The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 281 Old Batty on the Path

After hearing the words of Lynn and Mr. Weasley, no matter how ignorant Old Barty and the Aurors were, they should understand that Lynn was not the one who released the Dark Mark.

The two parties put down their wands in a tacit understanding, and Linn waved his hand to disperse the five alchemy circles around him, while the Aurors stopped attacking Linn.

"Mr. Rohr, since you said you are a warrior against the Death Eaters, then please tell me where those Death Eaters are now?"

Suddenly, Lin En labeled him as complicit in the Death Eaters. Old Barty's face was obviously a little uneasy. He quickly pressed Lin En and tried to change the subject.

Hearing this, Lin En's eyes became even more mocking.

Lynn said calmly: "I think if Mr. Crouch was not blind, he should be able to see the battle taking place there."

As he spoke, Linn pointed to the battle taking place in the ring of fire not far away, or in other words, a one-sided massacre.

Old Barty and the Aurors engaged in a firefight with Lynn the moment they Apparated. After the firefight stopped, their attention was focused on Linn, a young wizard who could block twenty with one. .

It wasn't until Lynn pointed in the direction of Irina that the Aurors discovered the battle taking place in the ring of fire.

The location where Old Barty and the twenty Aurors apparated happened to be on a small slope, which allowed them to have a clear view of everything happening in the ring of fire.

Under the unbelievable gazes of these twenty people, those frightening Death Eaters fell down one by one like lambs waiting to be slaughtered by Irina's Ice Phantom God.

From the costumes of these Death Eaters, the old Aurors who had experienced the war against Voldemort all determined the identities of these Death Eaters. They pulled out their wands without hesitation and ran towards the ring of fire.

However, just when they arrived outside the ring of fire and planned to use magic spells to knock down the Death Eaters, they were horrified to find that their magic was suppressed by an inexplicable force.

Except for some elite Aurors, other Aurors cannot even cast a spell!

The same was true for Old Barty who ran outside the fire ring with the Aurors. He looked anxiously and angrily in the direction of Linn and asked: "What kind of power is this? Why is our magic suppressed?!"

You must know that magic is the lifeblood of wizards. If this power that can suppress wizards' magic spreads and is mastered by unscrupulous people, the entire magical world may be destroyed!

Seeing this, Linn chuckled and waved his left hand. The forbidden demon power that descended on Old Barty and the Aurors suddenly disappeared, and the ring of fire transformed by the forbidden demon fire also divided a path, which could Accommodate old Barty and these Aurors into it.

Lynn chuckled and said, "Mr. Crouch, if you know me better, you should know my teacher's name, Wallison Green."

Old Barty was stunned. Even if he didn't know much about alchemy, he had a certain understanding of the identity of Wallison Green, the famous French alchemist who invented the forbidden magic stone.

If Linn is a disciple of Wallison Green, then it makes sense that Linn can master this power. Moreover, with the restraint of Mr. Green, Linn will not spread this power at will.

At this time, after seeing the Aurors coming from outside the fire ring, Irina stopped.

After the Aurors took over the scene, these Death Eaters were naturally no longer under the control of Lynn and Irina. It was better to leave these troublesome matters to these Aurors.

It's just that... after the previous killings, there were only six of the original dozens of Death Eaters left...

After seeing the arrival of the Aurors, the remaining six Death Eaters not only did not think about escaping, but instead surrendered to the Aurors one after another as if they had seen a savior, almost holding the Aurors' thighs and shouting, " Dad".

Looking at the corpses of the Death Eaters lying on the ground and the six crying Death Eaters, Old Barty looked at Irina, who was wearing an ice armor with blood on it, unable to speak. He asked with difficulty: "Did you kill all these Death Eaters?"

Irina nodded slightly and said, "Yes, sir, these Death Eaters were causing trouble in the camp, and I gave them some lessons."

Hearing Irina's words, the remaining six Death Eaters almost cried.

You call this some lessons? !

Since the arrival of this evil star, the other party has not given them a chance to change their ways. If the Aurors hadn't arrived earlier, I'm afraid they would all be dead!

Old Barty swallowed hard and waved his fingers to have an Auror restrain the six Death Eaters with special magic chains.

After seeing the remaining six Death Eaters arrested, Linn withdrew the forbidden fire and stored it in his body again.

"Lynn, can I call you that? With the power of your forbidden magic stone, these Death Eaters must not be able to release magic. In other words, the person who released the Dark Mark should not be among them. Tell me who the person who released the Dark Mark is? Or tell me his appearance?"

Old Batty came over and whispered to Linn.

After experiencing so many shocks before, he would never dare to treat Linn the same way he treated an underage wizard. He looked at Linn and Irina as if he were looking at Dumbledore. generally.

After all, Linn was able to single-handedly defeat twenty Aurors, including several elite Aurors. It can be seen that Linn's magic level must be above that of the elite Aurors.

As for whether Linn's magical power has reached the threshold of a demon king-level wizard, Old Barty guessed that the other party has not, but it must not be far away.

"I don't think you want to know the answer."

Sensing the change in Old Barty's attitude, Linn's tone was no longer as indifferent and cold as before, and he said softly.

Hearing this, Old Barty suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He pushed away the Aurors around him and said in a voice that only Lynn could hear: "You tell me, I think I can accept it."

Linn smiled slightly when he saw old Batty looking like he was on the right track.

In order not to change the plot direction of the original work, Linn did not intend to expose the identity of Barty Jr., and Barty Sr.'s move to withdraw from the surrounding Aurors undoubtedly coincided with Linn's idea.

In this case, it would not be a big problem to inform Barty Sr., who had already made some guesses, about Little Barty's identity.

So, Linn also whispered in a voice that only Barty Sr. could hear: "I think you know that person, Barty Crouch Jr.!" (End of Chapter)

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