The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 285 An opportunity to face Voldemort

Everyone quickly arrived at the auditorium. This year's auditorium was still as brilliant and magnificent. Hundreds of candles were floating above the table, making the gold plates and goblets shine.

The four principal tables were filled with young wizards from the four major colleges, and on the teacher's bench above were professors from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, there were two seats on the teacher's bench at this time. The empty ones belong to the Care of Magical Creatures professor and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor respectively.

After the end of the last school year, Newt returned to his usual retirement life, while Hagrid resumed his position as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures after the suspension inspection.

Not long after, Hagrid came to the auditorium with many first-year wizards, and he returned to his seat and sat down.

After the arrival of the first-year students, this year's sorting ceremony also began.

After the Sorting Hat finished singing the sorting song that it spent a year conceived, Professor McGonagall presided over the sorting ceremony and sorted the freshmen into the houses that suited them one by one.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore announced the start of the school dinner.

Countless delicious foods appeared on the table, and everyone was feasting.

Irina stuffed her mouth full of delicious food, like a little hamster. She glanced at Hermione who was also enjoying the delicious food next to her, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she and Linn intercepted the Death Eaters' parade four days ago and informed Old Barty of Little Barty's identity in advance. This made the scene in the original book where the house elf Sparkle was reprimanded and expelled by Old Barty in person different. Not in front of Hermione.

Therefore, she has not witnessed all kinds of unfair treatment of house elves like the original work, and she is no longer as neurotic about house elves as in the original work, and even thinks that the house elves raised in Hogwarts Castle are slaves. Labor, unwilling to eat the fruits of so-called "slave labor" at the school party.

This also saved Irina from being annoyed by her best friend to the point where she couldn't even eat the delicacies at the back-to-school dinner.

On the other side, at the Slytherin table.

Irwin Foley, who was sitting next to Linn, turned sideways and asked, "Lynn, I heard that you and Irina teamed up with the Ministry of Magic to kill dozens of Death Eaters four days ago?"

Lin En did not intend to hide the members of his small group. He glanced at the little wizards around him and waved his wand gently: "Close your ears and listen!"

After casting the earplug listening spell to create a safe communication environment, Linn said without hesitation: "To be precise, Irina and I worked together to kill dozens of Death Eaters. As for those arrogant people in the Ministry of Magic, Luo, they all arrived after the incident. Even if they arrived later, they wouldn't be able to see the six living Death Eaters!"

"Wow," a look of yearning appeared in Irwin's eyes, "As expected of you! It's a pity that my magic level is not enough to help you!"

Hearing this, Linn chuckled and asked, "What level of magic is your current level?"

Irwin pondered for a while and said: "Many of my spells can be cast silently, and the spell I am best at, the weather spell, can barely be cast without a wand. However, with you, Compared with the magic that I am good at, the weather spell seems a bit ordinary..."

The magic spell that Irwin is best at is the weather spell, but unlike the control of various climates, he is better at controlling thunderstorm weather in terms of weather spells. He can even use the weather spell to summon thunder on a sunny day!

Lynn smiled and patted Irwin on the shoulder and said: "It is a good thing to be good at spells, just like I am good at fire magic, Irina is good at ice magic, and the so-called savior Harry Potter, He is also good at disarming spells. There is no distinction between strong and weak magic. Even Cleaner can clear enemies as garbage after practicing to the extreme, let alone a weather spell that can control the weather?"

Lin En was not trying to comfort Irvine, what he said was indeed the truth.

After all, the ancient magic book of the Foley family records an ancient magic that requires the completion of silent and wandless casting of weather spells as the learning threshold!

If Linn remembers correctly, that ancient magic is called Thunderbolt!

Irwin also thought of this. He nodded vigorously and said, "I understand, Lynn. I will try my best to reach the threshold of practicing that ancient magic before this year's O.W.L. exam begins!"

Linn nodded slightly. He looked at Irwin's firm gaze beside him, and an idea came to his mind.

"If you were given a chance, would you be willing to..."

Lin En pondered, still a little hesitant in his heart.

"What chance?" Irwin asked.

Linn said in a low voice: "An opportunity to face the resurrected Voldemort."

Hearing Linn's words, Irwin's face turned serious. He looked at Linn's deep eyes and was sure that Linn was not joking with him.

However, facing the resurrected Voldemort, the nightmare of countless British wizards...

Irwin's body was trembling slightly, but his eyes were as firm as ever: "If there is such an opportunity, then I think I would like it."

Seeing this, Linn smiled, patted Irwin hard on the shoulder, and said lightly: "In that case, I ask you to master the ancient magic called Thunderbolt before the O.W.L. exam begins! I think you need to be strong enough to protect yourself, I don’t want to see my partner die under Voldemort’s death curse in just one encounter!”

Irwin nodded and said, "I will do my best!"

While Linn and Irvine were talking, the opening dinner was coming to an end.

As the desserts were swept away by the little wizards, the last remaining crumbs on the plate disappeared, and the plate became clean and shiny again.

At this time, Dumbledore stood up at the teacher's desk, and the noise in the auditorium suddenly stopped. Only the howling of the wind and the pounding of heavy rain could be heard in the quiet auditorium.

"Okay!" Dumbledore looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Now that we have eaten and drank enough, I must ask everyone's attention again. I want to make a few announcements."

"Mr. Filch, the castle administrator, would like me to tell you that this year, several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are the screaming yo-yo, the fang flying saucer and the combo boomerang. The entire list includes four hundred and thirty Seven items, which can be seen in Mr. Filch’s office, and those who are interested can check it out.”

After saying this, the corners of Dumbledore's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Then, Dumbledore continued: "As before, I would like to remind everyone that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue, and in Hogsmeade Village, students below the third grade are not allowed to visit. In addition, I I also regret to inform you that the College Cup Quidditch Tournament will not be held this year." (End of Chapter)

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