The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 288 That’s sending Voldemort to hell!

She didn't make any move to resist, but allowed the excited Lin En to hold her.

It wasn't until Lin En's mood gradually calmed down and he realized that his actions were a little too intimate that he let go of his hand, scratched his head, looked at Irina, whose face was slightly red, and asked: "Then let's go find her now Professor Dumbledore?"

Irina shook her head and said, "When we left just now, Professor Dumbledore seemed to be still talking to Professor Moody in Barty's disguise. We'd better wait until after the curfew."

Linn had no objection. He waved his wand and made tea for the two of them.

They were holding teacups in their hands and sipping the tea in the cups. The overly intimate behavior just now made them both a little embarrassed and did not dare to look into each other's eyes.

It wasn't until the curfew time came that Linn and Irina took a deep breath and stood up at the same time.

Linn opened the door of the Room of Requirement and came to the corridor with Irina. The two of them headed towards the principal's office not far away.

Before leaving the Room of Requirement, Linn used his imitation Marauder's Map to check Professor Moody's current location and determined that Dumbledore was alone in the principal's office at this time, so the two of them walked together on the way to the principal's office. Not many scruples.

Arriving at the stone statue outside the principal's office, Linn took out the Marauder's Map again. After confirming whether anyone would come here for a while, he waved his wand to remove the Disillusionment Curse from his body.

Linn pulled out a long list from his pocket and handed it to Irina who had also removed the Disillusionment Spell beside him, while he himself was responsible for staring at the Marauder's Map in his hand.

"Bibi Multi-flavored Beans! Sizzle Bee Candies! Lemon Snow Pops! Chuobao Super Bubble Gum! Licorice Wand!..."

Irina's crisp voice sounded, and when she read "Pile of Cockroaches," the stone statue blocking the way to the principal's office finally moved.

The stone statue moves aside from the road, revealing the rear path leading to the principal's office.

So, Linn and Irina walked forward and followed the spiral staircase to the door of the principal's office.

Linn stepped forward and knocked gently on the door of the principal's office.

Soon, the door to the principal's office opened on its own, and Lynn and Irina saw Dumbledore sitting behind the desk.

There was a glass of honey water in front of Dumbledore. He looked at the two of them with interest. From the two empty cups placed on the other side of the desk, it could be seen that Dumbledore was very interested in Lynn and Irina. The late arrival had been anticipated.

"Please sit down, Linn and Irina, black tea or coffee?"

Dumbledore said softly.

Lin En and Irina, who had just drank black tea, said in unison: "Coffee, thank you."

Hearing this, Dumbledore waved his wand, and steaming coffee with white mist appeared in the cups in front of them.

Linn did not touch the cup in front of him, but asked straight to the point: "Professor Dumbledore, what you said in the auditorium, 'Unless you are strong enough to break the magic I set,' must have been meant for us. A hint, right? Otherwise, with the magical power of your devil-level wizard, there is no need to emphasize this point."

Dumbledore smiled. He did not answer Lynn's question directly, but instead asked: "Lynn, what do you think of our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Moody?"

Hearing Professor Dumbledore's question about Professor Moody, Lin suddenly realized that it seemed that Professor Dumbledore had discovered something unusual about Professor Moody.

Yes, with Dumbledore's level, how could he not smell the polyjuice potion? !

From this point of view, in the original book, Harry was brought to Little Hangleton Village by the Portkey to resurrect Voldemort, which was within Dumbledore's expectation. Harry's bloodline was used to resurrect Voldemort, making Voldemort unable to kill him. Harry with ancient blood magic, this is Dumbledore's plan.

The only surprise in this plan that was beyond Dumbledore's expectation was probably Cedric's death.

Perhaps even Dumbledore himself could not have imagined that with Barty Crouch Jr. cheating throughout the entire process and even using the Imperius Curse to control Krum, Harry would not be able to obtain the Goblet of Fire on his own. Instead, he was taken away by the portkey along with Cedric.

Faced with Dumbledore's inquiry, Lynn said without hesitation: "Disguise, Professor Moody standing in front of us now is just the former Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Polyjuice Potion." .The real Professor Moody was attacked by Barty Crouch Jr. the day before the first day of school, and should now be hidden in the box he brought!"

After receiving Lin's answer, Dumbledore's eyes clearly showed a bit of surprise.

Based on the intelligence of Lynn and Irina, Dumbledore could guess that they would notice something was wrong with Professor Moody, but Dumbledore did not expect that Lynn would know the true identity of "Professor Moody" so clearly. And the information he knows is somewhat clearer than Dumbledore!

You know, even Dumbledore himself, after Mad-Eye Moody was attacked last night, he only learned the information that the other party was a Death Eater in disguise during his overnight investigation.

But Lynn was able to accurately tell the identity of Barty Crouch Jr. and the hiding place of the real Alastor Moody!

"Can you tell me how you know this?"

Dumbledore asked gently, but his eyes looked much more solemn, and he no longer had the same tone of instructing students before, but as if he was having a formal conversation with his comrades.

The information that Lynn had just revealed made Dumbledore willing to put Lynn and Irina on the same level as himself and discuss the next matter as comrades-in-arms.

Dumbledore rubbed his eyes gently. For some reason, he felt that the boy sitting in front of him now was no longer the young wizard Lynn Rowe, but Hendry Rowe, his comrade who was an undercover Death Eater. you!

Linn had no intention of hiding it from Dumbledore. He waved his wand and a projection screen appeared in front of the three of them. What was shown on this projection screen was the perspective of Barty Crouch Jr.!

"I got inspiration from an ancient magic and invented a spell called the Enchantment that can gain the enemy's vision. Four days ago, Irina and I were fighting against the rioting Death Eaters. I discovered Barty Crouch Jr. in it, and in order to get more information about Voldemort and the Death Eaters, I cast a soul possession spell on Barty Crouch Jr."

"So, last night, Irina and I witnessed the entire process of Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew sneaking up on Mr. Alastor Moody. This is why I can know all this in such detail. "

Linn said calmly that he would confess everything about the possessing curse to Dumbledore.

This was his test. If Dumbledore was willing to accept everything he showed and expressed his intention to cooperate, then he and Irina would not mind revealing more information to Dumbledore so that both parties could cooperate together. win.

After all, at this stage, their purpose is the same, which is to send Voldemort to hell!

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