The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 314 I trust Lynn, just like your father trusts me

On the other side of Hogsmeade, in the Three Broomsticks pub, the Harry trio were sitting around a table by the window.

Sitting opposite the three of them was Sirius Black.

After Sirius successfully exonerated himself, he organized the property he inherited from the Black family. He was no longer as slovenly as in the original book, but was able to walk on the streets openly and honestly. Organize your own image.

Today, Sirius seems to have returned to the bohemian appearance of his youth, looking like a noble young master. Of course, this is indeed the case.

He was wearing an outfit that pure-blood nobles only wore for formal meetings, which seemed out of place in this small bar, but Sirius didn't care at all.

"Harry, you told me in your letter that Voldemort wanted to murder you. What's going on?"

Sirius' eyes were serious, he tapped his index finger on the table and asked Harry.

Harry told Sirius what happened.

After learning the full story, Sirius held his chin with his hand, seeming to be thinking about something. From Harry's words, he learned that most of these things were revealed to them by Lynn and Irina.

However, Lin En and Irina declined their invitation...

"Harry, you have to trust Lynn and Irina, no matter what happens, okay?"

Sirius stared into Harry's emerald eyes. He hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to place his bet on the two young wizards who had helped him escape the crime.

He believed in the children of his comrades-in-arms and the little witch who had a good relationship with Harry and the others. Since they were able to unearth this information and tell him without reservation, they must also be able to protect Harry. Like helping him get out of jail last year.

Sirius didn't know that the information Lynn and Irina told Harry was just the most obvious part of the iceberg. Even if they didn't tell Harry, Professor Moody would still do it in order to arouse the emotions of others. Say it out loud.

Of course, if this information had not come from the mouths of Lin En and Irina, Harry and the others might not have taken this matter too seriously given their trust in Professor Moody.

After all, Mad-Eye Moody was able to blow up the trash can in his backyard with a curse. It is not surprising to believe that Voldemort wants to murder Harry. In this case, His credibility is not very high.

This is why Professor Moody did not hesitate to tell the story, precisely because he was sure that no one would believe him!

Harry scratched his head and said: "Of course I trust Sister Irina, but...Senior Rohr has indeed taken care of me a lot and helped us a lot, but if you trust him without reservation..."

Seeing this, Sirius sighed and said seriously: "I know you are worried about Lynn being a Slytherin. To be honest, when I was a student, I once thought that Slytherin had no good things, but until I met him, Lynn’s father, Hendry Rolle.”

Hearing Sirius's words, Harry subconsciously stretched his head, wanting to hear more from Sirius.

However, Sirius did not continue this topic. He just said: "Harry, you have to know that I trust Linn, just like your father trusts me. He will not harm you and has no reason to harm you. Do you understand?" ?”

Since Sirius said so, Harry naturally had no reason to object. He nodded gently and said, "I understand, I will protect myself."

Sirius nodded with satisfaction, and he said loudly to Ms. Rosmerta behind the counter: "Ms. Rosmerta, please have four glasses of butterbeer, thank you!"

Ms. Rosmerta smiled and looked at Sirius, the wizard she could say she had watched grow up. She placed four glasses of butterbeer on the table in front of Harry and others.

Ron picked up the cup and took a big sip. He burped with satisfaction and said, "It's so comfortable. It's a pity that Irina is not here and I can't drink such delicious butter beer..."

Hearing this, Hermione teased and said, "Maybe I'm enjoying something better..."

Harry and Sirius both laughed.

The four of them drank butterbeer and talked about the Triwizard Tournament.

Just when the glasses in the hands of the four were empty and Sirius was about to get up to pay the bill, the door of the Three Broomsticks opened again, and Hagrid and Professor Moody walked in.

Hagrid lowered his body and was talking to Professor Moody. Hagrid waved to Ms. Rosmerta to order, while Professor Moody drank the unknown liquid from the curved wine bottle he carried with him.

Seeing this scene, everyone including Sirius thought that Professor Moody was just suspicious by nature and did not dare to drink from others. However, they never expected that the curved bottle contained no drink at all, but It's Polyjuice Potion.

Ms. Rosmerta handed a glass of firewhiskey to Hagrid. She squinted at Professor Moody with some dissatisfaction, probably feeling that Professor Moody's behavior was an insult to the hot drinks in her tavern.

At this time, Professor Moody intentionally or unintentionally cast his gaze on Harry, and after his magic eye was fixed on Harry, he patted Hagrid's lower back and whispered a few words.

Then the two of them turned around together and came to Harry's table.

"Congratulations on your exoneration, Sirius, my old friend!"

Professor Moody smiled and held out his hand to Sirius.

Sirius reached out and shook his hand. Although Professor Moody has become crazy now and is called Mad-Eye, he still has a good impression of this comrade.

While Professor Moody was communicating with Sirius, Hagrid leaned down next to Harry. He pretended to look at the menu on Harry's desk and said in a voice that only Harry could hear: "Harry, come to my hut at midnight today to find me and put on your invisibility cloak."

After saying this, he straightened up and said loudly and deliberately: "Nice to meet you, Ron and Hermione!"

He blinked and left, and Professor Moody, after bidding farewell to Sirius, followed Hagrid.

"Harry, what did Hagrid say to you?"

Hermione asked, she noticed Hagrid's strange movement just now.

Harry did not hide it from others, but told it truthfully.

Hearing this, Sirius frowned: "Hagrid asked you to find him in the middle of the night? Well, I don't know if you have noticed that there seems to be something wrong with Moody." (End of Chapter)

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