The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 Time Standstill Formation

Linn, who originally wanted to learn more advanced alchemy knowledge from Nico, never expected that the first thing he did when he came here was not to learn alchemy, but to teach Nico Flamel ancient magic.

After getting information about the ancient magic of the Purgatory Demon Puppet from Lin En, Nico, who was very interested, decided to learn the ancient magic of the Purgatory Demon Puppet. Although this ancient magic is not powerful, it is similar to the alchemy creation. Similar characteristics made Nico decide to study it carefully.

I am afraid that no one in the magic world would have thought that the great alchemist Nico Flamel would actually ask his disciple for advice on ancient magic.

If outsiders knew this, they would be shocked.

However, as a devil-level wizard, Nico Flamel naturally learns ancient magic much faster than an underage wizard like Linn. In just one afternoon, Nico completed the process of learning ancient magic. principles to the process of making a complete purgatory demon puppet.

It was noon when Linn came to Nico's cabin, and now it was only evening, and the purgatory demon puppet created by Nico had already appeared in front of Linn.

Looking at this flame puppet, which was slightly more powerful than the purgatory demon puppet he had refined, Lin En looked incredulous.

"Okay, let me study this ancient magic by myself later. Linn, you are still a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your time during the summer vacation is limited. Let's teach alchemy first."

Nico waved his wand and put away his infernal demon. He smiled and said to Linn.

Hearing this, Lin En's eyes lit up. Isn't this the moment he has been waiting for!

Just listen to Nico ask aloud: "Lynn, this guy Wallison should have taught you something new a few days ago, right?"

Lin En nodded honestly and said: "Yes, Master, the teacher taught me the illusion formation, legilimens and occlumency in the past two weeks."

"Illusion array? An advanced version of soul alchemy?" Nico thought about something and said, "Then I will also teach you some advanced versions of time alchemy!"

Thinking of this, Nico asked: "Lynn, do you still remember the refining technique of the Sand of Time that I taught you last year?"

Lin En nodded again and said, "Remember!"

Even though Lin En did not try time alchemy again this school year, he who successfully refined the Sand of Time would not forget it just because a school year has passed.

Nico smiled and said: "That's easy to handle. This year I plan to teach you two alchemy formations for the purpose of controlling and containing the enemy. They are the time stasis formation and the time cycle formation!"

Just like the alchemical formation is a pattern formed by connecting a large number of alchemical runes in series or parallel, the alchemical formation is an aggregation of alchemical formations composed of a large number of alchemical formations.

The illusion formation that Lin En learned a week ago is one of the alchemical formations.

In fact, the alchemy arrays that Lin En enchanted on various alchemy props, after they are connected together to form an aggregation of alchemy arrays, are all alchemy arrays in a strict sense.

However, alchemists prefer to call the aggregation of alchemical formations that can be directly used in combat alchemical formations.

Just listen to Nico explain: "Both of these two alchemical formations use the Sands of Time as their energy source. After activating these two alchemical formations, the time in the formation will be controlled by the power of the Sands of Time." . Among them, everything in the time-stopping formation will be completely still, and the enemy in the time-stopping formation is like being under a whole-body binding spell, unable to move, and even his thinking will be frozen in time until the formation Invalid."

After hearing the power of the time-stopping formation, Lin En couldn't help but shudder. He asked: "Master, if the time-stopping formation is really so powerful, then shouldn't I just lure the enemy into the formation and activate it again?" By using the formation and maintaining the operation of the formation, the enemy can be trapped in the time-stopping formation forever, so that the enemy's time will be stopped forever and he will never be reincarnated?!"

Hearing this, Nico chuckled and said: "How can it be so simple? If it is really that simple, then the time-stopping formation will not be unknown in the alchemy world."

Lynn nodded in agreement.

As Nico said, if the Time Stasis Formation is truly unsolvable, then no matter how difficult or expensive it is to learn, alchemists will flock to it and regard it as a treasure in the field of alchemy. .

Nico explained: "In fact, the operation of the Time Stop Formation consumes a huge amount of energy stored in the Sands of Time. After all, the power of the Sands of Time lies in fast forwarding or rewinding time, rather than stopping time, but time stops. The formation achieves the effect of time stopping, but time stopping violates the rules of time."

Lin En asked thoughtfully: "So, if the time-stationary formation violates the rules of time, if it wants to operate, it needs to absorb a large amount of energy from the Sands of Time to go against the rules. In this case In fact, the time stasis formation cannot be maintained for too long."

Nico nodded with a smile and said: "That's right. One Sand of Time can only supply the time-stop formation for one hour at most, and the energy source of the time-stop formation can only be one grain of sand at the same time. It cannot Drawing on the power of multiple sands of time at the same time, even if an alchemist replaces the sands of time and replaces its energy source, it will interrupt its operation, giving enemies trapped in it a chance to break free. This is why I It is said that its function is to control and contain the enemy, not to kill the enemy."

If the maximum that the time-stopping formation can achieve is to trap the enemy for an hour, then this alchemy formation is not as powerful as Linn imagined.

After all, even an ordinary full-body binding spell can control the enemy for ten minutes or even half an hour after hitting the enemy.

If we say the biggest advantage of the time-stopping formation, perhaps it is the AOE's range group control ability, and the enemies trapped in it and whose time has been stopped cannot be rescued in advance through any counter-spells, but can only wait obediently for time to stop. The energy of the formation is exhausted.

At this time, Nico seemed to be possessed by Greene. He took out an alchemy notebook from his pocket with a smile and handed it to Linn.

"These are the alchemy runes and alchemy formations needed to refine the time-stopping formation. You should memorize them tonight. We will officially start teaching the time-stopping formation tomorrow!"

Nico said so.

The Time Standstill Array is not very difficult in refining the alchemy array. Its real difficulty lies in the Sands of Time and Time Alchemy. This is why Nico asked Lin En if he still remembered it before the teaching started. The refining technique of the Sands of Time.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this that Nico gave Lin his alchemy notes and let him learn by himself instead of teaching him directly as usual.

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