell will also increase accordingly!"

Lin En said this as he observed the thunder flashing in Irwin's palm.

Irwin nodded. He was also aware of what Lin En said. According to the current progress, perhaps before the end of this school year, the power of the thunder he summoned through the Thunderbolt Technique will be comparable to what he summoned in the school year. The thunder was created when the weather spell was cast!

Continuously striking out thunder and letting the power of thunder remain on his wand is equivalent to the recognition of his master by these thunders. This is why Irwin can rely on the power of thunder remaining on his wand to condense More thunder.

If one day, Irwin's thunder technique can reach its peak, then the remaining thunder power will no longer stay on his wand, but will be integrated into his body!

After all, wands and other things are external objects, tools that assist or enhance spell casting, but the real power of wizards is themselves!

The joy on Irvine's face became more intense. After saying goodbye to Linn in a hurry, he left the Slytherin common room. Looking at the direction in which he left, Linn could guess that Irwin The purpose of Wen should be to go to the Black Lake to practice magic.

As time goes by, Christmas day is coming soon.

On this Christmas morning, the snow-covered Hogwarts Castle was exposed to the rising sun. Many little wizards who originally liked to sleep in got up early today.

Some people have already come outside the castle, taking advantage of the wonderful time of Christmas to have a snowball fight with their friends, while more little wizards are sitting in their beds, opening their own portions with smiles. As a birthday gift, Irina is naturally among them.

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