The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 278 Let the power of this forbidden demon be seen by the world again

Before the Death Eater could react, the green beam of light hit him hard. In an instant, the Death Eater's eyes suddenly became empty, and his soul was being killed by the Death Curse. The bottom was erased.


The Death Eater's body fell to the ground, making a muffled sound, and it was this muffled sound that attracted the attention of other Death Eaters who were marching.

"Try not to use the Unforgivable Curse. I won't have time to wear the Pure Heart on you during the battle later!"

Lin En whispered, and with a wave of his left hand, a ball of fierce fire formed out of thin air and was thrown in the direction of the group of Death Eaters.

After hearing Lin En's words, Irina, who was blinded by anger, suddenly woke up. She mobilized the power of ice in her body to surge out, using extreme cold to force herself to stay awake.

On the other side, these Death Eaters looked at Li Huo, who had transformed into a cheetah, a wild wolf, and other shapes and flew towards them, and were so frightened that they almost died.

However, even if their magic level is not very high, as high-level members of pure-blood families, they still have certain insights into black magic such as Li Fire and its counter-spells.

"All curses end!"

Before the fire could spread to their location, these Death Eaters pointed their wands at the ground without hesitation and chanted the spell in unison.

Invisible light waves spread. Perhaps a Death Eater's Curse of All Curses was not enough to extinguish Lin En's fierce fire, but dozens of Curses of All Curses were intertwined together, and their power had already reached a qualitative transformation. degree.

The red and black fire was annihilated in the air, and a figure shining with ice-blue light shuttled into the group of Death Eaters at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye without any of the Death Eaters noticing. rear.

The ice-blue figure stopped behind the Death Eater camp, revealing the other party's face.

This ice blue figure is Irina. Irina's wand has been inserted back into her waist, and her right hand is tightly holding an ice crystal spear that shines with a cold light.

Her body was covered in thick ice armor, and even her face was shrouded in a veil of ice mist.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

At this time, the Death Eaters quickly launched an attack on Linn. They had no time to pay attention to the four Muggles above their heads. After losing the support of the floating spell, the four Muggles fell to the ground one after another. .

Looking at the magic spells flying from all directions, Linn chuckled, and a black-red flame centered on his body and spread out in all directions.

As the black-red flame spread, all the curses directed at Linn were blocked by the black-red flame and extinguished the moment they came into contact with the black-red flame.

Seeing this strange flame, the eyes of the Death Eaters changed obviously.

Being proficient in black magic, they can naturally recognize that this kind of flame is definitely not a powerful fire, but apart from the powerful fire, they have never seen a magical flame that can swallow up magic spells or even annihilate them.

Lin's left hand flipped up and down, and the black-red flames suddenly swept towards the group of Death Eaters.

"Let the power of this forbidden demon be seen by the world again!"

Linn said softly, and the black-red flame burned more fiercely.

Yes, that black-red flame is not a fierce fire, but a forbidden demonic fire that Lin En refined using alchemy and a fire spell!

Naturally, the fire that possesses the power to ban demons cannot be restrained by the curses of these Death Eaters.

Just when these Death Eaters thought they were about to be burned to death by the forbidden demon fire, they were surprised to find that after the forbidden demon fire approached within ten meters of them, it no longer moved forward, but turned around. And it spread towards their surroundings, trapping them in this circle of fiercely burning black-red flames.


After the forbidden fire surrounded them, this word appeared in the hearts of these Death Eaters.

These Death Eaters couldn't believe that the wizard who didn't know where he came from didn't kill them immediately when he had the chance to kill them. Instead, he wanted to imprison them and play cat tricks. A game of mice!

Thinking of this, anger appeared in the eyes of these Death Eaters.

Back when Voldemort had not yet fallen, they were the ones who broke into other people's homes at night and played cat and mouse games.

Once upon a time, Death Eaters were the nightmares of ordinary wizards, and they were existences that could scare children away from crying at night!

But now, just over ten years after Voldemort's fall, do wizards already look down on their Death Eaters so much? !

In fact, it is not that Lin En wants to play tricks on them, but the strength of the forbidden magic fire lies in its ability to suppress magic, not the high temperature of its flames. The temperature of the forbidden magic fire itself is no higher than that of ordinary magic. How much higher is the flame?

If Linn controls the forbidden fire to attack these Death Eaters, perhaps the forbidden fire can burn some of the Death Eaters, but there will probably be more Death Eaters who force their way out of the ring of fire and escape. Born in heaven.

Especially among these Death Eaters is Barty Crouch Jr., whose magic level is not lower than that of the elite Aurors. If Barty Jr. is allowed to escape, the other party can even use magic to interrupt Linn's attack. Control of flames!

Therefore, the best way to use the Forbidden Fire is to use the Forbidden Fire to create a demon-sealing realm so that the Death Eaters in the fire circle cannot use magic.

Don’t forget, Lin En is not fighting alone now!

Irina was seen holding an ice crystal spear and slowly passing through the flames. The black-red flames licked Irina's ice armor covering the surface of her body. However, under Linn's control, the forbidden demonic fire that could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy was not enough. It would hurt Irina, but after touching Irina, she quickly moved away, and at the same time restrained the magic-forbidden power exerted on Irina.

When Irina walked into the ring of fire, she became the only wizard in the flame cage whose magic power was not affected, while the other Death Eaters were undoubtedly trapped animals in the cage!

Seeing the little witch coming in front of them, these Death Eaters showed their claws one after another. Even if they couldn't use magic, they didn't believe that they, with dozens of Death Eaters here, couldn't kill an underage little witch!

However, one of the Death Eaters at the back of the group of Death Eaters looked at Irina with a look of disbelief. Not only that, there was also a hint of timidity in his eyes.

"Kill this witch!"

A Death Eater shouted loudly, and he took the lead in rushing towards Irina. The claw in his right hand reached out towards Irina's neck. (End of chapter)

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