The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Little Barty is leaving school

Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Lin En looked shocked at first, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, Professor, I will find my partner."

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction and signaled that Linn could leave. She naturally believed that Linn could find a dance partner. The reason why she wanted to talk to Linn about this matter alone after class was just to follow a procedure. That’s all.

After all, they had seen that Lin En and Irina were inseparable on weekdays, so they naturally had nothing to worry about Lin En.

Professor McGonagall did not leave the classroom. Her next class was the Transfiguration class for Gryffindor and Slytherin in the fourth grade. She also needed to talk to Harry, who was also a warrior, after the next class. Let’s talk about this.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but rub her eyebrows. In her opinion, it was much more difficult for Harry to find a dance partner than for Lynn.

A girl as good as Hermione could be made a brother by Harry, which shows how emotionally slow Harry is.

The day after Professor McGonagall announced that the Yule Ball was about to be held, almost all the little wizards in fourth grade and above signed their application to stay in school for Christmas. They were looking forward to the upcoming Yule Ball, especially the little witches.

They dress themselves up every day, as if every day is Christmas. They laugh in the corridors of Hogwarts Castle. If a boy passes by them, they will break into a discussion. Voice.

Although there are still a few weeks until Christmas, the entire Hogwarts Castle is already filled with a festive atmosphere, and people are looking forward to and looking forward to the upcoming Yule Ball.

If one looks carefully, one can even see some boys or girls practicing dance awkwardly in many abandoned classrooms in the castle.

They are all preparing for the upcoming Yule Ball.

During this time, the professors and students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry showed a desire to impress the guests of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and they seemed determined to Hogwarts Castle is on display at its best this Christmas.

The castle was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the entire castle was filled with beautiful decorations that I had never seen before.

The handrails of the marble staircase are covered with icicles that will never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees usually placed in the auditorium are decorated with various baubles, including sparkling winter baubles. Qingguo, there is also a live golden owl that hoots constantly.

The armors in the castle are all enchanted, and they will sing Christmas carols whenever someone passes by. However, the appearance of these cold armors singing Christmas carols is particularly funny. These armors only know half of the lyrics.

Filch, the castle administrator, had to pull Peeves out of the armor several times, because Peeves always liked to hide in the armor. When the armor couldn't sing, he would make up some lyrics to fill in. Go in, but they are all very rude and ugly words.

In the early morning of a week before Christmas, Dumbledore suddenly asked Phoenix Fawkes to send a message to Lynn and Irina, hoping that they could go to the principal's office.

So, the two people who were sleeping soundly in bed were forced to climb out of the bed. After getting dressed neatly, they came to the outside of the principal's office one after another.

"Lynn, do you know what Professor Dumbledore wants from us?"

Looking at Lin En who was walking towards her, Irina asked with some confusion.

Lin En also looked confused and shook his head, saying, "I don't know. Let's just go in and ask."

After saying that, Lin En walked towards the stone statue outside the principal's office. However, before Lin En could take out the long list, the stone statue took the initiative to move away, revealing the way to the principal's office. .

Seeing this scene, Lin En and Irina were both stunned. It turned out that as long as Dumbledore knew in advance, they could enter even if they didn't tell the password.

Without thinking much, the two of them followed the spiral staircase to the door of the principal's office.

Irina took a step forward and knocked gently on the door, and the door opened automatically.

"Come in, Lynn and Irina."

Dumbledore greeted Linn and Irina with a smile. With a wave of the wand in his hand, two cups of hot black tea appeared in front of them.

Linn and Irina sat down opposite Dumbledore. Linn asked straight to the point: "Professor Dumbledore, you came to us so early in the morning. What's the matter?"

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Yes, since we have worked together to formulate a plan, I am obligated to inform you of any unexpected changes in the plan."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, both Linn and Irina's expressions changed, and their eyes showed a bit of seriousness.

Irina said: "Professor Dumbledore, please speak."

Dumbledore didn't mean to whet the appetite of the two of them. He said in a deep voice: "Just now, little Barty found me and said that he wanted to go home for Christmas. I want to go home for Christmas. This book It’s a perfectly normal thing, but the person who made this request was Barty Jr.…”

At this point, Dumbledore seemed hesitant to speak.

Irina said what Dumbledore wanted to say: "So, you are saying that little Barty wanted to leave Hogwarts Castle, maybe because of Voldemort's instructions?"

Lynn continued what Irina said and asked: "Are you worried that Voldemort is going to give up this plan and let little Barty use the excuse of going home for Christmas to find an opportunity to escape, causing our plan to fail?"

Lin En and Irina both frowned at this time. You must know that in the original book, there is no such thing as Professor Moody coming home for Christmas, but this thing actually happened to them. In front of you.

Is it because of the butterfly effect they bring? So what will be the purpose of little Barty?

Lin En and Irina were both thinking hard. If Barty Jr. wanted to escape and give up this plan, then they absolutely did not believe it. After all, Barty Jr. was even willing to sacrifice himself for Voldemort's great cause. There was no way he would give up on the plan out of fear.

What's more, Lin En and Irina never revealed their knowledge of each other's identity in front of Barty Jr., and the other party had no reason to give up the plan.

"Professor Dumbledore, since you are worried that little Barty has any special purpose, wouldn't it be enough if you don't allow him to leave the school?"

Irina said so.

Hearing this, before Dumbledore could speak, Linn shook his head and said: "No, don't forget, the current Barty is still showing his identity as Professor Moody, and Professor Dumbledore did not stop Moody at all. Professor’s reasons for going home for Christmas.”

"If Professor Dumbledore really does this, then we may not only be unable to prevent Barty Jr. from leaving school, but we may also make Barty Jr. realize that his identity has been exposed! This will make things even worse!"

Linn said with a solemn expression. (End of chapter)

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