The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 294 The professor is gone, get out of class is over!

Hearing this, Lin En's face turned cold, and he said calmly: "Why should I take it off? Even if I stand here motionless and let you attack me with the Soul Imperius Curse, you can't do anything to me, let alone What about those ants that only attack in secret?!"

Professor Moody was choked for words and could not refute Linn's words.

As Lin En said, when someone stood there and beat him, he couldn't control the other person with the Imperius Curse. Instead, he was beaten to death by the golden beam, not to mention those dark wizards who made sneak attacks in the dark? !

Professor Moody almost gritted his teeth. He just wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge on this damn little wizard. Why was it so difficult? !

"If I'm not wrong, this kind of alchemical equipment that can resist the Unforgivable Curse should be one-time use, right? If you can block one attack from the opponent, can you block countless times? Only Qian Ni can do it Thief, there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days. Unless you can resist the power of the soul-stealing curse with your own will, no matter how much external force you use, it will be in vain!"

Professor Moody looked at the pendant on Linn's chest that had completely dimmed, and spoke with force.

After hearing Professor Moody's words, Linn shrugged his shoulders and said with a chuckle: "You can give it a try!"

As he spoke, Linn opened his arms, signaling Professor Moody to attack him at will.

Seeing this scene, Professor Moody looked grim.

Since Lin En would say this, it means that Lin En must have other alchemical equipment that can resist the Soul-Seizing Curse, but even if he has two or three, he can't have dozens or hundreds, right? !


Professor Moody shouted angrily in his heart, waved his wand again, and said: "The soul is out of body!"

However, Lin En's body once again lit up with a familiar golden light, and this time the golden light shined on a bracelet on Lin En's right hand. The bright golden light once again erupted into a golden beam, and once again hit Professor Moody. on the wall.

Under the bombardment of this golden beam, half of Professor Moody's body was embedded in the wall, and a lot of wall coverings on the entire wall fell off with violent vibrations.

Suppressing the unbearable pain that came from his body, Professor Moody waved his wand continuously and shouted unbelievingly: "Soul out of body! Soul out of body! Soul out of body!"

The Imperius Curse was shouted out by Professor Moody three times in a row, which shows how obsessed he is with controlling Lynn.

But contrary to expectations, under Professor Moody's desperate gaze, Linn's left wrist, waist and the hem of the wizard's robe lit up with bright golden light one after another, and the three golden beams of light that Professor Moody was so familiar with were It burst out of the air at the same time, bombarding Professor Moody until every inch of his skin was cracked, and all the bones on his body were shattered.

If it weren't for the magic power that surpassed that of an elite Auror, which allowed him to forcibly maintain his own vitality, I'm afraid this body would have lost all vitality due to the horrific injuries!

"How many pieces of this alchemy equipment do you still have?!"

Professor Moody collapsed on the ground, blood continuously spilled from his mouth, and he was completely unable to move below his neck.

Hearing Professor Moody's words, Linn smiled slightly. He reached out and untied his wizard robe and unfolded it to both sides.

Then, all the little wizards in the classroom saw the densely packed metal pieces clinging to the inside of Linn's wizard robe. Each metal piece seemed to be engraved with strange lines and had a faint flicker of light.

The two metal pieces near the waist and hem of Linn's wizard robe became dimmed and lost their original luster.

Obviously, these metal pieces clinging to Linn's wizard robe are all the alchemy equipment Linn mentioned!

There are more than a hundred metal pieces attached to this wizard's robe!


After seeing more than a hundred metal pieces on the inside of Lynn's wizard robe, Professor Moody was so angry that he spat out a blood arrow. The blood arrow spurted out several meters away, spanning half of the classroom.

After spitting out the blood, Professor Moody was so angry that he fainted due to the dual effects of serious injury and rage.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go to the school hospital and ask Madam Pomfrey to come over?!"

Seeing Professor Moody fainted, Linn was shocked, and he ordered Irwin under the podium.

Although Lin En wanted to teach Little Barty a lesson, he didn't really want him to die. It would be a small matter if Little Barty died, but if it affected their subsequent plans, it would be a big deal!

Little Barty can't die until he and Harry are transported to the village of Little Hangleton by the portkey!

"Oh, alright!"

Irwin nodded confusedly, got up and ran towards the school hospital.

After watching Irwin leave, Linn looked at Professor Moody, with a hint of disgust in his dark red eyes. He waved his wand and cast a rudimentary healing spell to keep the other person alive.

Lin En turned around and looked at the little wizards under the podium who looked frightened and dared not move like quails. He said angrily: "What are you looking at? get out of class is over! The professor is gone and he is still here. What are you doing here?!”

After hearing Lin En's words, these little wizards all left the classroom like Meng Dahe, as if they were running away.

After these little wizards left, the news that Professor Moody was knocked unconscious by Lynn Rolle, the hero who once saved Hogwarts Castle, spread in the castle.

Those young wizards who had heard about what Lin En and Irina had done were all wondering if there was something fishy about Professor Moody. Some of them had taken Professor Moody's class but had not yet had time to cast the Imperius Curse. The little wizard is complaining about Professor Moody.

However, these dissatisfied little wizards are in the minority after all, and the contributions that Lynn and Irina have made are there, and Professor Moody has done nothing except giving them a lesson. They had done it, which made them restrain their voices.

In fact, Lin En didn't care about the outside world's opinions.

No matter who these little wizards support, when the identity of Barty Crouch Jr. is revealed at the end of this school year, those little wizards who support Professor Moody will naturally be slapped in the face.

Why should he bother with this? !

As far as the current situation is concerned, he and Irina do not need to go out personally to manage their own image. It is enough to just leave it to the editors of the Daily Prophet who have been won over by the Rohr family.

Wait until next year when the Ministry of Magic takes over to control public opinion and the pink toads enter Hogwarts Castle, then it will be time for them to take action in person to disrupt the situation!

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