The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 The essence of the mahogany grafted sycamore wood wand

Lynn pointed to the small broom closet next door.

After learning of Harry's whereabouts, Dumbledore walked over and opened the broom closet door.

"Dumbledore, how are you?"

Looking at Dumbledore's arrival, Rita deliberately put on a happy look, but where Dumbledore couldn't see her, her quill and parchment suddenly disappeared from the box containing the magic stain remover. Rita's claw-like fingers were hastily fastening the clasp of her alligator handbag.

Rita said while pretending to be happy, while extending her hand to Dumbledore: "Have you read my summer article about the International Federation of Wizards Conference?"

"That's great," Dumbledore chuckled and said lightly, "I especially loved reading the section where you described me as a rigid old madman."

Rita Skeeter didn't look a bit ashamed when the person in charge pointed out the evil things she had done to her face.

Rita quibbled: "I just want to point out that some of your views are a bit outdated, Dumbledore, and many wizards out there..."

Dumbledore interrupted her. He smiled, bowed politely, and said, "I'd love to hear your frank reasoning, Rita, but I'm afraid we'll have to discuss this issue later. .The wand testing ceremony is about to begin, and it cannot take place if one of our warriors is hiding in the broom closet."

With Dumbledore coming to his rescue, Harry ran out of the broom room and sat down on a chair next to Linn.

At the velvet-covered table in front of them, four of the five referees were already sitting, Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, Ludo Bagman, and Old Barty.

After Dumbledore sat down on the referee's table, he said to the four Lynns: "Please allow me to introduce Mr. Ollivander. He will be checking your wands to make sure they are in good condition before the game."

In fact, among the four warriors present, all the warriors except Fleur and Krum knew Mr. Ollivander. After all, there is no young wizard in the British wizarding world who did not buy his wand from Mr. Ollivander. of.

"Miss Delacour, you come first, okay?" Mr. Ollivander said, walking to the open space in the center of the room.

Fleur nodded slightly, walked towards Mr. Ollivander as lightly as a lark, and handed him her wand.

Mr. Ollivander took Fleur's wand. He rotated the wand between his slender fingers as if he were holding a conductor's baton, and the wand sprayed out many pink and gold sparks.

Then he brought the wand closer to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

Mr. Ollivander frowned slightly and said: "Hmm...not bad, nine and a half inches...very elastic...made of maple...contains...oh, my God..."

"It contains a Veela hair," Fleur said generously, "it's my grandma's hair."

Mr. Ollivander nodded and said: "Yes, of course, I have never used Veela hair myself. I think wands made of Veela hair are too sensitive and willful... But, everyone has it. Your own hobby, since it suits you..."

As he spoke, Mr. Ollivander ran his fingers over the wand, apparently checking it for scratches and bruises.

At the end of the testing ceremony, Mr. Ollivander whispered: "The orchids are blooming!"

As Mr. Ollivander finished speaking, a bouquet of flowers bloomed on the head of the wand.

After seeing the perfect flower, a smile broke out on Mr. Ollivander's face. He gathered the flowers and returned the wand to Fleur: "Very good, very good, in good condition! Next... Roll Sir, it's your turn."

Mr. Ollivander turned his attention to Lynn.

Linn stepped forward and handed the wand in his hand to Mr. Ollivander.

"Ah, this is my product, isn't it?!" The moment he took the wand, a look of surprise appeared on Mr. Ollivander's face, "Yes, I remember very clearly, rosewood grafted with sycamore wood , thirteen and a quarter inches, dragon's heartstrings, the material is somewhat fragile..."

Gently stroking the wand with red lines, Mr. Ollivander suddenly frowned and asked: "This is a wand that is very suitable for using fire magic, but its body is made of sycamore wood. The red lines on it look a bit dim, I guess you don’t often use it to cast fire spells, do you?”

Linn nodded slightly.

As early as his first grade, he had already learned the wandless casting of fire spells. Therefore, when he cast fire spells, he mostly used wandless casting and rarely used a wand.

Even for Li Fire and Gubulai Fairy Fire, Lin En only used his wand to release them the first few times he used them. After gradually becoming familiar with controlling these two flames, he mostly used his left hand to release them. The spell was cast silently and wandlessly.

After all, with Lin En's flame affinity, his control over flames has reached an extremely terrifying level. Even if he casts the spell silently and without a wand, the power of the flames released is not inferior to that of grafting sycamore wood with this redwood. Wand to cast spells.

In this case, for the sake of convenience, he naturally did not need to use the wand to cast spells.

"What a waste of natural resources! What a waste of natural resources!"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ollivander frowned, and his face did not look good at all.

Hearing this, Lin frowned unconsciously. From Mr. Ollivander's words, he could sense that there seemed to be something in the wand that he had used for five years that even he himself had not noticed. Hidden story.

Lynn asked, "What's the problem? Mr. Ollivander?"

Mr. Ollivander looked at Lynn and said in a deep voice: "This mahogany-grafted sycamore wand has a very high affinity for flames. Even if it is placed in a flame, it will not be ignited. Instead, it can Cultivate your own power in the flame. If you often use the fire spell, the fiery magic power will be emitted through the wand, and the remaining flame will be absorbed by it, nourishing the wand itself. In this case, this wand The lines on the body should be bright red."

"But now, the light on these lines is very dim, which shows that it has not absorbed much fire as nutrients. The wand, which is so suitable for fire spells, is not cherished by you. It is no wonder that I said that you are wasting your natural resources. ! If this wand of mahogany grafted with sycamore wood can be well nourished, then the power of the spell you release through this wand will be greatly improved!"

Mr. Ollivander said with a sigh.

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