The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 317 I don’t need a magic wand

When Linn walked into the tent, he saw Fleur sitting on a low stool in the corner, her face pale and sickly, while Krum's face became increasingly gloomy.

After seeing Lin En's arrival, Furong's face finally returned to a bit of rosy color. She waved to Lin En and forced a smile.

After learning that there was a fire dragon in this first project, Fleur felt very panic. After all, even seven or eight dragon trainers may not be able to subdue a fire dragon, let alone a little wizard like her who has not yet graduated. ? !

Not long after Linn arrived here, Harry also arrived. Harry's expression was very different from Fleur's, both looked like they might fall down at any time.

However, Ludo Bagman, who was in charge of hosting the game, did not feel nervous at all. He looked at everyone happily and introduced loudly: "Okay, now that everyone is here, it's time to tell you Let’s introduce the situation! When the audience arrives, I will pass this bag to each of you in turn.”

"You are going to pick out a small model of the thing you are going to face! They have different... um... types. I have one more thing to tell you... ah, by the way... your task is Pick up the golden eggs! Under the protection of those things, you need to get the golden eggs in their hands, well, that’s it!”

As Ludo spoke, he raised a purple silk bag and shook it at everyone.

As time passed, Linn and others could hear the sound of hundreds of pairs of feet walking through the tent. The owners of these feet were talking and laughing excitedly...

People's joys are not the same, I just think they are noisy...

As warriors of the Triwizard Tournament, the people who are about to participate in this competition only feel that they are incompatible with those people, as if they belong to another species.

After the audience arrived, Ludo took off the purple silk bag and handed it to Fleur. He smiled and said: "Ladies first."

Hearing Ludo's words, Fleur trembled. She put a trembling hand into the bag and took out a small, lifelike model of a dragon. It was a Welsh Green Dragon, with a number tied around its neck: No. 2 .

After Fleur was Krum, who took out the bright red Chinese Fireball Dragon with the number three tied around his neck.

"It's your turn, Mr. Rolle."

Ludo placed the purple silk bag in front of Lin En and motioned for Lin En to take out the fire dragon model.

Linn put his hand into the bag. He first touched a small guy, but after hesitating, he put the small guy aside and took another big guy covered with thorns. out.

"Hungarian Horntail, number four!"

Seeing the fire dragon model in Linn's hand, Ludo announced loudly.

After learning about the type of fire dragon that Lin En selected, Fleur couldn't help but cast a worried look at Lin En. The Hungarian Horntail is the most ferocious type of fire dragon. If not dealt with properly, even elite Aurors are likely to be killed. This Hungarian Horntail lost his life at the hands of the Horntail!

However, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. After Linn, Fleur and Krum all drew fire dragon models, he knew what was left for him.

Sure enough, after Harry took out the fire dragon model from his pocket, he saw the Swedish Brachysaurus with the number 1 tied around its neck. Although the Swedish Brachysaurus was also very dangerous, compared with the Hungarian Horntail, It can already be said to be tame.

After everyone drew the fire dragon model, Ludo said to everyone: "Okay, you have all drawn the fire dragon that you will face. The number on your neck is the order in which you will deal with the fire dragon. Do you understand? Okay? , I have to leave you for a moment, because I am going to explain to the audience. Harry, you are the first one, you walked into the field as soon as you heard the whistle, do you understand? Then..."

Ludo said, his eyes swept over Harry and others in turn. However, when his eyes fell on Linn, he suddenly froze.

You know, Harry, Fleur and Krum were all clutching their wands tightly at this moment, for fear that they would face the fire dragon in the next second, but Linn looked relaxed and content, with his hands in his hands. In his pocket.

Ludo looked up and down at Lin En, but he could not see any trace of Lin En's wand, whether it was in Lin En's pocket or on his waist.

So, Ludo couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Mr. Rohr, where is your magic wand?"

Linn shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: "I put my wand in the bedroom."

Hearing Linn's words, Harry, Fleur and Krum all showed horrified looks, and Ludo was even more frightened.

However, Ludo obviously thought that Linn forgot to bring his wand because he was nervous. He quickly said to Linn: "Mr. Rohr, you are the fourth warrior to come on stage. While there is still time, go back and get it." ! Otherwise it will be too late. As a wizard, how can you not bring a wand?!"

Hearing this, Lin En smiled and said calmly: "I don't need a wand."

Ludo didn't think Linn could escape from the fire dragon's mouth alive without the wand. He was so angry that he stamped his feet, but at this moment, a whistle sounded outside the tent.

"Damn it, I have to run over... Mr. Rohr, no wizard does not need a wand. For the sake of your wealth and life, you should do it yourself!"

Ludo said angrily, he turned and ran out of the tent.

As the first warrior to face the fire dragon, Harry also followed Ludo out of the tent.

At this time, only Linn, Fleur and Krum were left in the tent.

Fleur looked at Linn anxiously and said quickly: "Lynn, go back and get your wand quickly. This is a fire dragon, and you are facing the most ferocious Hungarian Horntail. This is no joke. of!"

Seeing Fleur's worried look, Lin comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure I can pass that Hungarian Horntail."

Furong thought that Lin En was just afraid of being embarrassed, and she was so anxious that she almost burst into tears: "Lynn, this is not a good time, I don't want you to die!"

Lin En sighed helplessly, he understood that Fleur must have misunderstood.

Just when Lin En was about to show off to Furong and convince her that she had the ability to survive the fire dragon's mouth, a burst of cheers suddenly sounded outside the tent, attracting everyone's attention.

"One is down, and there are three more! Miss Delacour, please come on!"

Ludo's voice was accompanied by a whistle, coming from outside the tent.

Fleur stamped her feet anxiously. She almost forgot her fear and the fact that she was about to face a fire dragon. She glared hard at Lin En before leaving.

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