The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Old Barty who was under the Imperius Curse

Not only Mrs. Maxim, but also Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and even Harry himself cast their eyes curiously on Linn, waiting for Linn's next words.

Linn didn't mean to whet everyone's appetite, he expressed his thoughts: "Since Harry has become the fourth warrior, this means that Harry is recognized by the Goblet of Fire as the fourth non-existent magic. He is the only student in the school who has signed up, and everyone must have guessed about the magic that can do this, right?"

Hearing Linn's words, the name of a curse appeared in the minds of everyone present except Harry, and Fleur even exclaimed: "Lynn, you mean the Confusion Curse?!"

Linn nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I am afraid that only a powerful confusion spell can achieve this goal. And Harry obviously does not have the ability to cast a powerful confusion spell."

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall frowned and asked: "Lynn, you mean, there is a powerful wizard who threw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire, but why did that person do this?" Do it? What good will it do to that person?!"

Linn chuckled and said, "Obviously, that person wants Harry to die. He wants Harry to die in this extremely dangerous Triwizard Tournament!"

As Linn's words fell, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Harry all broke into cold sweats, and Harry's spine even shivered. He felt as if everything around him had become unsafe.

Fleur looked at Lin En in horror. She understood that Lin En must have some basis for what he said, which made her think deeply and fearfully.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, Dumbledore clapped his hands gently and looked at Linn with a smile, obviously very satisfied with Linn's analysis.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and said, "I think Harry needs to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. As for the purpose of the man who threw the parchment into the Goblet of Fire... As long as we can ensure the safety of the warriors, then The other party’s plan will naturally come to nothing, right?”

Harry looked at Dumbledore in disbelief. Someone was trying to murder him, but he still wanted to participate in this meaningless Triwizard Tournament? !

After learning that Harry was still going to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, Karkaroff's expression became even more ugly. He spoke in a long voice: "Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman, you You two are referees, and you must also think this matter is extremely inappropriate, right?"

Ludo wiped his face with a handkerchief and turned to look at Old Barty.

Old Barty glanced at Karkaroff coldly and said calmly: "We must abide by the charter. The charter clearly stipulates that anyone whose name comes out of the Goblet of Fire must participate in the Triwizard Tournament. "

"Hey, old Barty knows the rules by heart." Ludo said with a loud laugh, a smile on his face.

He looked back at Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim, as if the matter had been resolved satisfactorily.

"I insist that my other students re-register." Karkaroff said, with an ugly expression on his face. "You must put the Goblet of Fire out again, and we must continue to add names to it until every It is only fair that a school produces two warriors, Dumbledore!"

Ludo quickly said: "Karkaroff, I'm afraid this won't work. The Goblet of Fire has just been extinguished... It won't be rekindled until the next Triwizard Tournament..."

Before Ludo could finish his words, Karkaroff interrupted him and said angrily: "Durmstrang School of Magic will never participate in the next Triwizard Tournament! We opened so much After so many talks and negotiations, I never thought something like this would happen again! I just want to leave now!"

"A bluffing threat, Karkaroff!" At this moment, a roaring voice came from outside the door, "You can't leave your warrior now, he must participate in the competition, they all must participate in the competition. Just like What Dumbledore said was bound by a magical contract. That works to your advantage, doesn't it?!"

Professor Moody entered the room and limped toward the fire, his metal right foot making a loud thud every time it hit the ground.

Professor Moody seemed to be speaking to Karkaroff, but his cold eyes swept across Linn.

He never expected that Linn and Irina were not helping Dumbledore protect the Goblet of Fire last night, but wanted to do something to the Goblet of Fire like him!

Moreover, the other party also spent an entire night, which made him wait painfully outside the foyer using the Disguise Curse all night!

Thinking of the cold wind that made his nose runny last night, Professor Moody was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"I don't know what you mean, Moody," Karkaroff said coldly, "If it was beneficial to me, I wouldn't oppose it!"

Professor Moody sneered and said: "Really? It's very simple, Karkaroff, someone put Potter's name into the Goblet of Fire. He knew that if the name was spit out by the Goblet of Fire, Potter would have to participate in the competition! Maybe someone wants Potter killed for this!"

At the end of the sentence, Professor Moody almost roared.

However, Professor Moody unexpectedly discovered that his words did not cause anyone to have violent mood swings. Even Harry, who was thought to be trying to kill himself, looked at him calmly at this time.

Just when Professor Moody was confused about this, Karkaroff said calmly: "Moody, I think you are really old. Even a fifth-year wizard can tell these things, but you Take pride in knowing something that everyone knows.”

With that said, Karkaroff nodded to Linn.

After learning that Lin En had said what he wanted to say, Professor Moody looked at Lin En in surprise, and then he wanted to speak again to lead everyone to think in the direction of the conspiracy theory.

But at this moment, Dumbledore spoke again. He looked at everyone in the room and said, "We don't know how this situation came about. But in my opinion, we have no choice but to accept it." .Lynn and Harry were both selected to participate in the competition, therefore, they must..."

Mrs. Maxim wanted to object: "Ah, but, Dumbledore..."

"My dear Madam Maxime, if you have another solution, I am willing to listen." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Okay, let's continue?" Ludo said. He rubbed his hands and looked at the people in the room with a smile. "We are going to provide guidance to the Warriors, right? Old Barty, it's up to you. Bar?"

Hearing Ludo's voice, Old Batty shook his body, and he seemed to suddenly wake up from his meditation.

Lin En's face darkened when he saw this scene. He could naturally tell that something was wrong with Old Barty.

It seems that Barty Sr. has been under the Imperius Curse of Barty Jr. since this time. (End of chapter)

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