The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 276: Childish Quidditch World Cup

Lin En looked at the clover in the sky. The alchemy contact lenses he always wore in front of his pupils flashed with light, and the clover quickly enlarged in Lin En's eyes.

After the clover was enlarged to a certain extent, Linn discovered that the clover was actually made up of countless little people wearing red vests and mustaches. Each little person who made up the clover was holding a golden or light bulb. The small green lights and the huge clover are made of these lights.

At this time, the golden rain fell on the audience, and the wizards were surprised to find that it turned out to be gold coins!

"Irish Leprechaun!"

Through the gold coins falling from the sky, Linn identified the identities of the little people in the sky. They were creatures called Irish leprechauns. They were able to create large amounts of gold coins through the magic in their blood, but These gold coins are just like the essence of their magic. They will disappear after the magic power in them is exhausted.

Therefore, it is illegal in the wizarding world to pay with gold coins made by Irish leprechauns, as they are not real money.

However, not all wizards can recognize these Irish leprechauns, just like Ron, who is frantically competing with the wizards for gold coins on the ground.

Ron happily came back with a handful of gold coins, put it into Harry's hand, and said happily: "Here you go! Give me back your panoramic telescope! Now you have to buy me a Christmas gift."

Earlier when Harry and the Weasley family passed by the vendors, Harry had bought Ron a panoramic telescope in the name of giving an early Christmas gift.

Therefore, after Ron obtained these gold coins, he did not keep them secret, but gave them all to Harry.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that these are gold coins made by Irish leprechauns, and they will disappear after a while due to exhaustion of magic power.

At this time, the Irish leprechauns finished throwing their gold coins and landed opposite the Veela on the field. They sat down cross-legged and got ready to watch the game.

With the disappearance of the huge clover, Ludo Bagman once again opened his mouth to preside over the game.

Ludo announced loudly: "Now, ladies and gentlemen, please warmly welcome... the Bulgarian Quidditch national team! Let me introduce to you, Dimitrov!"

As Ludo finished speaking, a figure in red clothes riding a broomstick flew into the arena from an entrance below. His speed was so fast that he left only an afterimage in the air.

When he slowly stopped in the air, the supporters of the Bulgarian Quidditch national team gave him enthusiastic cheers.

Ludo continued shouting: "Ivanova!"

Before Lu Duo could finish speaking, a second figure in bright red robes flew out.

"Zograv! Levsky! Volkanov! Volkov! Next...Krum!"

Ludo shouted continuously, and when he came to the last name, he paused slightly, and then burst into even more fierce shouts.

"It's him, it's him!"

In the box, Ron shouted loudly as if he had met his idol's little fanboy. His eyes followed Klum's figure through the panoramic telescope.

Under Ron's vigorous shouting, everyone subconsciously looked in Krum's direction.

I saw that Viktor Krum on the field was dark and thin, with gray-yellow skin, a big aquiline nose and two thick black eyebrows. He looked like a very tall dog. A huge eagle, if his game registration information hadn't been like this, no one would have believed that he was only eighteen years old.

"Now, please welcome...the Irish Quidditch national team! On the field are...Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mallett! Moran! Quigley! And...and...and...Linzie! "

After all the players of the Bulgarian Quidditch national team appeared on the stage, Ludo began to shout out the names of the players of the Irish Quidditch national team.

At this time, seven blurry green figures flew towards the field. These players were all riding Firebolts, and their names were embroidered with silver silk thread on the Firebolts' broomsticks.

"And our referee today, the well-supported president of the International Quidditch Federation who flew all the way from Egypt...Hassan Mustafa!"

Under Ludo's vigorous shouting, a short, thin wizard wearing a pure golden robe that matched the color of the stadium slowly walked into the stadium.

As the referee released the Quaffle, Bludgers and Golden Snitch, and blew the silver whistle, this grand game officially began.

This Quidditch World Cup is indeed a world-class competition. The competition between the teams participating in this game is naturally not as trivial as the House Cup of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The two teams are trying their best. In the competition, various Quidditch skills were displayed in front of the wizards, feasting the eyes of the wizards who came to watch the game.

And when Klum used his signature Wonsky fake, the entire audience burst into cheers and exclamations.

Of course, when Linzi of the Irish Quidditch national team failed to react due to Klum's Wronsky fake move and fell to the ground hard, so did the supporters of the Irish Quidditch national team. There was a sigh.

After Lin Qi came to his senses and expressed that he could continue playing, the game continued.

However, when the score between the Irish Quidditch National Team and the Bulgarian Quidditch National Team reached 130:10, the game gradually became unscrupulous.

On the field, the goalkeeper of the Bulgarian Quidditch national team committed the first foul and hit the opponent's pursuer with an elbow. The referee Mustafa blew the whistle and allowed the Irish Quidditch national team to take a free throw.

At the same time, the mascots of both sides, the Veela and the Irish leprechauns, provoked each other. The Veelas even danced on the field, using their own charm abilities to interfere with the opponent's actions.

However, the members of the Irish Quidditch national team were not disturbed, but the referee of this game, Hassan Mustafa, landed in front of these Veela, flexing and stretching his limbs, showing off his muscles, and He stroked his beard excitedly.

Seeing this scene, Ludo Bagman, who was in charge of commentating the game, sighed and said: "Oh, this won't work! Can anyone go up and slap the referee?"

As Ludo finished speaking, a field doctor blocked his ears with his hands, rushed into the field, kicked the referee Mustafa's calf several times, and finally brought the opponent back to his senses.

The referee Mustafa looked very embarrassed. He shouted loudly at the Veelas. However, under the referee Mustafa's shout, the Veelas were forced to stop dancing and they all looked at the referee. Mustafa looked unconvinced.

Looking at everything happening on the court, Linn shook his head and sighed, covering his face.

It seems that he has to retract his previous views on this Quidditch World Cup. It turns out that it is not just the House Cup of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that is a child's play, but the entire wizarding world.

Didn't you see that even the Quidditch World Cup, the most grand event in the entire wizarding world, has turned out to be such a child's play?

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