The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 296 Why don't you tie him up with a sack at night and beat him?

"How can this be?"

Hearing Linn's words, Irvine couldn't help but exclaimed. He couldn't imagine that Professor Moody in the classroom was actually a Death Eater pretending to be a fake with Polyjuice Potion.

But if this is indeed the case, then how could Professor Dumbledore, a devil-level wizard, not be aware of it? !


According to what Lin En said before, if Professor Dumbledore knew that Professor Moody was seriously injured and nearly died, he would applaud him. Could it be said that Professor Dumbledore already knew the true identity of Barty Jr., instead of Debunk it? !

Irwin thought about it carefully and said in disbelief: "If that's the case, then why didn't Professor Dumbledore reveal Crouch's identity?! I don't think he would tolerate a Death Eater staying in the Hall. Is there a threat to the little wizard in Gwarts Castle?!"

At this time, Irina took a step forward and explained softly: "In fact, this involves a plan, and the existence of Barty Crouch Jr. is an important factor in this plan! Since you are among us If you are a member of the Communist Party of China, then there is no need for us to hide this plan from you anymore."

With that said, Irina told Irwin about Barty Jr.'s plan to resurrect Voldemort, and their plan to use it against him.

After learning the full story of the plan, Irwin felt that his whole body had become numb, and his worldview seemed to have been washed away.

"In other words, you want to resurrect Voldemort?!"

Irwin's lips and teeth moved slightly, and he slumped in the chair, feeling that the CPU of his brain was overloaded.

Linn nodded slightly and said: "Yes, rather than resurrecting Voldemort's Horcruxes in various places unknown to us and causing trouble to the British wizarding world, it is better to resurrect Voldemort's body under controllable circumstances. "

Irvine asked: "So, when you said on the night of the school dinner that you would give me a chance to face the resurrected Voldemort, could you be referring to that day?!"

On the side, Irina said with a smile: "Haven't you already guessed it? After Lynn and Harry are teleported away by the portkey modified by Barty Jr., it will be your turn and my turn to take action. You and I must cooperate." Professor Dumbledore captures and kills Barty Crouch Jr., and then disapparates to support Lynn. At that time, it is time for you to face Voldemort!"

Hearing Irina's words, Irwin's expression became heavy.

He thought that even if he had to face Voldemort directly, it would be in an unknown number of years, but Irina told him that the time would be this year.

However, he is only a fifth-grade wizard now!

No wonder Lin En asked him to master the lightning technique before this year's O.W.L. exam. If there is an ancient magic nearby, he will indeed have more self-protection capabilities.

But even the ability to protect yourself depends on who the target is!

Facing Voldemort, a demon king-level wizard, even if the opponent may fall down after being resurrected, it is definitely not something that a fifth-year wizard who has not even reached the level of an elite Auror can contend with!

In front of such a powerful enemy, let alone an ancient magic, it would not be an exaggeration even if he had a hundred ancient magics at his side!

As if aware of Irwin's worry, Linn patted Irwin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I, Irina and Professor Dumbledore will be the main force against Voldemort when the time comes. I will let you I just came here to give you a chance to practice."

Hearing this, Irwin nodded and his expression improved a lot.

After discussing the identity of Barty Crouch Jr. and plans for the end of the school year, Linn adjusted the shape of the Room of Requirement to that of a training ground, and then directed Irwin's spell on the spot.

If it comes to other magic spells, Irwin may be much inferior to Linn, but when it comes to weather spells, even Linn and Irina are a little ashamed of themselves.

Although Lin En and Irina were able to cast simple weather spells without a wand, they were unable to make the room become filled with dark clouds or even thunder.

But Irwin did it. Without a wand, he could even simply control the dark clouds to rain down thunder on a designated area!

"Irwin, you are really a genius in meteorological spells. I think your family's ancient magic of lightning is perfect for you to learn!"

Linn said in amazement as he watched Irwin controlling the thunder not far away.

Even though Linn's weather spell is not yet capable of silent and wandless casting, he is able to cast silently and wandlessly in many magics, and he still has a certain understanding of the silent and wandless spellcasting technique.

Therefore, under Linn's guidance, Irwin has rapidly improved in the silent and wandless weather spell casting.

When the three of them left the Room of Requirement, Irwin had actually managed to cast the weather spell silently and without a wand while reciting the spell in his heart.

When Irwin no longer needs to recite the spell silently in his mind and can release the weather spell with just a thought, it will be time for him to reach the threshold of practicing the ancient magic of lightning.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Irwin headed outside the castle first. He planned to go to the Forbidden Forest to continue practicing his weather spell and try to start learning the lightning technique as soon as possible.

Irina, on the other hand, returned to the Gryffindor dormitory to take care of the magical animals in the suitcase.

Originally, Irina's first big class in the afternoon was Professor Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but after Professor Moody was seriously injured and nearly died by Linn's alchemy equipment, this class was also cancelled. .

After all, even if the director of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies were to come and treat Professor Moody with Madam Pomfrey, it would be impossible for him to recover in just two hours.

As for Linn, after leaving the Room of Requirement, he turned and walked towards the principal's office not far away.

Although Linn was sure that Dumbledore would not blame him for this incident, the news that the professor in the castle was seriously injured and nearly died by a student would eventually have some bad effects. He still had to ask Dumbledore Liduo explained the situation and expressed his attitude.

Arriving in front of the stone statue outside the principal's office, Linn took out Honeydukes' list and read it one by one. When he read "Bibi's All-flavored Beans," the stone statue moved aside to make way for the principal's office.

So, Linn walked along the spiral staircase to the outside of the principal's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Lynn said hello to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at Linn helplessly and said: "Lynn, even if you want to beat him, there is no need to be so blatant, right?! Why don't you wait until night to put a sack on him and beat him! Tell me, What kind of thing is beating up a professor in front of the whole class?!" (End of Chapter)

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